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Top 10 Examples of "wtf_wikipedia in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'wtf_wikipedia' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

test('', () => {

  const store = createStore(reducer, {
    insights: {
      definitions: testDefinitions,
      searches: [
          name: 'Google',
          url: '',
      wikis: [
          recipe: defaultRecipe.wikis[0],
          doc: wtf(testWikitext),
      text: 'Blood Meridian',
    recipe: defaultRecipe,
    pub: testPub,
    ast: [],
  const { getAllByText, getByTitle, getByText } = render(

  // Expect insight to have opened definitions
test('', async () => {
  const { getByLabelText, getAllByText, getByText } = render(

  // Validate only main section was rendered
  getByText("McCarthy's fifth book", { exact: false });
  // in second section:
  expect(() =>
    getByText('The novel follows an adolescent runaway', { exact: false }),
  // in infobox:
  expect(() => getByText('historical novel')).toThrow();

  // Validate attribution
  let el = getByText('Source: Wikipedia:');
  el = el.querySelector('a')!;

  // Trigger section change from breadcrumbs to main "Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West"
    getByText('Blood Meridian or The Evening Redness in the West'),

  // Validate we're back to main section
  getByText('Source: Wikipedia:');
  getByText("McCarthy's fifth book", { exact: false });
  getByText('Continue Reading');
  getByText('Show Statistics');

  // Mock wtf_wikipedia.fetch()
  const mockFetch = ((wtf as any).fetch = jest.fn());

  // Click "Cormac McCarthy" link'Cormac McCarthy'));

  // Validate new article was loaded
  await waitForDomChange();
  getByText('American novelist, playwright, and', { exact: false });

  // Click back button to main "Blood Meridian" article'Go back to previous article'));

  // Validate we're back to main article
  getByText("McCarthy's fifth book", { exact: false });
function printWikiSummary(queryText) {
  let spinner = ora({ text: 'Searching...', spinner: 'dots4' }).start();

  queryText = queryText.replace(/_/g, ' ');

  wiki.fetch(queryText, _lang, (err, doc) => {

    if (err) {
      console.log('Error:', err);

    if (doc) {
      let summary = doc.sections()[0].text();

      // Handle ambiguous results
      if (_disambig || isDisambiguationPage(doc) || summary.includes('may refer to:')) {
        handleAmbiguousResults(doc, queryText);

      // Output
function parseJob(markup) {

  // gets the first sentence in Wikipedia markup
  var sentence = WikipediaApi.plaintext(markup).split(/\. [A-Z]/)[0];

  // split after name and DOB
  var arr = sentence.split(' is ');
  arr.splice(0, 1);

  // get their job
  var job = arr.join(' is ').replace(/^a /, '').replace(/^an /, '').replace(/^the /, '');
  job = job.split(' who')[0];
  job = job.split(', where')[0];
  job = job.split(' from')[0];
  job = job.split('; ')[0];
  job = job.replace(/[,.:;!@#$%^&*()+ ]+$/, '');

  // if job description is over 90 characters, is probably bad.
  return job.length > 90 ? '' : job;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    wtf_wikipedia.from_api(, 'en', function (markup) {
      var wiki = wtf_wikipedia.parse(markup)
      if (wiki.type === 'disambiguation') {
        console.log(, 'disambiguation. fetching flag from +(country)')
        return wtf_wikipedia.from_api( + ' (country)', 'en', function (markup) {
          var wiki = wtf_wikipedia.parse(markup)
          console.log(, '(country) wiki', wiki)
          console.log(, '(country) infobox', wiki.infobox)
          if (wiki.infobox && wiki.infobox.image_flag && wiki.infobox.image_flag.text) {
            console.log(, '(country) flag', wiki.infobox.image_flag.text)
      console.log(, 'infobox', wiki.infobox)
      if (wiki.infobox && wiki.infobox.image_flag && wiki.infobox.image_flag.text) {
wtf_wikipedia.from_api(, 'en', function (markup) {
      var wiki = wtf_wikipedia.parse(markup)
      if (wiki.type === 'disambiguation') {
        console.log(, 'disambiguation. fetching flag from +(country)')
        return wtf_wikipedia.from_api( + ' (country)', 'en', function (markup) {
          var wiki = wtf_wikipedia.parse(markup)
          console.log(, '(country) wiki', wiki)
          console.log(, '(country) infobox', wiki.infobox)
          if (wiki.infobox && wiki.infobox.image_flag && wiki.infobox.image_flag.text) {
            console.log(, '(country) flag', wiki.infobox.image_flag.text)
      console.log(, 'infobox', wiki.infobox)
      if (wiki.infobox && wiki.infobox.image_flag && wiki.infobox.image_flag.text) {
        console.log(, 'flag', wiki.infobox.image_flag.text)
        country.flag = '' + wiki.infobox.image_flag.text
const fetch_page = function (title, cb) {
    wtf_wikipedia.from_api(title, lang, function (markup) {
      let text = wtf_wikipedia.plaintext(markup) || '';
      let filename = __dirname + '/corpus/' + title + '.txt';
      fs.writeFileSync(filename, text, 'utf8')
      let mb = (fs.statSync(filename).size || 0) / 1000000.0;
      console.log(title + '  -  ' + mb.toFixed(2) + 'mb');
      cb(null, '');
return new Promise(resolve => {
    if (state.debug) {
      console.log('ActionWikipedia'.bold.yellow, `concept: ${concept}`);

    if (!concept) resolve(state);

    wikipedia.from_api(concept, 'en', (response) => {
      const document = wikipedia.parse(response);
      if (document.type === 'page' && document.categories.length > 0) {
        const summary = => sentence.text).join(' ');

        state.action = {
          ms: (new Date() - ms),
          engine: 'wikipedia',
          entity: entities.knowledge,
          image: `${document.images[0]}`,
          title: ? : concept,
          value: summary,
          related: extract(document.infobox),

names.forEach(function(name) {

    WikipediaApi.from_api(name, 'en', function(markup) {
      if(!markup){ console.log(name); return;}
      var id = wikis[name][0];
      var fullName = name;
      var occupation = parseJob(markup);
      var extract = parseExtract(markup);
      var url = '' + encodeURIComponent(fullName);

      var update = {
        'id': id,
        'wikipedia': {
          'fullName': fullName,
          'occupation': occupation,
          'extract': extract,
          'url': url

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