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Top 10 Examples of "asyncbox in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'asyncbox' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function ensureUnlocked (driver) {
  // on Travis the device is sometimes not unlocked
  await retryInterval(10, 1000, async function () {
    if (!await driver.isLocked()) {
    console.log(`\n\nDevice locked. Attempting to unlock`); // eslint-disable-line
    await driver.unlock();
    // trigger another iteration
    throw new Error(`The device is locked.`);
it('should type a url in the text field', async function () {
          // in Travis this sometimes gets the wrong text
          let retries = process.env.CI ? 5 : 1;
          await retryInterval(retries, 100, async () => {
            let el = await driver.elementByClassName('XCUIElementTypeTextField');
            await el.clear();
            await el.type(text3);

            let text = await el.text();
        it('should be able to type into two text fields', async function () {
it('should (the device) be available for commands after reboot', async function () {
      // override default timeout since we need to wait for the device to reboot
      let command = {
        type:   "reboot"
      await device.runCommand(command);
      // sleep then connect to the device again
      await sleep(20000); // time required before an S4 running Android 5 is available
      availableDevices = await ADB.findAdbDevices();
      // just select the first device
      device = new ADB(CONNECTION_TYPES.USB, availableDevices[0]);
      await device.connect();
      // run a very basic command to confirm device is okay
      let commandString = "cd sdcard/ ; pwd";
      let expectedReturnString = "/sdcard";
      let checkCommand = { // set print to false so we get the data back as a string
        type: "shell"
      , string: commandString
      , print: false
      let output = await device.runCommand(checkCommand);
it('should toggle wifi on real devices', async function () {
      await driver.createSession(defaultCaps);
      let isWifiOn = await driver.isWifiOn();
      if (isWifiOn) {
        await driver.setWifiState(0, false);
        await sleep(500);
        isWifiOn = await driver.isWifiOn();;
      } else {
        await driver.setWifiState(1, false);
        // enabling wifi takes time
        await sleep(2500);
        isWifiOn = await driver.isWifiOn();;
it('should remove session if inner driver unexpectedly exits with no error', async function () {
        let [sessionId,] = (await appium.createSession(_.clone(BASE_CAPS))).value; // eslint-disable-line comma-spacing
        // let event loop spin so rejection is handled
        await sleep(1);
await retryInterval(startupRetries, startupRetryInterval, async () => {
        if (retryCount > 0) {
`Retrying WDA startup (${retryCount + 1} of ${startupRetries})`);
        try {
          // on xcode 10 installd will often try to access the app from its staging
          // directory before fully moving it there, and fail. Retrying once
          // immediately helps
          const retries = this.xcodeVersion.major >= 10 ? 2 : 1;
          this.cachedWdaStatus = await retry(retries, this.wda.launch.bind(this.wda), sessionId, realDevice);
        } catch (err) {
          let errorMsg = `Unable to launch WebDriverAgent because of xcodebuild failure: ${err.message}`;
          if (this.isRealDevice()) {
            errorMsg += `. Make sure you follow the tutorial at ${WDA_REAL_DEV_TUTORIAL_URL}. ` +
                        `Try to remove the WebDriverAgentRunner application from the device if it is installed ` +
                        `and reboot the device.`;
          await quitAndUninstall(errorMsg);

        this.proxyReqRes = this.wda.proxyReqRes.bind(this.wda);
        this.jwpProxyActive = true;

        let originalStacktrace = null;
} catch (ign) {}

  if (CLOUD) {
    // on cloud tests, we want to set the `name` capability
    if (! { = process.env.SAUCE_JOB_NAME || process.env.TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER || 'unnamed';

  // Create a WD driver
  const host = getHost();
  const port = getPort();
  logger.debug(`Starting session on ${host}:${port}`);
  driver = await wd.promiseChainRemote(host, port);
  await retry(INIT_RETRIES, driver.init.bind(driver), caps);

  // In Travis, there is sometimes a popup
  if (CI && !CLOUD) {
    const startArgs = _.pick(caps, ['appPackage', 'appActivity', 'appWaitPackage', 'appWaitActivity', 'intentAction', 'intentCategory', 'intentFlags', 'optionalIntentArguments', 'dontStopAppOnReset', 'sessionId', 'id']);
    for (const btnId of ['android:id/button1', 'android:id/aerr_wait']) {
      let alertFound = false;
      await retryInterval(ALERT_CHECK_RETRIES, ALERT_CHECK_INTERVAL, async function () {
        let btn;
        try {
          btn = await driver.elementById(btnId);
          alertFound = true;
        } catch (ign) {
          // no element found, so just finish
before(async function () {
    sim = await getExistingSim(DEVICE_NAME, PLATFORM_VERSION);
    if (!sim) {
      const udid = await createDevice(SIM_NAME, DEVICE_NAME, PLATFORM_VERSION);
      sim = await getSimulator(udid);
      simCreated = true;
    // on certain system, particularly Xcode 11 on Travis, starting the sim fails
    await retry(4, async function () {
      try {
          startupTimeout: 60000,
      } catch (err) {
        await sim.shutdown();
        throw err;

    const port = await startHttpServer();
    address = `http://localhost:${port}`;
  after(async function () {
systemCallMethods.waitForEmulatorReady = async function waitForEmulatorReady (timeoutMs = 20000) {
  try {
    await waitForCondition(async () => {
      try {
        if (!(await['getprop', 'init.svc.bootanim'])).includes('stopped')) {
          return false;
        // Sometimes the package manager service might still being initialized
        // on slow systems even after emulator booting is completed.
        // The usual output of `pm get-install-location` command looks like `0[auto]`
        return /\d+\[\w+\]/.test(await['pm', 'get-install-location']));
      } catch (err) {
        log.debug(`Waiting for emulator startup. Intermediate error: ${err.message}`);
        return false;
    }, {
      waitMs: timeoutMs,
      intervalMs: 3000,
try {
      const args = [...this.executable.defaultArgs, ...cmd];
      log.debug(`Running '${this.executable.path} ${quote(args)}'`);
      let {stdout} = await exec(this.executable.path, args, opts);
      // sometimes ADB prints out weird stdout warnings that we don't want
      // to include in any of the response data, so let's strip it out
      stdout = stdout.replace(LINKER_WARNING_REGEXP, '').trim();
      return stdout;
    } catch (e) {
      const errText = `${e.message}, ${e.stdout}, ${e.stderr}`;
      const protocolFaultError = PROTOCOL_FAULT_ERROR_REGEXP.test(errText);
      const deviceNotFoundError = DEVICE_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_REGEXP.test(errText);
      const deviceConnectingError = DEVICE_CONNECTING_ERROR_REGEXP.test(errText);
      if (protocolFaultError || deviceNotFoundError || deviceConnectingError) {`Error sending command, reconnecting device and retrying: ${cmd}`);
        await sleep(1000);
        await this.getDevicesWithRetry();

        // try again one time
        if (adbRetried) {
          adbRetried = true;
          return await execFunc();

      if (e.code === 0 && e.stdout) {
        return e.stdout.replace(LINKER_WARNING_REGEXP, '').trim();

      if (_.isNull(e.code)) {
        e.message = `Error executing adbExec. Original error: '${e.message}'. ` +
          `Try to increase the ${opts.timeout}ms adb execution timeout represented by '${opts.timeoutCapName}' capability`;

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