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Top 6 Examples of "turf-bbox in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'turf-bbox' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.,
          strokeWidth: index + 1,
          coordinates: COUNTRIES_COORDINATES[country.geo_id],
          geoId: country.geo_id
      : [];

    const contextFlowsWithCoordinates = contextFlows.filter(
      f => typeof f.coordinates !== 'undefined'

    if (contextFlowsWithCoordinates.length !== contextFlows.length) {
      console.warn('World map flows are missing geoids. Check your database.');

    const [minX, , maxX] = bbox(
      lineString( => f.coordinates))
    const medianX = (maxX + minX) / 2;
    const originLeftOfBbox = originCoordinates[0] < medianX;
    const pointOfControl = {
      x: originLeftOfBbox ? minX - 10 : maxX + 10

    const getCurveStyle = destination => {
      if (destination[0] < pointOfControl.x) {
        // left
        return 'forceDown';
      // right
      return 'forceUp';
}).concatMap((item) => {
                    // check if the service has been configured to start a GetFeatureInfo request based on the item selected
                    // if so, then do it with a point inside the geometry
                    let bbox = item.bbox || || toBbox(item);
                    let actions = [
                        zoomToExtent([bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3]], "EPSG:4326", 21),
                    if (item.__SERVICE__ && !isNil(item.__SERVICE__.launchInfoPanel) && item.__SERVICE__.options && item.__SERVICE__.options.typeName) {
                        let coord = pointOnSurface(item).geometry.coordinates;
                        const latlng = { lng: coord[0], lat: coord[1] };
                        const typeName = item.__SERVICE__.options.typeName;
                        if (coord) {
                            let itemId = null;
                            let filterNameList = [];
                            let overrideParams = {};
                            if (item.__SERVICE__.launchInfoPanel === "single_layer") {
                                /* take info from the item selected and restrict feature info to this layer
                                 * and force info_format to application/json for allowing
                                 * filtering results later on (identify epic) */
(selected, map) => {
    if (!selected || !map) return null;
    if (map.getZoom() > 12) return false;

    const { data, layer, geometry } = selected;
    const { cartodb_id, wdpaid } = data || {};
    const { analysisEndpoint, tableName } = layer || {};

    const isAdmin = analysisEndpoint === 'admin';
    const isWdpa = analysisEndpoint === 'wdpa' && (cartodb_id || wdpaid);
    const isUse = cartodb_id && tableName;

    if (isAdmin || isWdpa || isUse) return false;

    // get bbox of geometry
    const shapeBbox = bbox(geometry);
    const shapePolygon = bboxPolygon(shapeBbox);
    // get bbox of map
    const mapBounds = map.getBounds();
    const mapPolygon = bboxPolygon([
    // compare size
    const shapeArea = area(shapePolygon);
    const mapArea = area(mapPolygon);
    const ratio = shapeArea / mapArea;

    return ratio < 0.25;
theme: `theme-button-small ${data.bbox ? 'theme-button-light' : ''}`

    const buttons = data.bbox
      ? [readMoreBtn].concat([
          text: 'ZOOM',
          theme: 'theme-button-small'
      : [readMoreBtn];

    let newBbox = data.bbox && JSON.parse(data.bbox).coordinates[0];
    if (newBbox) {
      const bboxCoords = newBbox.slice(0, 4);
      newBbox = bbox(lineString(bboxCoords));

    return {
      ...(bbox && {
        bbox: newBbox
); => {
      const bboxCoords = d.bbox.slice(0, 4);
      const bboxFromCoords = bbox(lineString(bboxCoords));
      const reverseBbox = [

      return {
        id: d.cartodb_id,
        image: d.image,
        imageCredit: d.image_source,
        summary: d.description,
        buttons: [
            text: 'READ MORE',
handleClickZoom = selected => {
    const { setMapSettings } = this.props;
    const newBbox = bbox(selected.geometry);
    setMapSettings({ canBound: true, bbox: newBbox });
    this.setState({ open: false });

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