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Top 10 Examples of "appium-ios-simulator in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'appium-ios-simulator' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('with udid booted: uses sim and leaves it afterwards', async function () {
        // before
        const udid = await createDevice();
        let sim = await getSimulator(udid, {
          platform: 'iOS',
          checkExistence: false,

        await B.delay(2000);

        // test
        let caps = _.defaults({
          noReset: true

        (await sim.isRunning());
        let simsBefore = await getNumSims();
        await initSession(caps);
if (this.opts.platformVersion !== devicePlatform) {
            this.opts.platformVersion = devicePlatform;
  `Set platformVersion to '${devicePlatform}' to match the device with given UDID`);
          await setupVersionCaps();
          return {device, realDevice: false, udid: device.udid};
      } else {
        // make sure it is a connected device. If not, the udid passed in is invalid
        const devices = await getConnectedDevices();
        log.debug(`Available devices: ${devices.join(', ')}`);
        if (!devices.includes(this.opts.udid)) {
          // check for a particular simulator
          log.debug(`No real device with udid '${this.opts.udid}'. Looking for simulator`);
          try {
            const device = await getSimulator(this.opts.udid);
            return {device, realDevice: false, udid: this.opts.udid};
          } catch (ign) {
            throw new Error(`Unknown device or simulator UDID: '${this.opts.udid}'`);

      const device = await getRealDeviceObj(this.opts.udid);
      return {device, realDevice: true, udid: this.opts.udid};

    // Now we know for sure the device will be a Simulator
    await setupVersionCaps();
    if (this.opts.enforceFreshSimulatorCreation) {
      log.debug(`New simulator is requested. If this is not wanted, set 'enforceFreshSimulatorCreation' capability to false`);
    } else {
before(async function () {
    sim = await getExistingSim(DEVICE_NAME, PLATFORM_VERSION);
    if (!sim) {
      const udid = await createDevice(SIM_NAME, DEVICE_NAME, PLATFORM_VERSION);
      sim = await getSimulator(udid);
      simCreated = true;
    // on certain system, particularly Xcode 11 on Travis, starting the sim fails
    await retry(4, async function () {
      try {
          startupTimeout: 60000,
      } catch (err) {
        await sim.shutdown();
        throw err;

    const port = await startHttpServer();
    address = `http://localhost:${port}`;
// we don't know if there needs to be changes a priori, so change first.
        // sometimes the shutdown process changes the settings, so reset them,
        // knowing that the sim is already shut
        await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(sim, this.opts, this.isSafari());

      await this.startSim();

      if (this.opts.customSSLCert) {
        if (await hasSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid)) {
`SSL cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}' already installed`);
        } else {
`Installing ssl cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}'`);
          await shutdownSimulator(this.opts.device);
          await installSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid);
`Restarting Simulator so that SSL certificate installation takes effect`);
          await this.startSim();
      if (this.opts.launchWithIDB && this.isSimulator()) {
        try {
          const idb = new IDB({udid});
          await idb.connect();
          this.opts.device.idb = idb;
        } catch (e) {
`idb will not be used for Simulator interaction. Original error: ${e.message}`);

async function killAllSimulators () {
  if (process.env.CLOUD) {

  const allDevices = _.flatMap(_.values(await getDevices()));
  const bootedDevices = allDevices.filter((device) => device.state === 'Booted');

  for (const {udid} of bootedDevices) {
    // It is necessary to stop the corresponding xcodebuild process before killing
    // the simulator, otherwise it will be automatically restarted
    await resetTestProcesses(udid, true);
    await shutdown(udid);
  await simKill();

      this.localConfig = await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(this.opts.device, this.opts, this.isSafari(), async (sim) => {
        await shutdownSimulator(sim);

        // we don't know if there needs to be changes a priori, so change first.
        // sometimes the shutdown process changes the settings, so reset them,
        // knowing that the sim is already shut
        await iosSettings.setLocaleAndPreferences(sim, this.opts, this.isSafari());

      await this.startSim();

      if (this.opts.customSSLCert) {
        if (await hasSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid)) {
`SSL cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}' already installed`);
        } else {
`Installing ssl cert '${_.truncate(this.opts.customSSLCert, {length: 20})}'`);
          await shutdownSimulator(this.opts.device);
          await installSSLCert(this.opts.customSSLCert, this.opts.udid);
`Restarting Simulator so that SSL certificate installation takes effect`);
          await this.startSim();
      if (this.opts.launchWithIDB && this.isSimulator()) {
        try {
          const idb = new IDB({udid});
          await idb.connect();
          this.opts.device.idb = idb;
        } catch (e) {
if (!this.xcodeVersion) {
      logger.debug('Setting Xcode version');
      this.xcodeVersion = await utils.getAndCheckXcodeVersion(this.opts);
      logger.debug(`Xcode version set to ${this.xcodeVersion.versionString}`);

    logger.debug('Setting iOS SDK Version');
    this.iosSdkVersion = await utils.getAndCheckIosSdkVersion();
    logger.debug(`iOS SDK Version set to ${this.iosSdkVersion}`);

    let timeout = _.isObject(this.opts.launchTimeout) ? : this.opts.launchTimeout;
    let availableDevices = await retry(3, instrumentsUtils.getAvailableDevices, timeout);

    let iosSimUdid = await checkSimulatorAvailable(this.opts, this.iosSdkVersion, availableDevices);

    this.sim = await getSimulator(iosSimUdid, this.xcodeVersion.versionString);

    await moveBuiltInApp(this.sim);

    this.opts.localizableStrings = await utils.parseLocalizableStrings(this.opts);

    await utils.setBundleIdFromApp(this.opts);

    await this.createInstruments();

      // previously setDeviceInfo()
      this.shouldPrelaunchSimulator = utils.shouldPrelaunchSimulator(this.opts, this.iosSdkVersion);
      let dString = await getAdjustedDeviceName(this.opts);
      if ( {
        await utils.setDeviceTypeInInfoPlist(, dString);
await this.createInstruments();

      // previously setDeviceInfo()
      this.shouldPrelaunchSimulator = utils.shouldPrelaunchSimulator(this.opts, this.iosSdkVersion);
      let dString = await getAdjustedDeviceName(this.opts);
      if ( {
        await utils.setDeviceTypeInInfoPlist(, dString);

    await runSimulatorReset(this.sim, this.opts, this.keepAppToRetainPrefs);

    if (this.caps.customSSLCert && !this.isRealDevice()) {
      await installSSLCert(this.caps.customSSLCert, this.sim.udid);

    if (this.opts.enableAsyncExecuteFromHttps && !this.isRealDevice()) {
      // await this.sim.shutdown();
      await this.startHttpsAsyncServer();

    await isolateSimulatorDevice(this.sim, this.opts);
    this.localConfig = await setLocaleAndPreferences(this.sim, this.opts, this.isSafari(), endSimulator);
    await this.setUpLogCapture();
    await this.prelaunchSimulator();
    await this.startInstruments();
    await this.onInstrumentsLaunch();
    await this.configureBootstrap();
    await this.setBundleId();
    await this.setInitialOrientation();
let address = this.opts.callbackAddress || this.opts.address;
  let port = this.opts.callbackPort || this.opts.port;
  let {sslServer, pemCertificate, httpsPort} = await startHttpsServer(port, address);
  this.opts.sslServer = sslServer;
  this.opts.httpsServerCertificate = pemCertificate;
  this.opts.httpsCallbackPort = httpsPort;
  this.opts.httpsCallbackAddress = 'localhost';
  let udid;
  if (this.sim) {
    // ios driver
    udid = this.sim.udid;
  } else {
    // xcuitest driver
    udid = this.opts.udid;
  await installSSLCert(this.opts.httpsServerCertificate, udid);
} catch (err) {
        log.error(`Error launching instruments: ${err.message}`);
        let errIsCatchable = err.message === ERR_NEVER_CHECKED_IN ||
                             err.message === ERR_CRASHED_ON_STARTUP;
        if (!errIsCatchable) {
          throw err;
        if (launchTries <= this.flakeyRetries) {
          if (this.gotFBSOpenApplicationError) {
            log.debug('Got the FBSOpenApplicationError, not killing the ' +
                      'sim but leaving it open so the app will launch');
            this.gotFBSOpenApplicationError = false; // clear out for next launch
            await B.delay(1000);
          } else {
            if (!this.realDevice) {
              await killAllSimulators();
            await B.delay(5000);
        } else {
          log.errorAndThrow('We exceeded the number of retries allowed for ' +
                            'instruments to successfully start; failing launch');
    } while (true);

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