Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'netlify-cms-lib-util' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const newIndex = (() => {
if (action === 'next') {
return index + 1;
if (action === 'prev') {
return index - 1;
if (action === 'first') {
return 0;
if (action === 'last') {
return pageCount;
// TODO: stop assuming cursors are for collections
const depth = getCollectionDepth(collection);
const allEntries = getFolderEntries(
const entries = allEntries.slice(newIndex * pageSize, newIndex * pageSize + pageSize);
const newCursor = getCursor(collection, extension, allEntries, newIndex);
return Promise.resolve({ entries, cursor: newCursor });
} else {
const entry = state.entryDraft.get('entry');
const entryPath = entry?.get('path');
const collection = state.collections.get(entry?.get('collection'));
const path = selectMediaFilePath(state.config, collection, entryPath, file.name);
assetProxy = createAssetProxy({
let mediaFile: MediaFile;
if (integration) {
const id = await getBlobSHA(file);
// integration assets are persisted immediately, thus draft is false
mediaFile = createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft: false });
} else if (editingDraft) {
const id = await getBlobSHA(file);
mediaFile = createMediaFileFromAsset({ id, file, assetProxy, draft: editingDraft });
return dispatch(addDraftEntryMediaFile(mediaFile));
} else {
mediaFile = await backend.persistMedia(state.config, assetProxy);
return dispatch(mediaPersisted(mediaFile, { privateUpload }));
} catch (error) {
message: `Failed to persist media: ${error}`,
this._metadataSemaphore?.take(async () => {
try {
const branchData = await this.checkMetadataRef();
const file = { path: `${key}.json`, raw: JSON.stringify(data) };
await this.uploadBlob(file);
const changeTree = await this.updateTree(branchData.sha, [file as File]);
const { sha } = await this.commit(`Updating “${key}” metadata`, changeTree);
await this.patchRef('meta', '_netlify_cms', sha);
localForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${key}`, {
expires: Date.now() + 300000, // In 5 minutes
} catch (err) {
async getLocalDraftBackup(collection: Collection, slug: string) {
const key = getEntryBackupKey(collection.get('name'), slug);
const backup = await localForage.getItem(key);
if (!backup || !backup.raw.trim()) {
return {};
const { raw, path } = backup;
let { mediaFiles = [] } = backup;
mediaFiles = mediaFiles.map(file => {
// de-serialize the file object
if (file.file) {
return { ...file, url: URL.createObjectURL(file.file) };
return file;
const label = selectFileEntryLabel(collection, slug);
const entry: EntryValue = this.entryWithFormat(collection)(
.then((response: { cursor: typeof Cursor }) => ({
// The only existing backend using the pagination system is the
// Algolia integration, which is also the only integration used
// to list entries. Thus, this checking for an integration can
// determine whether or not this is using the old integer-based
// pagination API. Other backends will simply store an empty
// cursor, which behaves identically to no cursor at all.
cursor: integration
? Cursor.create({
actions: ['next'],
meta: { usingOldPaginationAPI: true },
data: { nextPage: page + 1 },
: Cursor.create(response.cursor),
.then((response: { cursor: typeof Cursor; pagination: number; entries: EntryValue[] }) =>
processFile = file => ({
name: basename(file.path),
// BitBucket does not return file SHAs, but it does give us the
// commit SHA. Since the commit SHA will change if any files do,
// we can construct an ID using the commit SHA and the file path
// that will help with caching (though not as well as a normal
// SHA, since it will change even if the individual file itself
// doesn't.)
...(file.commit && file.commit.hash ? { id: `${file.commit.hash}/${file.path}` } : {}),
processFiles = files => files.filter(this.isFile).map(this.processFile);
uploadBlob = (item, { commitMessage, branch = this.branch } = {}) => {
const contentBlob = get(item, 'fileObj', new Blob([item.raw]));
const formData = new FormData();
// Third param is filename header, in case path is `message`, `branch`, etc.
formData.append(item.path, contentBlob, basename(item.path));
formData.append('branch', branch);
if (commitMessage) {
formData.append('message', commitMessage);
if (this.commitAuthor) {
const { name, email } = this.commitAuthor;
formData.append('author', `${name} <${email}>`);
return flow([
then(() => ({ ...item })),
const mediaFiles = await Promise.all(
.map(async (file: MediaFile) => {
// make sure to serialize the file
if (file.url?.startsWith('blob:')) {
const blob = await fetch(file.url).then(res => res.blob());
return { ...file, file: new File([blob], file.name) };
return file;
await localForage.setItem(key, {
path: entry.get('path'),
return localForage.setItem(getEntryBackupKey(), raw);
.map(async (file: MediaFile) => {
// make sure to serialize the file
if (file.url?.startsWith('blob:')) {
const blob = await fetch(file.url).then(res => res.blob());
return { ...file, file: new File([blob], file.name) };
return file;
await localForage.setItem(key, {
path: entry.get('path'),
return localForage.setItem(getEntryBackupKey(), raw);
.then(() => {
localForage.setItem(`gh.meta.${key}`, {
expires: Date.now() + 300000, // In 5 minutes