Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'timm' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
processRecord(record) {
if (
record.fStory && record.action === 'CREATED' &&
(record.fRoot || (record.parents.length && record.parents[0][0] === '*'))
) {
const threadId = this.getThread(record);
if (threadId == null) return;
if (record.action === 'CLOSED' && record.storyId === threadId) return;
// console.log(`fStory=${record.fStory}, parents=${record.parents}, action=${record.action}`)
const options = timmSet(this.config, 'prevTime', this.prevTime);
const lines = this.recordToLines(record, options);
this.prevTime = new Date(record.t);
lines.forEach(({ text, fLongDelay }) => {
if (fLongDelay) this.addLineToThread(threadId, ' ...');
this.addLineToThread(threadId, text);
if (prevDeps == null) return;
let nextDeps = prevDeps;
Object.keys(prevDeps).forEach(name => {
// Is package to be removed? Only if it belongs to the internal
// subpackage list (`pkgNames`) or it matches the custom `linkPattern`
const fRemove =
pkgNames.indexOf(name) >= 0 || (regex != null && regex.test(name));
if (!fRemove) return;
const version = prevDeps[name];
if (version == null) return;
nextDeps = omit(nextDeps, [name]);
if (!removedPackagesByType[type]) removedPackagesByType[type] = {};
removedPackagesByType[type][name] = version;
allRemovedPackages[name] = version;
nextSpecs = timmSet(nextSpecs, type, nextDeps);
if (record.signalType) continue;
if (record.fStory) {
const [tempState, pathStr] = rxStory(state, record, options);
state = tempState;
if (pathStr) newStories.push(pathStr);
} else {
state = rxLog(state, record, options);
// Don't expand stories that are already closed upon reception
for (let j = 0, len1 = newStories.length; j < len1; j++) {
const pathStr = newStories[j];
const fOpen = timm.getIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fOpen`).split('/'));
if (fOpen) continue;
state = timm.setIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fExpanded`).split('/'), false);
return state;
for (let i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++) {
const record = records[i];
if (record.signalType) continue;
if (record.fStory) {
const [tempState, pathStr] = rxStory(state, record, options);
state = tempState;
if (pathStr) newStories.push(pathStr);
} else {
state = rxLog(state, record, options);
// Don't expand stories that are already closed upon reception
for (let j = 0, len1 = newStories.length; j < len1; j++) {
const pathStr = newStories[j];
const fOpen = timm.getIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fOpen`).split('/'));
if (fOpen) continue;
state = timm.setIn(state, (`mainStory/${pathStr}/fExpanded`).split('/'), false);
return state;
const idField = relatedModel.fields.id;
if (!idField) {
throw new Error(
`ID_FIELD_NOT_FOUND ${modelName}/${relationName}/${relatedModelName}`
relation.type = idField.type;
// Create inverse relation, if needed
const { inverse } = relation;
if (inverse !== false) {
let inverseRelation =
inverse == null || inverse === true
? {} // inverse shorthand
: omit(clone(inverse), ['name']);
inverseRelation = addDefaults(inverseRelation, {
model: modelName,
isPlural: true,
isInverse: true,
inverseName: relationName,
const idField2 = models[modelName].fields.id;
inverseRelation.type = idField2 ? idField2.type : undefined;
const { isPlural: isInversePlural } = inverseRelation;
const inverseName =
(inverse && inverse.name) ||
(isInversePlural ? pluralize(modelName) : modelName);
const inverseFkName = getFkName(
isInversePlural != null ? isInversePlural : true
inverseRelation.fkName = inverseFkName;
) => {
story.info('extractor', `Processing ${chalk.cyan.bold(filePath)}...`);
const absPath = path.resolve(process.cwd(), filePath);
const rawSnapshots = loadSnapshot(absPath);
const suiteCss = getSuiteCss(filePath, story);
const finalFilePath = `-/${filePath.normalize()}`;
const prevSuite = _snapshotSuiteDict[finalFilePath];
// $FlowFixMe
const suite: SnapshotSuiteT = {};
let suiteDirty = false;
const nextIds = Object.keys(rawSnapshots);
for (let i = 0; i < nextIds.length; i++) {
const id = nextIds[i];
const rawSnapshot = rawSnapshots[id];
const [snap, html] = rawSnapshot.split(HTML_PREVIEW_SEPARATOR);
const css = suiteCss != null ? addLast(commonCss, suiteCss) : commonCss;
const snapshot: SnapshotT = {
dirty: false,
deleted: false,
if (prevSuite && prevSuite[id]) {
const prevSnapshot = prevSuite[id];
const prevBaseline = prevSnapshot.baseline;
// Copy the previous baseline, if any
if (prevBaseline != null) {
snapshot.baseline = prevBaseline;
snapshot.dirty =
html !== prevBaseline.html || snap !== prevBaseline.snap;
Object.keys(prevDeps).forEach(name => {
// Is package to be removed? Only if it belongs to the internal
// subpackage list (`pkgNames`) or it matches the custom `linkPattern`
const fRemove =
pkgNames.indexOf(name) >= 0 || (regex != null && regex.test(name));
if (!fRemove) return;
const version = prevDeps[name];
if (version == null) return;
nextDeps = omit(nextDeps, [name]);
if (!removedPackagesByType[type]) removedPackagesByType[type] = {};
removedPackagesByType[type][name] = version;
allRemovedPackages[name] = version;
nextSpecs = timmSet(nextSpecs, type, nextDeps);
const mergeSchemas = (a: Schema, b: Schema): Schema => {
let out = a;
// Non-model specs are merged from `b`
out = merge(out, omit(b, ['models']));
// Merge models
let models = out.models;
Object.keys(b.models).forEach(modelName => {
let model = models[modelName];
const bModel: Object = b.models[modelName];
// Models from b that didn't exist in a
if (!model) {
models = timmSet(models, modelName, bModel);
// Preexisting models
const { description, includes, fields, relations } = bModel;
model = merge(model, {
const idField = relatedModel.fields.id;
if (!idField) {
throw new Error(
`ID_FIELD_NOT_FOUND ${modelName}/${relationName}/${relatedModelName}`
relation.type = idField.type;
// Create inverse relation, if needed
const { inverse } = relation;
if (inverse !== false) {
let inverseRelation =
inverse == null || inverse === true
? {} // inverse shorthand
: omit(clone(inverse), ['name']);
inverseRelation = addDefaults(inverseRelation, {
model: modelName,
isPlural: true,
isInverse: true,
inverseName: relationName,
const idField2 = models[modelName].fields.id;
inverseRelation.type = idField2 ? idField2.type : undefined;
const { isPlural: isInversePlural } = inverseRelation;
const inverseName =
(inverse && inverse.name) ||
(isInversePlural ? pluralize(modelName) : modelName);
const inverseFkName = getFkName(
isInversePlural != null ? isInversePlural : true
} else {
const { parents } = record;
if (parents != null && parents.length) {
let parentStoryId = _.find(parents, (o) => o[0] === 'c');
if (parentStoryId == null) parentStoryId = parents[0];
pathStr = openStories[parentStoryId];
if (pathStr == null && fPastRecords) pathStr = state.closedStories[parentStoryId];
if (pathStr == null) pathStr = mainStoryPathStr(fServer);
[state, newStoryPathStr] = addStory(state, pathStr, record, options);
state = addLog(state, newStoryPathStr, record, options).state;
rootStoryIdx = newStoryPathStr.split('/')[1];
// Increment counter
state = timm.updateIn(state, ['mainStory', 'records', rootStoryIdx, 'numRecords'],
(o) => o + 1);
// We return the new state, as well as the path of the new story (if any)
return [state, newStoryPathStr];