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Top 10 Examples of "tldextract in functional component" in Python

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tldextract' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

def getWarningLevel( t_tld_orig, item ):
    w_level = 0
    if item in t_help:
        return 0

    if not item.startswith('http'):
        item = 'https://'+item
    tmp_parse = urlparse( item )
    tmp_tld = tldextract.extract( tmp_parse.netloc )
    # print(tmp_parse)

    if tmp_tld.subdomain == t_tld_orig.subdomain and tmp_tld.domain == t_tld_orig.domain and tmp_tld.suffix == t_tld_orig.suffix:
        w_level = 1
    elif tmp_tld.domain == t_tld_orig.domain and tmp_tld.suffix == t_tld_orig.suffix:
        w_level = 2
        w_level = 3

    if '*' in tmp_parse.netloc:

    return w_level
def grabSubs( domain ):
    print( "[+] Grabbing subdomains from %s" % domain )
    url = '' + domain + '&output=json'
        ex = 0
        r = requests.get( url )
    except Exception as e:
        ex = 1
        print( colored("[-] error occured: %s" % e, 'red') )
    if ex == 0 and r.status_code == 200:
        n = 0
        j = r.json()
        for item in j:
            parse = tldextract.extract( item['name_value'] )
            sub = item['name_value'].replace( '*.', '' )
            if sub != domain and not sub in t_subs:
                t_subs.append( sub )
                    ex = 0
                    data = socket.gethostbyname( sub )
                    if not data in t_ips:
                        n = n + 1
                        t_ips.append( data )
                except Exception as e:
                    ex = 1
        print( colored("[+] %d subdomains found, %d ips added" % (len(t_subs),n), 'green') )
rule = line.split('$')[0]
            if is_acceptable_rule(rule):
        except Exception:
            logger.exception('Unexpected error while applying easylist rules.')

    abr = AdblockRules(rules)

    elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time'Took %i secs to parse easylist rules' % elapsed)

    i = 0

    for url in third_party_requests:
        if abr.should_block(url):
            ext = tldextract.extract(url)
            trackers.append("{}.{}".format(ext.domain, ext.suffix))
        i = i + 1
        if i % 20 == 0:
            elapsed = timeit.default_timer() - start_time
  "Checked %i domains, %i secs elapsed..." % (i, elapsed))
    return list(set(trackers))
def get_related_domains(self):
        result = []
        main_of_domain = tldextract.extract(self.domain).domain

        reg_urls = re.compile('<a href="\?id=(.*?)">
        urls = reg_urls.findall(self.resp)

        reg_domains = re.compile('DNS:(.*?)<br>') #DNS:*<br>

        for item in urls:
            url = "{0}".format(item)
            resp = req.get(url, proxies=self.proxy).content

            reg_common_name = re.compile("Subject:<br>(.*?)<br>")
            common_name = reg_common_name.findall(resp)
            if len(common_name) !=0:
                common_name = common_name[0].replace("&nbsp;", "").split("=")[-1]
                main_of_cn_domain = tldextract.extract(common_name).domain</a>
def get_root_domain(full_link: str, use_www=True) ->(False, str, str, str, str, str, str):
        get the root domain from url
        :param full_link: e.g ""
        :return:Tuple(True is the domain is root domain else Sub-domain, the real root domain, link to root domain,
        link to sub.domain, sub.domain, suffix of the domain, domain pure)
        scheme = "http"
        if full_link.startswith("https"):
            scheme = "https"
            #scheme, target_domain, a, b, c = urlsplit(full_link)
            #scheme = urlsplit(full_link)[0]
        scheme += "://"
        #ext = tldextract.extract(target_domain)
        ext = tldextract.extract(full_link)
        root = ext.domain+"."+ext.suffix
        prefix = "www."
        if len(ext.domain) == 0 or len(ext.suffix) == 0:
            return False, "", "", "", "", "", ""
        elif ext.subdomain is None or len(ext.subdomain) == 0:
            if use_www and prefix not in full_link:
                return True, root, scheme+prefix+root, scheme+prefix+root, prefix+root, ext.suffix, ext.domain
                return True, root, scheme+root, scheme+root, root, ext.suffix, ext.domain
            sub_domain = ext.subdomain+"."+root
            if use_www:
                return False, root, scheme+prefix+root, scheme+sub_domain, sub_domain, ext.suffix, ext.domain
                return False, root, scheme+root, scheme+sub_domain, sub_domain, ext.suffix, ext.domain
def setup(self, settings):
        Setup redis and tldextract
        self.extract = tldextract.TLDExtract()
        self.redis_conn = redis.Redis(host=settings['REDIS_HOST'],

            self.logger.debug("Connected to Redis in ScraperHandler")
        except ConnectionError:
            self.logger.error("Failed to connect to Redis in ScraperHandler")
            # plugin is essential to functionality
urldict = {}
    skipped = 0

    for urldir in os.listdir(outputdir):

        if urldir in INFOFILES:

            urlfile = os.path.join(outputdir, urldir, '__urls')
            related_urls = get_unique_urls(urldir, urlfile)
        except IOError or OSError as einfo:
            print "Unable to read", urldir, einfo, "skipping"

        TLDio = TLDExtract(cache_file='mozilla_tld_file.dat')
        for dirty_url in related_urls:
            # dirty_url because may contain ":"

            if dirty_url.split(':') != -1:
                url = dirty_url.split(':')[0]
                url = dirty_url

            if urldict.has_key(url):
                skipped +=1

            dnsplit= TLDio(url)
            urldict.update({url : {
                    'domain' : dnsplit.domain,
                    'tld' : dnsplit.suffix,
# from the host or the host from the port. If there's a scheme we
    # want to limit it to http or https.
    if ':' in url:
        scheme, host = url.split(':', 1)
        # If there's a . in the scheme, then there wasn't a scheme
        # and the : is delimiting the host from the port
        if '.' not in scheme and scheme not in ('http', 'https'):
            return u''

    # Get a thread-local extractor if there is one. If not, create it.
    extractor = getattr(_cached_tldextract, 'extractor', None)
    if extractor is None:
        # FIXME - This uses the tld set included with tldextract which
        # will age over time. We should fix this so that we get a new
        # file on deployment and use that file.
        extractor = tldextract.TLDExtract(
            suffix_list_url=None,  # disable fetching the file via http
        _cached_tldextract.extractor = extractor

    res = extractor(url)

    # If there's no tld, then this is probably an ip address or
    # localhost. Also ignore .mil and .arpa addresses.
    if res.suffix in ('', 'mil', ''):
        return u''

    # Suffix is the tld. We want that plus the next level up.
    return res.domain.decode('utf-8') + u'.' + res.suffix.decode('utf-8')

        """ Print version """"music_dl")[0])

        """ Validate parameters """'Validating parameters...')

            # Validate download url
            url_parsed = urlparse(self.download_url)
            if not url_parsed.scheme.startswith('http'):
                raise DirectoryException('Invalid URL. URL must start with http*. Input value is {}'.format(self.download_url))
            tld_parsed = tldextract.extract(self.download_url)
            if not (tld_parsed.domain in ['youtube', 'soundcloud']):
                raise DirectoryException('Invalid URL. Music Downloader supports only YouTube and SoundCloud. Input value is {}'.format(self.download_url))
            # Validate download directory
            if not is_path_exists_or_creatable(self.working_dir):
                raise DirectoryException('Invalid directory. Please specify valid download directory. Input value is {}'.format(self.working_dir))

        except DirectoryException as e:

        # Validate playlist configuration

        except PlaylistParameterException as e:
# if the file type is a media type, reject instantly
        if file_type and file_type not in ALLOWED_TYPES:
            if verbose: print('\t%s rejected due to bad filetype' % url)
            return False

        last_chunk = path_chunks[-1].split('.')
        # the file type is not of use to use anymore, remove from url
        if len(last_chunk) > 1:
            path_chunks[-1] = last_chunk[-2]

    # Index gives us no information
    if 'index' in path_chunks:

    # extract the tld (top level domain)
    tld_dat = tldextract.extract(url)
    subd = tld_dat.subdomain
    tld = tld_dat.domain.lower()

    url_slug = path_chunks[-1] if path_chunks else ''

    if tld in BAD_DOMAINS:
        if verbose: print('%s caught for a bad tld' % url)
        return False

    if len(path_chunks) == 0:
        dash_count, underscore_count = 0, 0
        dash_count = url_slug.count('-')
        underscore_count = url_slug.count('_')

    # If the url has a news slug title

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