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Top 10 Examples of "asynctest in functional component" in Python

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'asynctest' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

def test_raw_request(mock_post):
    mock_post.return_value.__aenter__.return_value.json = CoroutineMock(
        side_effect=[{"response": 1}, {"error": 1}]

    async def test():
        vkontakte = Vkontakte(token="token", session=aiohttp.ClientSession())

        assert await vkontakte.raw_request("method1", {"arg": "val1"}) == 1

        with pytest.raises(RequestException):
            await vkontakte.raw_request("method2", {"arg": "val2"})

def test_awaited_wait(self):
        mock = asynctest.mock.CoroutineFunctionMock()
        t = asyncio.ensure_future(mock.awaited.wait())
        yield from mock()
        yield from mock()
        yield from t

        t = asyncio.ensure_future(mock.awaited.wait(skip=1))
        yield from mock()
        yield from mock()
        yield from t
    @asynctest.skipIf(small_test, "No enviroment variables for testing set up")
    async def test_page_edit(self):
        wiki = aiowiki.Wiki(AIOWIKI_TEST_URL)
        page = wiki.get_page("Spam")
            await page.edit("Eggs & Ham")
        except aiowiki.EditError as e:
            if not "action you have requested is limited to users in the group" in str(
                await wiki.login(AIOWIKI_TEST_USERNAME, AIOWIKI_TEST_PASSWORD)
                await page.edit("Eggs & Ham")
        await wiki.close()
async def test_gather_without_exceptions_subclass():
    completes_correctly = CoroutineMock()

    await gather_without_exceptions([
    ], ConnectionError)

def redis_connection():
    conn = MagicMock()
    conn.__enter__ = MagicMock(return_value=conn)
    conn.__exit__ = MagicMock()
    conn.get = CoroutineMock()
    conn.mget = CoroutineMock()
    conn.set = CoroutineMock()
    conn.setex = CoroutineMock()
    conn.mset = CoroutineMock()
    conn.incrby = CoroutineMock()
    conn.exists = CoroutineMock()
    conn.persist = CoroutineMock()
    conn.expire = CoroutineMock()
    conn.delete = CoroutineMock()
    conn.flushdb = CoroutineMock()
    conn.eval = CoroutineMock()
    conn.keys = CoroutineMock()
    conn.multi_exec = MagicMock(return_value=conn)
    conn.execute = CoroutineMock()
    return conn
async def test_setup_custom_config(hass):
    """Tests component setup with custom config."""
    with patch.object(
        Hole, "get_data", new=CoroutineMock(side_effect=mock_pihole_data_call(Hole))
        assert await async_setup_component(
            hass, pi_hole.DOMAIN, {pi_hole.DOMAIN: {"name": "Custom"}}

    await hass.async_block_till_done()

    assert (
        == "Custom Ads Blocked Today"
async def test_result_with_side_effect_function(self):
        def uppercase_all(*args):
            return tuple(arg.upper() for arg in args)

        coroutine_mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
        coroutine_mock.side_effect = uppercase_all

        self.assertEqual(("FIRST", "CALL"),
                         await coroutine_mock("first", "call"))
        self.assertEqual(("A", "SECOND", "CALL"),
                         await coroutine_mock("a", "second", "call"))
async def setUp(self):
        self.realm = asynctest.MagicMock(spec_set=KeycloakRealm)
        self.realm.client.get = asynctest.CoroutineMock() = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
        self.realm.client.put = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
        self.realm.client.delete = asynctest.CoroutineMock()

        self.uma_client = await KeycloakUMA(realm=self.realm)
        self.uma_client.well_known.contents = {
            "resource_registration_endpoint": "https://resource_registration",
            "permission_endpoint": "https://permission",
            "policy_endpoint": "https://policy",
def mock_get_transaction(monkeypatch):
    """Fixture to monkeypatch the cache transaction lookup."""
    mock = asynctest.CoroutineMock(
    monkeypatch.setattr(synse_server.cache, 'get_transaction', mock)
    return mock_get_transaction
async def test_check_zigpy_connection():
    """Test config flow validator."""

    mock_radio = asynctest.MagicMock()
    mock_radio.connect = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    radio_cls = asynctest.MagicMock(return_value=mock_radio)

    bad_radio = asynctest.MagicMock()
    bad_radio.connect = asynctest.CoroutineMock(side_effect=Exception)
    bad_radio_cls = asynctest.MagicMock(return_value=bad_radio)

    mock_ctrl = asynctest.MagicMock()
    mock_ctrl.startup = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    mock_ctrl.shutdown = asynctest.CoroutineMock()
    ctrl_cls = asynctest.MagicMock(return_value=mock_ctrl)
    new_radios = { {ZHA_GW_RADIO: radio_cls, CONTROLLER: ctrl_cls},
        mock.sentinel.bad_radio: {ZHA_GW_RADIO: bad_radio_cls, CONTROLLER: ctrl_cls},

    with mock.patch.dict(
        homeassistant.components.zha.core.registries.RADIO_TYPES, new_radios, clear=True
        assert not await config_flow.check_zigpy_connection(
            mock.sentinel.usb_path, mock.sentinel.unk_radio, mock.sentinel.zigbee_db
        assert mock_radio.connect.call_count == 0
        assert bad_radio.connect.call_count == 0
        assert mock_ctrl.startup.call_count == 0

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