Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'invoke' in functional components in Python. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
def subcollection_config_works_with_default_tasks(self):
def mytask(c):
assert c.my_key == "value"
# Sets up a task "known as" sub.mytask which may be called as
# just 'sub' due to being default.
sub = Collection("sub", mytask=mytask)
sub.configure({"my_key": "value"})
main = Collection(sub=sub)
# Execute via collection default 'task' name.
def returned_arguments_not_given_contain_default_values(self):
# I.e. a Context with args A and B, invoked with no mention of B,
# should result in B existing in the result, with its default value
# intact, and not e.g. None, or the arg not existing.
a = Argument('name', kind=str)
b = Argument('age', default=7)
c = Context('mytask', args=(a, b))
Parser((c,)).parse_argv(['mytask', '--name', 'blah'])
eq_(c.args['age'].value, 7)
def may_validate_on_set(self):
with raises(ValueError):
Argument("a", kind=int).value = "five"
def can_declare_positional(self):
assert Argument(name="foo", positional=True).positional is True
def no_ambiguity_with_flaglike_value_if_option_val_was_given(self):
p = self._parser((
Argument('foo', optional=True),
Argument('bar', kind=bool)
# This should NOT raise a ParseError.
result = self._parse("--foo hello --bar", p)
eq_(result[0].args['foo'].value, 'hello')
eq_(result[0].args['bar'].value, True)
def defaults_to_str(self):
assert Argument("a").kind == str
def bool_implies_no_value_needed(self):
assert not Argument(name="a", kind=bool).takes_value
def _basic(self):
arg = Argument('pos', positional=True)
mytask = Context(name='mytask', args=[arg])
return Parser(contexts=[mytask])
def invalid_flaglike_value_is_stored_as_value(self):
self._parser((Argument("foo", optional=True),))
result = self._parse("--foo --bar")
assert result[0].args["foo"].value == "--bar"
def unfilled_posargs(self):
p = self._parser(
Argument("foo", optional=True),
Argument("bar", positional=True),
self._test_for_ambiguity("--foo uhoh", p)