Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'xdl' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
componentDidMount() {
UserSettings.getAsync('sendTo').then((sendTo) => {
}, (err) => {
// Probably means that there's no saved value here; not a huge deal
// console.error("Error getting sendTo:", err);
Exp.recentValidExpsAsync().then((recentExps) => {
}, (err) => {
console.error("Couldn't get list of recent Exps :(", err);
// this._versionStringAsync().then((vs) => {
// this.setState({versionString: vs});
// }, (err) => {
// console.error("Couldn't get version string :(", err);
async function cleanUpPackager(projectDir) {
const result = await Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'stopFailed')),
if (result === 'stopFailed') {
// find RN packager pid, attempt to kill manually
try {
const { packagerPid } = await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectDir);
} catch (e) {
async function cleanUpPackager (projectDir) {
const result = await Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'stopFailed'))
if (result === 'stopFailed') {
// find RN packager pid, attempt to kill manually
try {
const { packagerPid } = await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectDir)
} catch (e) {
// Subscribe to device updates separately from packager/server updates
ProjectUtils.attachLoggerStream(projectDir, {
stream: {
write: chunk => {
if (chunk.tag === 'device') {
type: 'raw'
installExitHooks(projectDir, isInteractive)
log.withTimestamp('Starting packager...')
Project.startAsync(projectDir, options).then(
() => {},
reason => {
log.withTimestamp(chalk.red(`Error starting packager: ${reason.stack}`))
// Subscribe to device updates separately from packager/server updates
ProjectUtils.attachLoggerStream(projectDir, {
stream: {
write: chunk => {
if (chunk.tag === 'device') {
type: 'raw',
installExitHooks(projectDir, isInteractive);
log.withTimestamp('Starting packager...');
Project.startAsync(projectDir, options).then(
() => {},
reason => {
log.withTimestamp(chalk.red(`Error starting packager: ${reason.stack}`));
// @flow
import { Config, ProjectSettings, Simulator, UrlUtils } from 'xdl';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import indent from 'indent-string';
import path from 'path';
import pathExists from 'path-exists';
import qr from 'qrcode-terminal';
import log from '../util/log';
import { hasYarn } from '../util/pm';
import packager from '../util/packager';
Config.validation.reactNativeVersionWarnings = false;
Config.developerTool = 'crna';
Config.offline = true;
const command: string = hasYarn(process.cwd()) ? 'yarnpkg' : 'npm';
if (!Simulator.isPlatformSupported()) {
'\nThis command only works on macOS computers with Xcode and the iOS simulator installed.'
`If you run \`${chalk.cyan(command + ' start')}\` then you can view your app on a physical device.\n`
async function cleanUpPackager (projectDir) {
const result = await Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'stopFailed'))
if (result === 'stopFailed') {
// find RN packager pid, attempt to kill manually
try {
const { packagerPid } = await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectDir)
} catch (e) {
async function cleanUpPackager(projectDir) {
const result = await Promise.race([
new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(resolve, 1000, 'stopFailed')),
if (result === 'stopFailed') {
// find RN packager pid, attempt to kill manually
try {
const { packagerPid } = await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectDir);
} catch (e) {
async function printServerInfo () {
await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(projectDir)
// who knows why qrcode-terminal takes a callback instead of just returning a string
const address = await UrlUtils.constructManifestUrlAsync(projectDir)
let emulatorHelp
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
emulatorHelp = `Press ${chalk.bold('a')} (Android) or ${chalk.bold('i')} (iOS) to start an emulator.`
} else {
emulatorHelp = `Press ${chalk.bold('a')} to start an Android emulator.`
qr.generate(address, qrCode => {
${indent(qrCode, 2)}
Your app is now running at URL: ${chalk.underline(chalk.cyan(address))}
${chalk.bold('View your app with live reloading:')}
${chalk.underline('Android device:')}
-> Point the Expo app to the QR code above.
(You'll find the QR scanner on the Projects tab of the app.)
${chalk.underline('iOS device:')}
-> Press ${chalk.bold('s')} to email/text the app URL to your phone.
async function printServerInfo() {
const settings = await ProjectSettings.readPackagerInfoAsync(process.cwd());
// who knows why qrcode-terminal takes a callback instead of just returning a string
const address = await UrlUtils.constructManifestUrlAsync(process.cwd());
let emulatorHelp;
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
emulatorHelp = `Press ${chalk.bold('a')} (Android) or ${chalk.bold('i')} (iOS) to start an emulator.`;
} else {
emulatorHelp = `Press ${chalk.bold('a')} to start an Android emulator.`;
qr.generate(address, qrCode => {
${indent(qrCode, 2)}
Your app is now running at URL: ${chalk.underline(chalk.cyan(address))}
${chalk.bold('View your app with live reloading:')}
${chalk.underline('Android device:')}
-> Point the Expo app to the QR code above.