Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'title' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
authUser = null,
sort = 'desc', // asc || desc
search = null
} = {}) {
const query = {};
let dateDirection = -1;
if (createdAt) query.createdAt = { $lt: moment(createdAt).toDate() };
if (sort === 'asc') {
dateDirection = 1;
if (createdAt) query.createdAt = { $gt: moment(createdAt).toDate() };
if (search) {
const titleSearch = {};
const searchWords = search.split(' ').join('|');
titleSearch['title.rendered'] = {
$regex: new RegExp(`${searchWords}`, 'i')
// @TODO: Add this when content doesn't have so much extra data
// let contentSearch = {}
// contentSearch['content.rendered'] = { $regex: new RegExp(`${search}`, 'i') };
query.$or = [titleSearch];
const limitOption = parseInt(limit, 10);
const orderBy = { createdAt: dateDirection };
const queryPromise = this.find(query, 'title content author createdAt')
.populate('author', '-email -password -__v -verified')
let numberOfPages = 0; //eslint-disable-line
let dateDirection = -1;
if (createdAtBefore) query.date = { $lt: moment(createdAtBefore).toDate() };
if (createdAfter) {
dateDirection = 1;
query.date = { $gt: moment(createdAfter).toDate() };
if (tags.length > 0) query.tags = { $all: tags };
if (categories.length > 0) query.categories = { $all: categories };
if (topic) query.topics = { $in: topic };
if (search) {
const titleSearch = {};
const searchWords = search.split(' ').join('|');
titleSearch['title.rendered'] = {
$regex: new RegExp(`${searchWords}`, 'i')
// @TODO: Add this when content doesn't have so much extra data
// let contentSearch = {}
// contentSearch['content.rendered'] = { $regex: new RegExp(`${search}`, 'i') };
query.$or = [titleSearch];
if (transcripts === 'true') {
query.transcriptUrl = { $exists: true };
} else if (transcripts === 'false') {
query.transcriptUrl = { $exists: false };
const rows = swaps.map(swap => [
formatDate(swap.timeStarted, 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss'), // The most Excel compatible datetime format
`${swap.baseCurrencyAmount} ${swap.baseCurrency}`,
`${swap.quoteCurrencyAmount} ${swap.quoteCurrency}`,
getTXID(swap, 'myfee'),
getTXID(swap, 'alicepayment'),
getTXID(swap, 'alicespend'),
const updateTouchBar = () => {
portfolioValue.label = `${appContainer.state.portfolio.name}: ${dashboardContainer.assetCount} ≈ ${dashboardContainer.totalAssetValueFormatted}`;
const swap = getLatestSwap();
latestSwap.label = swap ? `${swap.baseCurrency}/${swap.quoteCurrency} ${t(`details.${swap.orderType}`)} ${t('details.order')}: ${title(swap.statusFormatted)}` : '';
latestSwap.textColor = swap ? (
(swap.status === 'completed' && '#28af60' /* => var(--success-color) */) ||
(swap.status === 'failed' && '#f80759' /* => var(--error-color) */)
) : null;
const teams = Utils.find_value_with_path(aff, 'teams'.split('.')) || [];
if (!iname) {
aff.full = 'NC';
} else {
const teams_str = teams.map(t => `#POS#LANG${t._id}`).join('\n');
aff.full = `${iname}\n${teams_str}`;
aff.status = aff.ined_status ? `#POS#LANG${aff.ined_status}` : 'NC';
return aff;
const mapping = {
'denormalization.type.label': CSVPipeline.mapping['denormalization.type.label'],
subtype: CSVPipeline.mapping.subtype,
'title.content': CSVPipeline.mapping['title.content'],
subtitles: CSVPipeline.mapping.subtitles,
lang: CSVPipeline.mapping.lang,
'denormalization.journal': CSVPipeline.mapping['denormalization.journal'],
'denormalization.conference': CSVPipeline.mapping['denormalization.conference'],
'denormalization.contributors': {
__default: {
transformers: [],
picker: async (c, pub, lang, key, memoizer) => {
if (!('authors' in memoizer)) {
memoizer.authors = {};
const arr = [];
let idx = 0;
for (const i in c) {
const co = c[i];
if (!co || !co.label) {
const prepareState = state => title(state.replace('_', ' '));
let content = '';
if (sectionTitle === 'builds') {
content = (sectionContent as BuildResource[])
} else if (sectionTitle === 'environments') {
content = (sectionContent as EnvironmentResource[])
} else if (sectionTitle === 'services') {
content = (sectionContent as ServiceResource[])
} else if (sectionTitle === 'variables') {
const data = sectionContent as VariablesContent;
sectionHeader = chalk`{cyan.bold ${title(
)}} {dim for environment ${data.environmentSid}}`;
content = prettyPrintVariables(data);
} else if (sectionTitle === 'functions' || sectionTitle === 'assets') {
const data = sectionContent as FunctionOrAssetContent;
sectionHeader = chalk`{cyan.bold ${title(
)}} {dim for environment ${data.environmentSid}}`;
content = prettyPrintFunctionsOrAssets(data);
const output = stripIndent`
return output;
const { value } = event.target
const input = this.handler.input
const idx = input.selectionStart
const { replacingWithPaste } = this.state
const caretPosition = () => {
if (replacingWithPaste) {
input.selectionStart = 0
input.selectionEnd = input.value.length
} else {
input.selectionStart = input.selectionEnd = idx
replacingWithPaste: false,
value: toTitle(value)
}, caretPosition)
`Do you mean ${code('build')} (object) with a property ${code(
)} (object) instead of ${code(prop)}?`
return 1;
if (keyword === 'type') {
const prop = dataPath.substr(1, dataPath.length);
`The property ${code(prop)} in ${highlight(
)} can only be of type ${code(title(params.type))}.`
return 1;
`Failed to validate ${highlight(
)}: ${message}\nDocumentation: ${
return 1;
if (error instanceof TooManyRequests) {
render() {
const {
title = 'The Gluten Project',
} = this.props
const htmlTitle = searchState.query
? `${searchResults && searchResults.nbHits} Certified Gluten-Free ${titleize(
)} (safe for Celiac) | The Gluten Project`
: title
const htmlDescription = searchState.query
? `We've compiled the entire list of all certified gluten-free ${
} products in one place. Additionally, we have where to buy the product, ingredient lists, and reviews. This is your one-stop shop for everything gluten-free.`
: description
const socialTitle = htmlTitle.replace(/ \| The Gluten Project$/, '')
return (