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Top 10 Examples of "when in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'when' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

'NotOrdered': function NotOrdered(event, commit, deps){
			if(event.eventType === 'OrderPlaced'){
				// Start packaging the order from which the event came.
				return deps.startPackaging(commit.sequenceID).then(function(){
					return when.resolve(new Event('OrderPlaced', {
						orderID: commit.sequenceID
				return when.reject();
		'Ordered': function Ordered(event, commit, deps){
// node modules
var fs = require('fs');
var os = require('os');
var path = require('path');

// 3rd party modules
var execa = require('execa');
var when = require('when');
var whenNode = require('when/node');

// implementation
var mkdir = whenNode.lift(fs.mkdir);
var readFile = whenNode.lift(fs.readFile);
var rimraf = whenNode.lift(require('rimraf'));

// public
module.exports = {
  setNpmVersion: function (npmVersion) {
    return execa('npm', ['install', '-g', 'npm@' + npmVersion]);
  getNpmVersion: function () {
    return execa.stdout('npm', ['-v']);
  createTestApp: function (dirPath, packagePath) {
    return mkdir(dirPath).then(function () {
      return when.promise(function (res, rej) {
        var read = fs.createReadStream(packagePath);
        var write = fs.createWriteStream(path.join(dirPath, 'package.json'));
return when.try(self._eventSink.sink.bind(self._eventSink), commitObject).then(function _commitSinkSucceeded(result) {
		// Now that the commit is sunk, we can clear the event staging area - new events will end up in subsequent commits.
		self._stagedEvents = [];
		//NOTE: The check/log emission below is a good candidate for refactoring into Aspect-Oriented Programming.
		// ESDF Core does not support AOP as of now, though.
			self._IOObserver.emit('CommitSinkSuccess', {
				commitObject: commitObject
		// Now that the commit has been saved, we proceed to save a snapshot if the snapshotting strategy tells us to (and we have a snapshot save provider).
		//  Note that _snapshotStrategy is called with "this" set to the current aggregate, which makes it behave like a private method.
		if (self.supportsSnapshotGeneration() && self._snapshotter && self._snapshotStrategy && self._snapshotStrategy(commitObject)) {
			when.try(self._saveSnapshot.bind(self)).catch(function(error) {
				//TODO: We should not be using console directly, but there is currently
				// no way to inject a custom logger.
				console.error('Error saving snapshot for %s [%s]: %s', self._aggregateID, self._aggregateType, error);
			// Since saving a snapshot is never mandatory for correct operation of an event-sourced application, we do not have to react to errors.
		return result;
	}, function _commitSinkFailed(reason) {
		// Sink failed - do nothing. An upper layer can either retry the sinking, or reload the aggregate and retry (in the latter case, the sequence number will probably get refreshed).
bootstrap: function(argv) {
    var projectRootDir = getProjectRootDir();
    if (projectRootDir !== null) {
      console.log('Initialization Error') + ' - Can\'t create new firebase app ' +
        'inside an existing firebase project');
    _when.join(this.getTemplates(), auth.listFirebases(argv)).done(function(resultSet) {
      var supportedTemplates = resultSet[0],
          res = resultSet[1];

      if (res.firebases.length === 0) {
        console.log(chalk.yellow('You have no apps in your Firebase account'));
        console.log('Sign in to %s and create an app', chalk.cyan(''));
        console.log('then initialize a directory for hosting');

      // Firebase names always a subset of ^[0-9a-z-]*$ so safe to regex
      var templateList = Object.keys(supportedTemplates).sort();
      var firebasePattern = new RegExp('^(' + res.firebases.join('|') + ')$');
      var templatePattern = new RegExp('^(' + templateList.join('|') + ')$');
      if (!argv.firebase || (typeof(argv.firebase) !== 'string') || !argv.firebase.match(firebasePattern)) {
add : function(props) {

    var self = this;
    var def = when.defer();
    var checkExistance = when.defer();
    var tagDef = when.defer();

    try {

      // if we have an original url, make sure it's a url
      if (props.original_url && props.original_url.length) {
        assert(Validator.isURL(props.original_url), "original_url isn't a URL");

        // check if this already exists, based on URL. if it does, exit.
        self.forge({ original_url : props.original_url }).fetch().then(function(submission) {
          if (typeof submission !== "undefined" && submission !== null) {
            checkExistance.reject("This example already exists. Id " +;
          } else {
} catch (err) {
        service.logger.error('Post Start Init Service Error:', err);
        return when.reject(err);

    result = service.resources.postStartInit();

    // wait for Q'd resources to resolve before letting service resolve
    if (service._promiseQueue.length) {'Wait Post Start Init...');

      // TODO: need timeout in case resource promise never resolves
      return when.all(service._promiseQueue).then(function () {
        delete service._promiseQueue;'Loaded');
        service.logger.groupEnd(' ');
    } else {
      service.logger.groupEnd(' ');

      return 1;
  }.bind(this)).then(function (result) {
    logger.groupEnd('Done Running All Post Start Inits');
.then(webhooks => {

        // remove all webhooks on stop
        if(!flint.options.removeWebhooksOnStart) {
          var webhooksToRemove = _.filter(webhooks, webhook => {
            return ( == u.base64encode(flint.options.webhookUrl.split('/')[2] + ' ' +;

          if(webhooksToRemove instanceof Array && webhooksToRemove.length > 0) {
            return, webhook => flint.spark.webhookRemove(
              .then(() => when(true))
              .catch(() => when(true));
          } else {
            return when(true);

        // else, only remove webhooks this app created
        else {
          return, webhook => flint.spark.webhookRemove(
            .then(() => when(true))
            .catch(() => when(true));

  } else {
return when.promise(function(resolve,reject) {
                var promises = [];
      ,dir).done(function(files) {
                    files = files.sort();
                    files.forEach(function(fn) {
                        var stats = fs.statSync(path.join(dir,fn));
                        if (stats.isFile()) {
                            if (/\.js$/.test(fn)) {
                                promises.push(when.promise(function(resolve,reject) {
                                    loadNode(dir,fn).then(resolve, function(err) {
                        } else if (stats.isDirectory()) {
                            // Ignore /.dirs/, /lib/ /node_modules/ 
                            if (!/^(\..*|lib|icons|node_modules|test)$/.test(fn)) {
                                promises.push(when.promise(function(resolve,reject) {
                                    loadNodes(path.join(dir,fn)).then(function(errs) {
readable._read = function _read(length) {
			var self = this;
			when.try(reader, sequenceID, currentOffset).then(function(commits) {
				if (!Array.isArray(commits) && commits !== null) {
					throw new Error('Expected an array of Commit objects, but got an unknown type from the commit reader function');
				// Move forward in the stream:
				if (Array.isArray(commits)) {
					currentOffset += commits.length;
				// Only perform one push(). Multiple pushes from one _read() are apparently a sure-fire way to cause a huge memory leak.
			}).catch(function(error) {
				self.emit('error', error);
}).then(function runUserFunction(loadingResult) {
			var aggregateInstance = loadingResult.instance;
			var stagedCommit;

			return when.try(userFunction, aggregateInstance).then(function saveAggregateState(userFunctionResult) {
				// Get the events staged by the aggregate root in course of execution and eventually append them to the result if requested.
				try {
					stagedCommit = aggregateInstance.getCommit(options.commitMetadata || {});
				} catch (commitConstructionError) {
					// no-op: we've failed to construct the commit; maybe the aggregate
					//  root instance has no ID assigned? Anyway, commit() will either
					//  fail or succeed without writing anything (0 events). This is not
					//  a common case, but a useful one when loading "dummy entities"
					//  which are guaranteed to be in their initial state. This also
					//  ensures compatibility with esdf 0.1.x.

				// Actually commit:
				return when.try(aggregateInstance.commit.bind(aggregateInstance), options.commitMetadata || {}).then(function _buildOutput() {
					// If the caller has requested an "advanced format" result, pass the data through to them, enriched with the result of the user function.
					if (options.advanced) {

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