Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'string-kit' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
autoComplete: options.autoComplete ,
autoCompleteMenu: options.autoCompleteMenu ,
autoCompleteHint: !! options.autoCompleteHint
} ;
// Now inputs is an array of input, input being an array of char (thanks to JS using UCS-2 instead of UTF-8)
if ( Array.isArray( options.history ) ) {
inputs = options.history.map( str => string.unicode.toArray( str ).slice( 0 , options.maxLength ) ) ;
if ( options.default && typeof options.default === 'string' ) {
inputs.push( string.unicode.toArray( options.default ).slice( 0 , options.maxLength ) ) ;
else {
inputs.push( [] ) ;
var init = () => {
inputIndex = inputs.length - 1 ;
offset = boundOffset( offset ) ;
if ( options.y !== undefined ) {
options.x = options.x || 1 ;
this.moveTo.eraseLineAfter( options.x , options.y ) ;
finishInit( options.x , options.y ) ;
if ( charCode >= 0x80 ) {
// Unicode bytes per char guessing
if ( charCode < 0xc0 ) { continue ; } // We are in a middle of an unicode multibyte sequence... Something fails somewhere, we will just continue for now...
else if ( charCode < 0xe0 ) { bytes = 2 ; }
else if ( charCode < 0xf0 ) { bytes = 3 ; }
else if ( charCode < 0xf8 ) { bytes = 4 ; }
else if ( charCode < 0xfc ) { bytes = 5 ; }
else { bytes = 6 ; }
charBuffer[ 0 ] = charCode ;
charBuffer[ 1 ] = charBuffer[ 2 ] = charBuffer[ 3 ] = charBuffer[ 4 ] = charBuffer[ 5 ] = 0 ;
( await readStream( stream , bytes - 1 ) ).copy( charBuffer , 1 ) ;
char = charBuffer.toString( 'utf8' ) ;
codepoint = string.unicode.firstCodePoint( char ) ;
//this.emit( 'key' , char , [ char ] , { isCharacter: true , codepoint: codepoint , code: charBuffer } ) ;
this.emit( 'char' , char , codepoint ) ;
else {
// Standard ASCII
char = String.fromCharCode( charCode ) ;
//this.emit( 'key' , char , [ char ] , { isCharacter: true , codepoint: charCode , code: charCode } ) ;
this.emit( 'char' , char , charCode ) ;
} ;
this.newLine() ;
return 1 ;
// Carriage Return
// PTY may emit both a carriage return followed by a newline when a single newline is emitted from the real child process
case 0x0d :
this.moveTo( 1 ) ;
return 1 ;
// Escape
case 0x1b :
if ( index + 1 < chunk.length ) { return this.escapeSequence( chunk , index + 1 ) ; }
return 1 ;
default :
console.error( string.format( 'Not implemented: Control 0x%x' , chunk[ index ] ) ) ;
return 1 ;
} ;
fg = Math.floor( fg ) ;
bg = Math.floor( bg ) ;
if ( fg < 0 || fg > 255 || bg < 0 || bg > 255 ) { return '' ; }
// If the register is greater than 15, find the 0..15 register that is close to it
if ( fg > 15 ) { fg = this.root.registerForRgb( this.root.rgbForRegister( fg ) , 0 , 15 ) ; }
if ( bg > 15 ) { bg = this.root.registerForRgb( this.root.rgbForRegister( bg ) , 0 , 15 ) ; }
//console.log( 'fg bg: ' , fg , bg ) ;
fg = fgCursorTable[ fg ] ;
bg = bgCursorTable[ bg ] ;
return string.format( '\x1b[?16;%u;%uc' , fg , bg * 16 ) ;
} ,
if ( Terminal.osc[ num ] ) { Terminal.osc[ num ].call( this , sequence.slice( index + 1 ) ) ; }
else { console.error( 'Not implemented: OSC "' + num + '" (sequence: ' + sequence.slice( index + 1 ) + '")' ) ; }
console.log( "Trouble: NaN!" ) ;
return sequence.length + 2 + ( chunk[ i ] === 0x07 ? 1 : 2 ) ; // ESC + ] + sequence + Bell/ST
sequence += char ;
console.log( "Trouble: " + string.escape.control( chunk.toString() ) ) ;
// We should never reach here, except if the buffer was too short
return null ;
} ;
break ;
else if ( this.rKeymapStarter[ i ] && this.rKeymapStarter[ i ][ keymapStartCode ] ) {
// Then test pattern sequences
keymapList = this.rKeymapStarter[ i ][ keymapStartCode ] ;
//console.log( 'for i:' , keymapList ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < keymapList.length ; j ++ ) {
keymap = keymapList[ j ] ;
if ( keymap.altEnder ) {
regexp = '^' +
string.escape.regExp( keymap.starter ) +
'([ -~]*)' + // [ -~] match only all ASCII non-control character
'(' + string.escape.regExp( keymap.ender ) + '|' + string.escape.regExp( keymap.altEnder ) + ')' ;
else {
regexp = '^' +
string.escape.regExp( keymap.starter ) +
'([ -~]*)' + // [ -~] match only all ASCII non-control character
string.escape.regExp( keymap.ender ) ;
matches = keymapCode.match( new RegExp( regexp ) , 'g' ) ;
//console.log( 'for j:' , keymap , regexp , matches ) ;
if ( matches ) {
found = true ;
else if ( this.rKeymapStarter[ i ] && this.rKeymapStarter[ i ][ keymapStartCode ] ) {
// Then test pattern sequences
keymapList = this.rKeymapStarter[ i ][ keymapStartCode ] ;
//console.log( 'for i:' , keymapList ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j < keymapList.length ; j ++ ) {
keymap = keymapList[ j ] ;
if ( keymap.altEnder ) {
regexp = '^' +
string.escape.regExp( keymap.starter ) +
'([ -~]*)' + // [ -~] match only all ASCII non-control character
'(' + string.escape.regExp( keymap.ender ) + '|' + string.escape.regExp( keymap.altEnder ) + ')' ;
else {
regexp = '^' +
string.escape.regExp( keymap.starter ) +
'([ -~]*)' + // [ -~] match only all ASCII non-control character
string.escape.regExp( keymap.ender ) ;
matches = keymapCode.match( new RegExp( regexp ) , 'g' ) ;
//console.log( 'for j:' , keymap , regexp , matches ) ;
if ( matches ) {
found = true ;
handlerResult = keymap.handler.call( this , keymap.name , matches[ 1 ] ) ;
"w": term.str.bgWhite() ,
"W": term.str.bgBrightWhite() ,
"y": term.str.bgYellow() ,
"Y": term.str.bgBrightYellow()
} ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig = Object.create( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.startingMarkupReset = false ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.endingMarkupReset = false ;
for ( k in term.escHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k ] = term.escHandler[ k ] ; }
for ( k in term.escOffHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k + '_off' ] = term.escOffHandler[ k ] ; }
term.format = string.createFormatter( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.markup = string.createMarkup( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.options = options ;
// Should come after any escape sequence definitions
createOptimized( term ) ;
// Register various exit handler
// Fix the issue #3, turn grabInput off on exit
// Disable input grabbing at exit.
// Note: the terminal can still send some garbage if it was about to do it when exit kickin.
process.on( 'exit' , () => {
//console.log( '>>> exit' ) ;
// Cleanup was done from elsewhere, probably by .asyncCleanup()
if ( term.shutdown ) { return ; }
term.shutdown = true ;
"W": term.str.bgBrightWhite() ,
"y": term.str.bgYellow() ,
"Y": term.str.bgBrightYellow()
} ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig = Object.create( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.startingMarkupReset = false ;
term.formatConfig.rawMarkupConfig.endingMarkupReset = false ;
for ( k in term.escHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k ] = term.escHandler[ k ] ; }
for ( k in term.escOffHandler ) { term.formatConfig.fn[ k + '_off' ] = term.escOffHandler[ k ] ; }
term.format = string.createFormatter( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.markup = string.createMarkup( term.formatConfig ) ;
term.options = options ;
// Should come after any escape sequence definitions
createOptimized( term ) ;
// Register various exit handler
// Fix the issue #3, turn grabInput off on exit
// Disable input grabbing at exit.
// Note: the terminal can still send some garbage if it was about to do it when exit kickin.
process.on( 'exit' , () => {
//console.log( '>>> exit' ) ;
// Cleanup was done from elsewhere, probably by .asyncCleanup()
if ( term.shutdown ) { return ; }
term.shutdown = true ;
term.styleReset() ;
width = 0 ;
height = data.length ;
attr = options.attr !== undefined ? options.attr : ScreenBuffer.prototype.DEFAULT_ATTR ;
if ( attr && typeof attr === 'object' && ! attr.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT ) { attr = ScreenBuffer.object2attr( attr ) ; }
attrTrans = attr ;
if ( options.transparencyChar ) {
if ( ! options.transparencyType ) { attrTrans |= TRANSPARENCY ; }
else { attrTrans |= options.transparencyType & TRANSPARENCY ; }
// Compute the width of the screenBuffer
for ( y = 0 ; y < data.length ; y ++ ) {
lineWidth = string.unicode.width( data[ y ] ) ;
if ( lineWidth > width ) { width = lineWidth ; }
// Create the buffer with the right width & height
screenBuffer = new ScreenBuffer( { width: width , height: height } ) ;
// Fill the buffer with data
for ( y = 0 ; y < data.length ; y ++ ) {
if ( ! options.transparencyChar ) {
screenBuffer.put( { x: 0 , y: y , attr: attr } , data[ y ] ) ;
else {
length = data[ y ].length ;
for ( x = 0 ; x < length ; x ++ ) {
if ( data[ y ][ x ] === options.transparencyChar ) {