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Top 10 Examples of "xml-js in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'xml-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// * NOTE :: leave this as require() since this file is built Dynamically from webpack
const {
} = require("./dist/server/main");

// Path is relative to dist/ directory where it runs
const BROWSER_FOLDER = join(process.cwd(), "browser");
const OUTPUT_FOLDER = join(process.cwd(),;
const SRC_FOLDER = join(process.cwd(), '../', 'src');

// Load the index.html file containing referances to your application bundle.
const index = readFileSync(join("browser", "index.html"), "utf8");
// Load the sitemap to know the list of urls to render
const sitemapFile = readFileSync(join(process.cwd(), "browser", "sitemap.xml"), {encoding: 'utf8'});
const sitemap = converter.xml2js(sitemapFile, {compact: true});

// Build an array of routes and paths, only render the current version docs
const urls = sitemap.urlset.url
  .filter(item => {
    // Filter out the docs from other versions
    if (item.loc._text.indexOf('/documentation/') > -1 && item.loc._text.indexOf('/documentation/' + environment.version) === -1) {
      return false;
    return true;
  .map(item => {
    const url = parse(item.loc._text);
    const route = url.pathname.replace("clarity/", "");
    const fullPath = join(BROWSER_FOLDER, route);

    // Make sure the directory structure is there
const notFound = () => {
  // Copy index.html from not-found to 404.html
  copySync(join(BROWSER_FOLDER, 'not-found', 'index.html'), join(BROWSER_FOLDER, '404.html'));
  // Remove not-found from sitemap
  const sitemapFile = readFileSync(join(BROWSER_FOLDER, "sitemap.xml"), {encoding: 'utf8'});
  const sitemap = converter.xml2js(sitemapFile, {compact: true});
  sitemap.urlset.url = sitemap.urlset.url.filter(item => {
    if (item.loc._text.indexOf('/not-found') >= 0) {
      return false;
    return true;
  writeFileSync(join(BROWSER_FOLDER, "sitemap.xml"), converter.js2xml(sitemap, {compact: true, spaces: 4}), {encoding: 'utf8'});
  // Delete the not-found directory
var readXml = function (input, options) {
    var data, output;
    // Validate XML
    try {
        data = xml_js_1.xml2js(input, {
            spaces: 4,
            compact: true
    catch (error) {
        throw error;
    var inputScope = (typeof data.snippet.scope['_text'] !== 'undefined') ? data.snippet.scope['_text'] : null;
    var scope = options.scope ? options.scope : inputScope;
    // Minimum requirements
    if (typeof data.snippet.content._cdata === 'undefined') {
        return console.warn('This doesn\'t seem to be a valid Sublime Text snippet file. Aborting.');
    // Get scope, convert if necessary
    output = {};
    if (scope !== null) {
private async handleRequestPut(request, response) {
    const directoryPath = normalize(join(String(this.localDirectoryPath), String(request.params.path)));
    // strip signature in android , returns same buffer for other clients
    var new_data = util.stripChunkSignature(request.body);
    // loading data in map for each part
    if (request.query.partNumber !== undefined) {
      this.upload_bufferMap[request.query.uploadId][request.query.partNumber] = request.body;
    } else {
      writeFileSync(directoryPath, new_data);
      // event trigger  to differentitiate between multipart and normal put
      let eventObj = this.createEvent(request);
      this.emit('event', eventObj);
    response.send(xml(convert.json2xml(JSON.stringify('upload success'))));
export async function readXml(
  zip: JSZip,
  filepath: string
): Promise {
  const file = await getCaseInsensitveFile(zip, filepath);
  if (file == null) {
    return null;
  const text = await file.async("text");
  // @ts-ignore Due to the way it's config object interface works, xml2js is
  // bascially impossible to type. For example, you can specify what key to use
  // for `elements`. We choose `children` but the types assume the default
  // `elements`.
  return xml2js(text, { compact: false, elementsKey: "children" });
async getInfo() {
		try {
			const message = soap.getInfo(this.sessionId);
			const result = await this._makeRequest(soap.action.getInfo,	message);
			// const patchedBody = patchBody(result.body);
			// parse xml to json object
			const parseOptions = {
				compact: true, ignoreDeclaration: true, ignoreAttributes: true, spaces: 2,
			const rawJson = parseXml.xml2js(result.body, parseOptions);
			const entries = rawJson['v:Envelope']['v:Body']['m:GetInfoResponse'];
			const info = {};
			Object.keys(entries).forEach((property) => {
				if (, property)) {
					info[property] = entries[property]._text;
			return Promise.resolve(info);
		} catch (error) {
			return Promise.reject(error);
private initializeIcons = async () => {
    const res = await request('get', ICONS_URL);

    // Comes in as xml. Need to convert to json.
    const data = JSON.parse(convert.xml2json(;
    const icons: string[] = [];
    const elements = data.elements[0].elements;
    elements.slice(5, elements.length).forEach((element: any) => {
      icons.push('' + element.elements[0].elements[0].text);
    this.setState({ icons, loading: false });
                    author: fullOwnerName,
                    date: e.createdAt.toISOString(),
                    // lat: 33.417974, //optional latitude field for GeoRSS
                    // long: -111.933231, //optional longitude field for GeoRSS
                    itunesAuthor: fullOwnerName,
                    itunesExplicit: false,
                    itunesSubtitle: e.summary,
                    itunesSummary: e.summary,
                    itunesDuration: Math.trunc(e.audioDuration),
                    itunesKeywords: ["javascript", "podcast"],

            // We manually add iTunes category because in the podcasts module it doesn't work
            const jsonFeed = JSON.parse(convert.xml2json(feed.xml(), { compact: false, spaces: 4 }));
                type: "element",
                name: "itunes:category",
                attributes: {
                    text: mainCategory,
                elements: subCategory.length > 0 ? [{
                    type: "element",
                    name: "itunes:category",
                    attributes: {
                        text: subCategory,
  const config = fileXml['network-security-config'][0]

  // Remove certificate pinning rules
  // See
  delete config['pin-set']

  const overrides = (config['debug-overrides'] || (config['debug-overrides'] = [{}]))[0]
  const trustAnchors = (overrides['trust-anchors'] || (overrides['trust-anchors'] = [{}]))[0]
  const certificates = trustAnchors['certificates'] || (trustAnchors['certificates'] = [])

  if (!certificates.filter((c: any) => c._attributes.src === 'user').length) {
    certificates.push({ _attributes: { src: 'user' } })

  await fs.writeFile(path, xml.js2xml(fileXml, { compact: true, spaces: 4 }))
obj = {
            // _comment: ' ' + this.meta + ' ',
            snippet: {
                content: {
                    _cdata: input.completions[0].contents
                tabTrigger: {
                    _text: input.completions[0].trigger
                scope: {
                    _text: input.scope
    output = xml_js_1.js2xml(obj, {
        compact: true,
        spaces: 4
    return output;
exports.writeXml = writeXml;

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