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Top 10 Examples of "web3-utils in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'web3-utils' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('Authentic Submission Happy Path - SubmitBlock()', async () => {
    const ion = await;
    const validation = await;
    await validation.RegisterChain(TESTCHAINID, VALIDATORS, GENESIS_HASH);

    // Fetch block 1 from testrpc
    const block = web3.eth.getBlock(1);

    const rlpHeaders = encoder.encodeBlockHeader(block);
    const signedHeaderHash = Web3Utils.sha3(rlpHeaders.signed);
    assert.equal(block.hash, signedHeaderHash);

    // Submit block should succeed
    const validationReceipt = await validation.SubmitBlock(TESTCHAINID, rlpHeaders.unsigned, rlpHeaders.signed);
    const recoveredBlockHash = await;
    assert.equal(signedHeaderHash, recoveredBlockHash);
    console.log("\tGas used to submit block = " + validationReceipt.receipt.gasUsed.toString() + " gas");

    let blockHash = await validation.m_blockhashes(TESTCHAINID, block.hash);
    assert.equal(blockHash, true);

    let header = await validation.m_blockheaders(TESTCHAINID, block.hash);

    // Separate fetched header info
    parentHash = header[2];
await goodClient.resetDB();
      await goodClient.addLogContentsToReputationTree();
      await advanceMiningCycleNoContest({ colonyNetwork, test: this, client: goodClient });
      await goodClient.saveCurrentState();

      // The update log should contain the person being rewarded for the previous
      // update cycle, and reputation updates for one task completion (manager, worker (skill and domain), evaluator);
      // That's five in total.
      const repCycle = await getActiveRepCycle(colonyNetwork);
      const nLogEntries = await repCycle.getReputationUpdateLogLength();

      const badClient = new MaliciousReputationMinerExtraRep(
        { loader, realProviderPort, useJsTree, minerAddress: MINER2 },
      await badClient.initialise(colonyNetwork.address);

      // Moving the state to the bad client
      const currentGoodClientState = await goodClient.getRootHash();
      await badClient.loadState(currentGoodClientState);

      await submitAndForwardTimeToDispute([goodClient, badClient], this);

      await accommodateChallengeAndInvalidateHash(colonyNetwork, this, goodClient, badClient, {
        client2: { respondToChallenge: "colony-reputation-mining-reputation-not-max-int128" }
      await repCycle.confirmNewHash(1);
it("should prohibit revealing at the right time but with too low a deposit", async function() {
    let instance = await MacroverseUniversalRegistry.deployed()
    let backend = await MacroverseRealEstate.deployed()

    // Remember our commitment from the last test?
    let to_claim = mv.keypathToToken('')
    let nonce = 0xDEAD
    assert.equal(await backend.exists(to_claim), false, "Token exists too early")

    // We're also going to test price adjustments

    let since = web3.eth.getBlock('latest').number

    // Adjust the price up
    await instance.setMinimumSystemDeposit(Web3Utils.toWei("1001", "ether"))

    let saw_event = false
    let new_price = undefined
    for (let event_report of await instance.getPastEvents('DepositScaleChange', {fromBlock: since})) {
      if (event_report.event == 'DepositScaleChange') {
        // Remember we saw the change
        saw_event = true
        // And what we changed to
        new_price = event_report.args.new_min_system_deposit_in_atomic_units

    assert.equal(saw_event, true, "We got the first expected price change event")
    assert.equal(new_price, Web3Utils.toWei("1001", "ether"), "We got the first expected new price")

    await assert_throws(instance.reveal(to_claim, nonce), "Revealed with too small deposit")
register () {
        //***** Simulating the principal node
        console.log ('registering principal', this.custodian);
        const report = engUtils.encodeReport (
        // Using the same artificial data for all workers
        return this.contract.register (
            this.params[0], report, {
                from: this.custodian,
                gas: 4712388,
                gasPrice: web3Utils.toWei (GAS_PRICE_GWEI, 'gwei')
it("should prohibit revealing for a parent token of owned land", async function() {
    let instance = await MacroverseUniversalRegistry.deployed()
    let mrv = await MRVToken.deployed()

    // Approve the deposit tokens
    await mrv.approve(instance.address, await[1]), {from: accounts[1]})

    // This is a parent of the land token we have been working with
    let to_claim = mv.keypathToToken('')
    let nonce = 0xDEADBEEF88
    let data_hash = mv.hashTokenAndNonce(to_claim, nonce)

    // Commit for it
    await instance.commit(data_hash, Web3Utils.toWei("1000", "ether"), {from: accounts[1]})

    // Advance time for 10 minutes to mature the commitment
    await mv.advanceTime(10)

    // Now try revealing. It should fail.
    await assert_throws(instance.reveal(to_claim, nonce), "Revealed land superplot")

    // Clean up
    await instance.cancel(data_hash, {from: accounts[1]})
        var txCount = await web3.eth.getTransactionCount(addressFrom);
       } catch(error) {  //here goes if someAsyncPromise() rejected}
         return error;    //this will result in a resolved promise.

    const txOptions = {
      nonce: web3Utils.toHex(txCount),
      gasLimit: web3Utils.toHex(25000),
      gasPrice: web3Utils.toHex(2e9), // 2 Gwei
      to: addressTo,
      from: addressFrom,
      value: web3Utils.toHex(web3Utils.toWei('123', 'wei'))
    //  value: web3Utils.toHex(web3Utils.toWei('123', 'wei'))

    // fire away!

    console.log('fire away ')
    await this.sendSignedRawTransaction(web3,txOptions,addressFrom,account, function(err, result) {
      if (err) return console.log('error', err)
      console.log('sent', result)

source: "With value: Send `@tokenAmount(token, msg.value)` from `msg.sender` to `receiver`",
    bindings: { token: address(ETH), receiver:  address('0x8401Eb5ff34cc943f096A32EF3d5113FEbE8D4Eb') },
    options: { from: '0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7', value: '1000000000000000000' },
  }, 'With value: Send 1 ETH from 0xb4124cEB3451635DAcedd11767f004d8a28c6eE7 to 0x8401Eb5ff34cc943f096A32EF3d5113FEbE8D4Eb'],

    source: "Sending tx with data `` to contract at `contract`",
    bindings: { contract: address('0x960b236A07cf122663c4303350609A66A7B288C0') },
    options: { data: '0xabcdef'}
  }, "Sending tx with data 0xabcdef to contract at 0x960b236A07cf122663c4303350609A66A7B288C0"],
  // using on a helper
    source: "Performs a call to `@radspec(contract,`",
    bindings: { contract: address('0x960b236A07cf122663c4303350609A66A7B288C0') },
    options: { data: keccak256(Object.keys(knownFunctions)[3]).slice(0,10) }
  }, `Performs a call to ${Object.values(knownFunctions)[3]}`],


cases.forEach(([input, expected], index) => {
  test(`${index} - ${input.source}`, async (t) => {
    const { userHelpers } = input.options || {}
    const actual = await evaluateRaw(
        availableHelpers: { ...defaultHelpers, ...userHelpers }
it("returns correct negative value", function() {
      let bytes = [0xf5, 0xe2, 0xc5, 0x17];  // starts with 0b1
      let raw = new BN("f5e2c517", 16);
      let bitfipped = new BN(
          .replace(/0/g, "x")
          .replace(/1/g, "0")
          .replace(/x/g, "1"),

      let expectedValue = bitfipped.add(new BN(1)).neg();

      let result = utils.toSignedBN(bytes);

      assert.equal(result.toString(), expectedValue.toString());
//  console.log('digestBigNumber',digestBigNumber.toString())
              // console.log('miningTarget',miningTarget.toString())

                 if ( )

                     console.log( web3utils.bytesToHex(digestBytes32))

             if (  )
               //pass in digest bytes or trimmed ?

                 this.mining = false;

                 this.networkInterface.checkMiningSolution( minerEthAddress, solution_number , web3utils.bytesToHex( digestBytes32 ),challenge_number,miningTarget,
                    console.log('checked mining soln:' ,result)
              }else {
                console.log('submit mined solution with challenge ', challenge_number)
    .map(methodSignature => soliditySha3(methodSignature)) // keccak256
    .map(h =>

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