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Top 10 Examples of "libp2p-crypto in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'libp2p-crypto' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

it('encoded public key with JWT', (done) => {
    const jwk = {
      kty: 'RSA',
      n: 'tkiqPxzBWXgZpdQBd14o868a30F3Sc43jwWQG3caikdTHOo7kR14o-h12D45QJNNQYRdUty5eC8ItHAB4YIH-Oe7DIOeVFsnhinlL9LnILwqQcJUeXENNtItDIM4z1ji1qta7b0mzXAItmRFZ-vkNhHB6N8FL1kbS3is_g2UmX8NjxAwvgxjyT5e3_IO85eemMpppsx_ZYmSza84P6onaJFL-btaXRq3KS7jzXkzg5NHKigfjlG7io_RkoWBAghI2smyQ5fdu-qGpS_YIQbUnhL9tJLoGrU72MufdMBZSZJL8pfpz8SB9BBGDCivV0VpbvV2J6En26IsHL_DN0pbIw',
      e: 'AQAB',
      alg: 'RS256',
      kid: '2011-04-29'
    // console.log('jwk', jwk)
    const rsa = new rsaClass.RsaPublicKey(jwk)
    // console.log('rsa', rsa)
    rsa.hash((err, keyId) => {
      // console.log('err', err)
      // console.log('keyId', keyId)
      // console.log('id decoded', multihash.decode(keyId))
      const kids = multihash.toB58String(keyId)
      // console.log('id', kids)
it('encoded public key with DER', (done) => {
    const jwk = rsaUtils.pkixToJwk(publicKeyDer)
    // console.log('jwk', jwk)
    const rsa = new rsaClass.RsaPublicKey(jwk)
    // console.log('rsa', rsa)
    rsa.hash((err, keyId) => {
      // console.log('err', err)
      // console.log('keyId', keyId)
      // console.log('id decoded', multihash.decode(keyId))
      const kids = multihash.toB58String(keyId)
      // console.log('id', kids)
it('encoded public key with DER', (done) => {
    const jwk = rsaUtils.pkixToJwk(publicKeyDer)
    // console.log('jwk', jwk)
    const rsa = new rsaClass.RsaPublicKey(jwk)
    // console.log('rsa', rsa)
    rsa.hash((err, keyId) => {
      // console.log('err', err)
      // console.log('keyId', keyId)
      // console.log('id decoded', multihash.decode(keyId))
      const kids = multihash.toB58String(keyId)
      // console.log('id', kids)
it('decoded public key', async () => {
    // get protobuf version of the public key
    const publicKeyProtobuf = peer.marshalPubKey()
    const publicKey = crypto.keys.unmarshalPublicKey(publicKeyProtobuf)
    publicKeyDer = publicKey.marshal()

    // get protobuf version of the private key
    const privateKeyProtobuf = peer.marshalPrivKey()
    const key = await promisify(crypto.keys.unmarshalPrivateKey, {
      context: crypto.keys
/* eslint-env mocha */
'use strict'

const chai = require('chai')
const dirtyChai = require('dirty-chai')
const expect = chai.expect

const libp2pCrypto = require('libp2p-crypto')
const keysPBM = libp2pCrypto.keys.keysPBM
const randomBytes = libp2pCrypto.randomBytes
const crypto = require('../src/crypto')(randomBytes)

describe('secp256k1 keys', () => {
  let key
  const secp256k1 = require('../src')(keysPBM, randomBytes)

  before(async () => {
    key = await secp256k1.generateKeyPair()

  it('generates a valid key', async () => {

    const digest = await key.hash()
const getConfig = (peerInfo) => mergeOptions(baseOptions, {
      modules: {
        peerDiscovery: [MulticastDNS]
      config: {
        peerDiscovery: {
          autoDial: false,
          mdns: {
            enabled: true,
            interval: 200, // discover quickly
            // use a random tag to prevent CI collision
            serviceTag: crypto.randomBytes(10).toString('hex')
await this._republishEntry(privateKey)
    } catch (err) {
      const errMsg = 'cannot republish entry for the node\'s private key'


    // keychain needs pass to get the cryptographic keys
    if (pass) {
      try {
        const keys = await this._keychain.listKeys()

        for (const key in keys) {
          const pem = await this._keychain.exportKey(, pass)
          const privKey = await crypto.keys.import(pem, pass)

          await this._republishEntry(privKey)
      } catch (err) {
async protect (connection) {
    assert(connection, Errors.NO_HANDSHAKE_CONNECTION)

    // Exchange nonces
    log('protecting the connection')
    const localNonce = crypto.randomBytes(NONCE_LENGTH)

    const shake = handshake(connection)

    const result = await
    const remoteNonce = result.value.slice()

    // Create the boxing/unboxing pipe
    log('exchanged nonces')
    const [internal, external] = duplexPair()
      // Encrypt all outbound traffic
      createBoxStream(localNonce, this.psk),,
static generateOptions () {
    const options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions)
    const saltLength = Math.ceil(NIST.minSaltLength / 3) * 3 // no base64 padding
    options.dek.salt = crypto.randomBytes(saltLength).toString('base64')
    return options
button.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
      output.innerHTML = ''
      if (!password.validity.valid) {
      // Compute a derived key to use in AES encryption algorithm
      // We aren't ever storing passwords, so no need to worry about salt
      const key = crypto.pbkdf2(password.value, 'encryptoid', 5000, 24, 'sha2-256')
      // We're only using the key once, so a fixed IV should be ok
      const iv = Buffer.from([...Array(16).keys()])
      // Create AES encryption object
      crypto.aes.create(Buffer.from(key), iv, (err, cipher) => {
        if (!err) {
          if (isDecrypting) {
            cipher.decrypt(Buffer.from(message.value, 'base64'), async (err, plaintext) => {
              if (!err) {
                const info = `Your super secret message is:
                const msg = `${plaintext.toString('utf-8')}`
                const create = `<br><a href="${base}">create your own...</a>`
                output.innerText = info + '"' + msg + '"'
                output.innerHTML = output.innerHTML + create
          } else {
            cipher.encrypt(Buffer.from(message.value), async (err, encrypted) =&gt; {
              if (!err) {
                const hashed = (await ipfs.files.add(encrypted))[0]

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