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Top 8 Examples of "vscode-ripgrep in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vscode-ripgrep' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import { rgPath } from 'vscode-ripgrep';
import { spawn, ChildProcess } from 'child_process';
import * as path from 'path';
import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as Stream from 'stream';
import * as tty from 'tty';

const cmd: string = rgPath.replace(/\bnode_modules\.asar\b/, 'node_modules.asar.unpacked');

const readStream = fs.createReadStream('/Users/dmitry.astafyev/WebstormProjects/logviewer/logs_examples/tm_b.log', { start: 90, end: 999, autoClose: true, encoding: 'utf8' });
readStream.on('open', (fd) => {

    const rg = spawn(cmd, ['-N', '-e', '12:38', '-'], {
        stdio: ['pipe', 'inherit', 'ignore'],

    readStream.on('data', (chunk) => {
        // rg.stdin.write('\n\r');
        console.log(`READ: ${chunk}`);
searchInDirectory(directory, regexp, options, numPathsFound) {
    // Delay the require of vscode-ripgrep to not mess with the snapshot creation.
    if (!this.rgPath) {
      this.rgPath = require('vscode-ripgrep').rgPath.replace(

    const directoryPath = directory.getPath();
    const regexpStr = this.prepareRegexp(regexp.source);

    const args = ['--hidden', '--json', '--regexp', regexpStr];
    if (options.leadingContextLineCount) {
      args.push('--before-context', options.leadingContextLineCount);
    if (options.trailingContextLineCount) {
      args.push('--after-context', options.trailingContextLineCount);
    if (regexp.ignoreCase) {
// This file is prepended to loader/entry code (like our main.js or VS Code's
// bootstrap-fork.js). {{ROOT_PATH}} is replaced during the build process.
if (!global.NBIN_LOADED) {
	try {
		const nbin = require("nbin");
		global.NBIN_LOADED = true;
		const path = require("path");
		const rg = require("vscode-ripgrep");
		rg.binaryRgPath = rg.rgPath;
		rg.rgPath = path.join(
	} catch (error) { /*  Not in the binary. */ }
// This file is prepended to loader/entry code (like our main.js or VS Code's
// bootstrap-fork.js). {{ROOT_PATH}} is replaced during the build process.
if (!global.NBIN_LOADED) {
	try {
		const nbin = require("nbin");
		global.NBIN_LOADED = true;
		const path = require("path");
		const rg = require("vscode-ripgrep");
		rg.binaryRgPath = rg.rgPath;
		rg.rgPath = path.join(
	} catch (error) { /*  Not in the binary. */ }
/* global emit */

const async = require('async')
const fs = require('fs')
const os = require('os')
const path = require('path')
const {GitRepository} = require('atom')
const {Minimatch} = require('minimatch')
const childProcess = require('child_process')
const { rgPath } = require('vscode-ripgrep')

const PathsChunkSize = 100

// Use the unpacked path if the ripgrep binary is in asar archive.
const realRgPath = rgPath.replace(/\bapp\.asar\b/, 'app.asar.unpacked')

// Define the maximum number of concurrent crawling processes based on the number of CPUs
// with a maximum value of 8 and minimum of 1.
const MaxConcurrentCrawls = Math.min(Math.max(os.cpus().length - 1, 8), 1)

const emittedPaths = new Set()

class PathLoader {
  constructor (rootPath, ignoreVcsIgnores, traverseSymlinkDirectories, ignoredNames, useRipGrep) {
    this.rootPath = rootPath
    this.ignoreVcsIgnores = ignoreVcsIgnores
    this.traverseSymlinkDirectories = traverseSymlinkDirectories
    this.ignoredNames = ignoredNames
    this.useRipGrep = useRipGrep
    this.paths = []
    this.inodes = new Set()
import { rgPath } from 'vscode-ripgrep'
import EnvPaths from 'common/envPaths'

// "vscode-ripgrep" is unpacked out of asar because of the binary.
const rgDiskPath = rgPath.replace(/\bapp\.asar\b/, 'app.asar.unpacked')

class RendererPaths extends EnvPaths {
   * Configure and sets all application paths.
   * @param {string} userDataPath The user data path.
  constructor (userDataPath) {
    if (!userDataPath) {
      throw new Error('No user data path is given.')

    // Initialize environment paths

    // Allow to use a local ripgrep binary (e.g. an optimized version).
const vscode = require('vscode')
const querystring = require('querystring')
const rgPath = require('vscode-ripgrep').rgPath
const {
} = require('child_process')

const rootPath = vscode.workspace.rootPath

const execOpts = {
  cwd: rootPath,
  maxBuffer: 1024 * 1000

class SearchyProvider {
  constructor() {
    this.links = []
    this._subscriptions = vscode.workspace.onDidCloseTextDocument(doc => {
      this.links[doc.uri.toString()] = []
export interface IMatch {
    text: string;
    index: number;

export interface IRegDescription {
    reg: RegExp;
    groups: number;

export class RGSearchWrapper {

    private _logger: Logger;
    private _targetFile: string;
    private _resultsFile: string;
    private _cmd: string = rgPath.replace(/\bnode_modules\.asar\b/, 'node_modules.asar.unpacked');
    private _process: ChildProcess | undefined;
    private _last: string | undefined;

    constructor(targetFile: string, resultsFile: string) {
        this._targetFile = targetFile;
        this._resultsFile = resultsFile;
        this._logger = new Logger(`RGSearchWrapper (${path.basename(targetFile)})`);

    public search(regExp: RegExp | RegExp[]): Promise {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            if (this._process !== undefined) {
                return new Error(this._logger.warn(`Cannot start new search because previous isn't finished yet.`));
            if (!(regExp instanceof Array)) {
                regExp = [regExp];

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