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Top 8 Examples of "react-native-ble-plx in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'react-native-ble-plx' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

static listen(observer: *) {
    let bleManager;
    try {
      bleManager = new BleManager();
    } catch (e) {
      // basically for the tests to pass
      return { unsubscribe: () => {} };
    const unsubscribe = () => {
    const onBleStateChange = (state: string) => {
      if (state === "PoweredOn") {
        bleManager.startDeviceScan(null, null, (bleError, device) => {
          if (bleError) {
import type { Device, Characteristic } from "./types";
import { sendAPDU } from "./sendAPDU";
import { receiveAPDU } from "./receiveAPDU";
import { monitorCharacteristic } from "./monitorCharacteristic";
import { awaitsBleOn } from "./awaitsBleOn";

const ServiceUuid = "d973f2e0-b19e-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66";
const WriteCharacteristicUuid = "d973f2e2-b19e-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66";
const NotifyCharacteristicUuid = "d973f2e1-b19e-11e2-9e96-0800200c9a66";

let connectOptions = {
  requestMTU: 156,

const transportsCache = {};
const bleManager = new BleManager();

if (Config.BLE_LOG_LEVEL) bleManager.setLogLevel(Config.BLE_LOG_LEVEL);

 * react-native bluetooth BLE implementation
 * @example
 * import BluetoothTransport from "@ledgerhq/react-native-hw-transport-ble";
export default class BluetoothTransport extends Transport {
  static isSupported = (): Promise =>
    Promise.resolve(typeof BleManager === "function");

   * TODO could add this concept in all transports
   * observe event with { available: bool, type: string } // available is generic, type is specific
   * an event is emit once and then listened

    if (!device) {
      throw new CantOpenDevice();
  } else {
    device = deviceOrId;

  if (!(await device.isConnected())) {
    log("ble-verbose", "not connected. connecting...");
    try {
      await device.connect(connectOptions);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.errorCode === BleErrorCode.DeviceMTUChangeFailed) {
        // eslint-disable-next-line require-atomic-updates
        connectOptions = {};
        await device.connect();
      } else {
        throw e;

  await device.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics();

  let res = retrieveInfos(device);
  let characteristics;
  if (!res) {
    for (const uuid of getBluetoothServiceUuids()) {
      try {
render() {
    const { error, status, onBypassGenuine, onRetry } = this.props;

    // $FlowFixMe
    if (error.errorCode === BleErrorCode.LocationServicesDisabled) {
      return ;

    // $FlowFixMe
    if (error.errorCode === BleErrorCode.BluetoothUnauthorized) {
      return ;

    const isPairingStatus = status === "pairing";
    const isGenuineCheckStatus = status === "genuinecheck";
    const url = (isPairingStatus && urls.errors.PairingFailed) || undefined;

    const outerError = isPairingStatus
      ? new PairingFailed()
      : isGenuineCheckStatus
      ? new GenuineCheckFailed()
      : null;

    return (
render() {
    const { error, status, onBypassGenuine, onRetry } = this.props;

    // $FlowFixMe
    if (error.errorCode === BleErrorCode.LocationServicesDisabled) {
      return ;

    // $FlowFixMe
    if (error.errorCode === BleErrorCode.BluetoothUnauthorized) {
      return ;

    const isPairingStatus = status === "pairing";
    const isGenuineCheckStatus = status === "genuinecheck";
    const url = (isPairingStatus && urls.errors.PairingFailed) || undefined;

    const outerError = isPairingStatus
      ? new PairingFailed()
      : isGenuineCheckStatus
      ? new GenuineCheckFailed()
constructor(props: Props) {
    this.state = {
      devices: {},
    this.ble = new BleManager()
      (error, device) => {
        if (error) console.log(error.toString())

        if (device && {
            devices: {
import {
} from "@ledgerhq/errors";
import type { Device, Characteristic } from "./types";
import { monitorCharacteristic } from "./monitorCharacteristic";
import { awaitsBleOn } from "./awaitsBleOn";
import { decoratePromiseErrors, remapError } from "./remapErrors";

let connectOptions = {
  requestMTU: 156

const transportsCache = {};
const bleManager = new BleManager();

const retrieveInfos = device => {
  if (!device || !device.serviceUUIDs) return;
  const [serviceUUID] = device.serviceUUIDs;
  if (!serviceUUID) return;
  const infos = getInfosForServiceUuid(serviceUUID);
  if (!infos) return;
  return infos;

type ReconnectionConfig = {
  pairingThreshold: number,
  delayAfterFirstPairing: number
let reconnectionConfig: ?ReconnectionConfig = {
  pairingThreshold: 1000,
if (!device) {
        throw new CantOpenDevice();
    } else {
      device = deviceOrId;

    if (!(await device.isConnected())) {{
        type: "verbose",
        message: "not connected. connecting...",
      try {
        await device.connect(connectOptions);
      } catch (e) {
        if (e.errorCode === BleErrorCode.DeviceMTUChangeFailed) {
          connectOptions = {};
          await device.connect();
        } else {
          throw e;

    await device.discoverAllServicesAndCharacteristics();

    const characteristics = await device.characteristicsForService(ServiceUuid);
    if (!characteristics) {
      throw new TransportError("service not found", "BLEServiceNotFound");
    let writeC;
    let notifyC;

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