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Top 10 Examples of "broccoli-source in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'broccoli-source' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

const rollup = rollupPackage(compiled, workspace);

  const distPath = `${workspace}/dist`;

  const dist = new Funnel(rollup, {
    getDestinationPath(relativePath) {
      return relativePath.slice(distPath.length + 1);
    annotation: `mv ${distPath} to .`,

  if (isProduction() || addTestVendor !== true) {
    return debugTree(dist, `packageDist/${workspace}/output`);

  let vendor = new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(rootPath), {
    include: [`packages/@simple-dom/*/dist/amd/es5/index.*`],
    exclude: [`${workspace}/**`, `**/node_modules/**`, `**/tmp/**`]

  vendor = mergeTrees([vendor, rollup]);

  // place vendored package sources at root
  vendor = new FixupSources(vendor, '../..');

  vendor = debugTree(vendor, `packageDist/${workspace}/test-vendor-before-concat`);

  vendor = concat(vendor, {
    outputFile: '/test/amd/vendor.js',
    inputFiles: ['packages/**/dist/amd/es5/index.js'],
    sourceMapConfig: { enabled: true }

    new Funnel('ember-electron', {
      srcDir: `resources-${platform}`,
      destDir: 'ember-electron/resources',
      allowEmpty: true,

    new Funnel(inputNode, {
      destDir: 'ember',

  if (process.env.EMBER_ENV === 'test') {
    // Overwrite main.js with test main.js
    trees.push(new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir('.'), {
      destDir: 'ember-electron',
      include: [
      getDestinationPath() {
        return 'main.js';

  return mergeTrees(trees, {
    overwrite: true,
let testsPath = typeof trees.tests === 'string' ? resolvePathFor('tests', trees.tests) : null;
    let testsTree = buildTreeFor('tests', trees.tests, options.tests);

    // these are contained within app/ no need to watch again
    // (we should probably have the builder or the watcher dedup though)

    if (isExperimentEnabled('MODULE_UNIFICATION')) {
      let srcStylesPath = `${resolvePathFor('src', trees.src)}/ui/styles`;
      this._stylesPath = fs.existsSync(srcStylesPath) ? srcStylesPath : resolvePathFor('app/styles', trees.styles);
    } else {
      this._stylesPath = resolvePathFor('app/styles', trees.styles);

    let stylesTree = null;
    if (fs.existsSync(this._stylesPath)) {
      stylesTree = new UnwatchedDir(this._stylesPath);

    let templatesTree = buildTreeFor('app/templates', trees.templates, false);

    // do not watch bower's default directory by default
    let bowerTree = buildTreeFor(this.bowerDirectory, null, !!this.project._watchmanInfo.enabled);

    // Set the flag to make sure:
    // - we do not blow up if there is no bower_components folder
    // - we do not attempt to merge bower and vendor together if they are the
    //   same tree
    this._bowerEnabled = this.bowerDirectory !== 'vendor' && fs.existsSync(this.bowerDirectory);

    let vendorTree = buildTreeFor('vendor', trees.vendor);
    let publicTree = buildTreeFor('public', trees.public);
it('is rejected when a watched source directory does not exist', function() {
        setUpBuilderAndWatcher(new WatchedDir('doesnotexist'))
        return expect(watchPromise)
packageTestApplicationConfig() {
    let files = ['app-config.js'];
    let patterns = configReplacePatterns({
      addons: this.project.addons,
      autoRun: this.autoRun,
      storeConfigInMeta: this.storeConfigInMeta,
      isModuleUnification: this.isModuleUnificationEnabled,

    let configPath = path.join(, 'config', 'environments', `test.json`);
    let emberCLITree = new ConfigReplace(new UnwatchedDir(__dirname), this.packageConfig(), {

    return new Funnel(emberCLITree, {
      srcDir: '/',
      destDir: '/vendor/ember-cli/',
      annotation: 'Funnel (test-app-config-tree)',
module.exports = function(jsTree) {
  let definitionsTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir('packages/@glimmer'), {
    include: ['**/*.d.ts'],
    destDir: '@glimmer',

  return merge([jsTree, definitionsTree]);
get legacyAppTree(): Tree {
    if (this.isNativeV2) {
      let appDir = this.packageJSON['ember-addon']['app-js'];
      if (appDir) {
        return new UnwatchedDir(join(this.originalRoot, appDir));
    } else {
      return new ChooseTree(this.vanillaTree, {
        annotation: `vanilla-choose-app-tree.${}`,
        srcDir: (_: string) => {
          return this.packageJSON['ember-addon']['app-js'];
overwrite: true,
    let testJs = concat(baseMergedTree, {
      outputFile: testSupportPath,
      annotation: 'Concat: Test Support JS',
      allowNone: true,
      sourceMapConfig: this.sourcemaps,

    let testemPath = path.join(__dirname, 'testem');
    testemPath = path.dirname(testemPath);

    let testemTree = new Funnel(new UnwatchedDir(testemPath), {
      files: ['testem.js'],
      annotation: 'Funnel (testem)',

    let sourceTrees = [testemTree, testJs];

    if (this.vendorTestStaticStyles.length > 0) {
        concat(tree, {
          headerFiles: this.vendorTestStaticStyles,
          outputFile: this.distPaths.testSupportCssFile,
          annotation: 'Concat: Test Support CSS',
          sourceMapConfig: this.sourcemaps,
function npmTree(parent, packageName, packageTreeOptions) {
  var packageRoot = path.dirname(resolve.sync(packageName + '/package.json', { basedir: parent.root }));
  var packageTree = new UnwatchedDir(packageRoot);

  debug('creating funnel for %s at %s %o', packageName, packageRoot, packageTreeOptions);

  return new Funnel(packageTree, packageTreeOptions);
treeForVendor(tree) {
    let popperPath = this.findModulePath(this.project.root, 'popper.js');
    let popperTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir(popperPath), {
      include: ['popper.js']

    let tooltipPath = this.findModulePath(this.project.root, 'tooltip.js');
    let tooltipTree = funnel(new UnwatchedDir(tooltipPath), {
      include: ['tooltip.js']

    const mergedTree = new MergedTrees([tree, popperTree, tooltipTree]);

    return funnel(this.removeSourcemapAnnotation(mergedTree), {
      getDestinationPath(relativePath) {
        if (relativePath === 'popper.js' || relativePath === 'tooltip.js') {
          return `ember-tooltips--${relativePath}`;

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