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Top 9 Examples of "url-template in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'url-template' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var traverse = function(path) {
        // A simple dotted path reference
        path.split(/\./).forEach(function(pathBit) {
            // Let errors bubble up, assuming this is all inside of a promise
            context = context[pathBit];
        return context;
    if (/^\$/.test(variable)) {
        return traverse(variable.slice(1));
    } else if (/^\{[^}]+\}$/.test(variable)) {
        var groups = /^\{([^}]+)\}$/.exec(variable);
        return traverse(groups[1]);
    } else if (/^\//.test(variable)) {
        // An URL template
        var urlTemplate = template.parse(variable);
        return urlTemplate.expand(context);
    } else {
        // Treat it as a string literal
        return variable;
options = defaultsDeep({}, options, DEFAULTS)

  let method = options.method.toLowerCase()
  let baseUrl = options.baseUrl
  let url = options.url
  let body = options.body
  let headers = options.headers
  let remainingOptions = omit(options, ['method', 'baseUrl', 'url', 'headers'])

  // replace :varname with {varname} to make it RFC 6570 compatible
  url = url.replace(/:([a-z]\w+)/g, '{+$1}')

  // extract variable names from URL to calculate remaining variables later
  const urlVariableNames = extractUrlVariableNames(url)

  url = urlTemplate.parse(url).expand(remainingOptions)

  if (!/^http/.test(url)) {
    url = (baseUrl) + url

  const requestOptions = remainingOptions.request
  remainingOptions = omit(remainingOptions, intersection(Object.keys(options), urlVariableNames).concat(NON_PARAMETERS))

  if (method === 'get' || method === 'head') {
    url = addQueryParameters(url, remainingOptions)
  } else {
    if ('input' in remainingOptions) {
      deprecate('"input" option has been renamed to "data"') = remainingOptions.input
      delete remainingOptions.input
options.resource = (item) {
        // Prepend query string with ? or &.
        if (query) {
          query = item.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' + query : '&' + query;
        return urlTemplate.parse(item).expand(urlParams) + query;

  // Check for missing required parameters in the API request
  const missingParams = getMissingParams(params, parameters.requiredParams);
  if (missingParams) {
    // Some params are missing - stop further operations and inform the
    // developer which required params are not included in the request
    throw new Error('Missing required parameters: ' + missingParams.join(', '));

  // Parse urls
  if (options.url) {
    options.url = urlTemplate.parse(options.url).expand(params);
  if (parameters.mediaUrl) {
    parameters.mediaUrl = urlTemplate.parse(parameters.mediaUrl).expand(params);

  // When forming the querystring, override the serializer so that array
  // values are serialized like this:
  // myParams: ['one', 'two'] ---> 'myParams=one&myParams=two'
  // This serializer also encodes spaces in the querystring as `%20`,
  // whereas the default serializer in axios encodes to a `+`.
  options.paramsSerializer = (params) => {
    return qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'repeat'});

  // delete path parameters from the params object so they do not end up in
  // query
  parameters.pathParams.forEach(param => {
    delete params[param];
params[newKey] = params[key];
      delete params[key];

  // Check for missing required parameters in the API request
  const missingParams = getMissingParams(params, parameters.requiredParams);
  if (missingParams) {
    // Some params are missing - stop further operations and inform the
    // developer which required params are not included in the request
    throw new Error('Missing required parameters: ' + missingParams.join(', '));

  // Parse urls
  if (options.url) {
    options.url = urlTemplate.parse(options.url).expand(params);
  if (parameters.mediaUrl) {
    parameters.mediaUrl = urlTemplate.parse(parameters.mediaUrl).expand(params);

  // When forming the querystring, override the serializer so that array
  // values are serialized like this:
  // myParams: ['one', 'two'] ---> 'myParams=one&myParams=two'
  // This serializer also encodes spaces in the querystring as `%20`,
  // whereas the default serializer in axios encodes to a `+`.
  options.paramsSerializer = (params) => {
    return qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'repeat'});

  // delete path parameters from the params object so they do not end up in
  // query
params[newKey] = params[key];
      delete params[key];

  // Check for missing required parameters in the API request
  const missingParams = getMissingParams(params, parameters.requiredParams);
  if (missingParams) {
    // Some params are missing - stop further operations and inform the
    // developer which required params are not included in the request
    throw new Error('Missing required parameters: ' + missingParams.join(', '));

  // Parse urls
  if (options.url) {
    options.url = urlTemplate.parse(options.url).expand(params);
  if (parameters.mediaUrl) {
    parameters.mediaUrl = urlTemplate.parse(parameters.mediaUrl).expand(params);

  // When forming the querystring, override the serializer so that array
  // values are serialized like this:
  // myParams: ['one', 'two'] ---> 'myParams=one&myParams=two'
  // This serializer also encodes spaces in the querystring as `%20`,
  // whereas the default serializer in gaxios encodes to a `+`.
  options.paramsSerializer = params => {
    return qs.stringify(params, {arrayFormat: 'repeat'});

  // delete path parameters from the params object so they do not end up in
  // query
function expandUrl(url, context) {
    var slugs = url.split('/').filter(function(str){return (/\S/).test(str);});
    var newUrl = {};
    for (var i = 0; i < slugs.length; i++) {
        var slug = slugs[i];
        var expanded = expandVar(slug, context);
        if (/^\{[^}]+\}$/.test(slug)) {
            var groups = /^\{([^}]+)\}$/.exec(slug);
            newUrl[groups[1]] = expanded;
        } else {
            newUrl[slug] = expanded;
    return template.parse(url).expand(newUrl);
var resolveHref = function (href, ctx) {
            return _.isFunction(href) ? href(rep, ctx) : urlTemplate.parse(href)
                .expand(flattenContext(href, ctx));
return adapter.create(type, primary).then((created) => {
            responseContext.primary = created;
            responseContext.status = 201;
            if (created instanceof Resource_1.default) {
                const templates = registry.urlTemplates(created.type);
                const template = templates && templates.self;
                if (template) {
                    const templateData = Object.assign({ "id": }, created.attrs);
                    responseContext.headers.location = templating.parse(template).expand(templateData);

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