Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'color-string' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
var colorClass = function(layer) {
var style = 'color: ' + colors[layer] + ';'
// convert rgba to hex and opacity for inkscape compatibility
if (/rgba/.test(colors[layer])) {
var rgba = colorString.get.rgb(colors[layer])
if (rgba) {
var hex = colorString.to.hex(rgba).slice(0, 7)
style = 'color: ' + hex + '; opacity: ' + rgba[3] + ';'
return '.' + prefix + layer + ' {' + style + '}'
// set using rgb value
pixelcolor = options.rgb || null;
} else {
return pixel.color;
if (pixelcolor != null) {
// fill out the values for the pixel and then send the message to update
// it on the strip
with (pixel.color) {
r = pixelcolor[0];
g = pixelcolor[1];
b = pixelcolor[2];
hexcode = ColorString.hexString(pixelcolor);
color = ColorString.keyword(pixelcolor);
rgb = pixelcolor;
color = ColorString.colorValue(pixelcolor);
if (sendmsg) {
var msg = "{" + pixel.addr + ":" + color + "}";
} else {
console.log("color supplied couldn't be parsed: " + pixelcolor);
if (pixelcolor != null) {
// fill out the values for the pixel and then send the message to update
// it on the strip
with (pixel.color) {
r = pixelcolor[0];
g = pixelcolor[1];
b = pixelcolor[2];
hexcode = ColorString.hexString(pixelcolor);
color = ColorString.keyword(pixelcolor);
rgb = pixelcolor;
color = ColorString.colorValue(pixelcolor);
if (sendmsg) {
var msg = "{" + pixel.addr + ":" + color + "}";
} else {
console.log("color supplied couldn't be parsed: " + pixelcolor);
if (e instanceof TypeError && ColorString.get(color) === null ) {
stripcolor = null;
if (stripcolor != null) {
// fill out the values for the pixels and then update the strip
for (var i = 0; i < strip.pixels.length; i++) {
strip.pixels[i].color(color, {sendmsg: false});
// set the whole strip color to the appropriate int value
this.strip_color(ColorString.colorValue(stripcolor, strip.gtable));
} else {
console.log("Supplied colour couldn't be parsed: " + color);
stripcolor = ColorString.getRgb(color) || null;
} else if (opts) {
// use rgb array to determine color
stripcolor = opts.rgb || null;
if (stripcolor != null) {
// fill out the values for the pixels and then update the strip
// TODO get this to update all of the pixels
/** for (pixel in strip.pixels) {
color = ColorString.colorValue(stripcolor);
var msg = "{a:" + color + "}";
} else {
console.log("color supplied couldn't be parsed: " + stripcolor);
// fill out the values for the pixel and then send the message to update
// it on the strip
pixel.color.r = pixelcolor.value[0];
pixel.color.g = pixelcolor.value[1];
pixel.color.b = pixelcolor.value[2];
pixel.color.hexcode = ColorString.to.hex(pixelcolor.value);
pixel.color.color = ColorString.to.keyword(pixelcolor.value);
if (pixelcolor.value.length == 4) {
pixel.color.rgb = pixelcolor.value;
color = ColorString.colorValue(pixelcolor.value, pixel.parent.gtable);
if (sendmsg) {
// TODO probably should be pulling the color off the obj rather than
// sending it to this function....
} else {
console.log("Color supplied couldn't be parsed: " + color);
config.templatesDir = resolve(localConfig._templatesDir || './src/templates')
config.templates = normalizeTemplates(context, config, localConfig)
config.permalinks = normalizePermalinks(localConfig.permalinks)
config.componentParsers = []
config.chainWebpack = localConfig.chainWebpack
config.configureWebpack = localConfig.configureWebpack
config.configureServer = localConfig.configureServer
config.images = {
defaultBlur: 40,
backgroundColor: null,
if (!colorString.get(config.images.backgroundColor || '')) {
config.images.backgroundColor = null
config.runtimeCompiler = localConfig.runtimeCompiler || false
config.transpileDependencies = Array.isArray(localConfig.transpileDependencies)
? localConfig.transpileDependencies.slice()
: []
// max cache age for html markup in serve mode
config.maxCacheAge = localConfig.maxCacheAge || 1000
config.siteUrl = localConfig.siteUrl || ''
config.siteName = localConfig.siteName || path.parse(context).name
config.titleTemplate = localConfig.titleTemplate || `%s - ${config.siteName}`
config.siteDescription = localConfig.siteDescription || ''
throw new Error('Unknown model: ' + model);
var i;
var channels;
if (!obj) {
this.model = 'rgb';
this.color = [0, 0, 0];
this.valpha = 1;
} else if (obj instanceof Color) {
this.model = obj.model;
this.color = obj.color.slice();
this.valpha = obj.valpha;
} else if (typeof obj === 'string') {
var result = colorString.get(obj);
if (result === null) {
throw new Error('Unable to parse color from string: ' + obj);
this.model = result.model;
channels = convert[this.model].channels;
this.color = result.value.slice(0, channels);
this.valpha = typeof result.value[channels] === 'number' ? result.value[channels] : 1;
} else if (obj.length) {
this.model = model || 'rgb';
channels = convert[this.model].channels;
var newArr = _slice.call(obj, 0, channels);
this.color = zeroArray(newArr, channels);
this.valpha = typeof obj[channels] === 'number' ? obj[channels] : 1;
} else if (typeof obj === 'number') {
// this is always RGB - can be converted later on.
let imageSizes = imageWidths.filter(size => size <= imageWidth)
const maxWidth = Math.max(...imageSizes, 0)
if (!options.imageWidths) {
if (imageWidth > maxWidth || imageSizes.length === 0) {
imageSizes = reject(imageSizes, (width, i, arr) => {
return arr[i + 1] - width < minSizeDistance
// validate color string
if (options.background && !colorString.get(options.background)) {
options.background = this.config.imageBackgroundColor
} else if (this.config.imageBackgroundColor) {
options.background = this.config.imageBackgroundColor
const cacheKey = genHash(filePath + hash + JSON.stringify(options)).substr(0, 7)
const createDestPath = (filename, imageOptions) => {
if (process.env.GRIDSOME_MODE === 'serve') {
const key = process.env.GRIDSOME_TEST ? 'test' : cacheKey
const query = '?' + createOptionsQuery(imageOptions.concat({ key: 'key', value: key }))
return path.join('/', imagesDir, forwardSlash(relPath)) + query
return path.join(imagesDir, filename)
export const getValue = value => {
/// call getValue recursively for each item in the array
if (isArray(value)) {
return value.map(getValue);
value = String(value);
// check if it is a color
if (colorString.get(value)) {
// returns a rgb array that needs to be further converted into rgb string
const rgbArr = colorString.get.rgb(value);
// convert array to rgb/rgba
const color = colorString.to.rgb(rgbArr);
return [color, COLOR_UNIT];
const unitReg = /([-0-9.]+)(cm|mm|in|px|pt|pc|em|ex|ch|%|rem|vw|vh|vmin|vmax|deg)*/;
const match = value.match(unitReg);
if (match && match.length === 3) {
const value = parseFloat(match[1]);
const unit = match[2] || NO_UNIT;
return [value, unit];