Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'urban' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
async execute(client, kayn, REGIONS, config, message, args, con, guilds) {
if (this.playing.has(message.channel.id)) return message.reply('Only one game may be occurring per channel.');
try {
urban.random().first(async json => {
const word = json.word.toLowerCase().replace(/ /g, '-');
let points = 0;
let displayText = null;
let guessed = false;
const confirmation = [];
const incorrect = [];
const display = new Array(word.length).fill('_');
while (word.length !== confirmation.length && points < 6) {
await message.channel.send(stripIndents`
${displayText === null ? 'Here we go!' : displayText ? 'Good job!' : 'Nope!'}
\`${display.join(' ')}\`. Which letter do you choose?
Incorrect Tries: ${incorrect.join(', ') || 'None'}
| |
| ${points > 0 ? 'O' : ''}
execute(client, kayn, REGIONS, config, message, args, con, guilds) {
urban.random().first(json => {
const def = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.addField('Upvotes', json.thumbs_up, true)
.addField('Downvotes', json.thumbs_down, true)
.setTimestamp(new Date())
.setFooter(`Written by ${json.author}`);
module.exports.run = async (bot, message, args) => {
urban.random().first(json => {
let uEmbed = new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription(json.definition || "None")
.addField("Upvotes :arrow_up_small: ", json.thumbs_up, true)
.addField("Downvotes :arrow_down_small: ", json.thumbs_down, true)
.setAuthor(`Author: ${json.author}`);
return new Promise(resolve => {
urbanQuery(suffix).first((json) => {
if (json) {
resolve(`${json.word}: ${json.definition}
:arrow_up: ${json.thumbs_up} :arrow_down: ${json.thumbs_down}
Example: ${json.example}`);
} else {
resolve(`${T('urban_error', lang)}: ${suffix}`);
function urban(bot, msg, suffix) {
if (!suffix) {
bot.sendMessage(msg.channel, 'Usage: **`!urban`** `search terms`');
urbanQuery(suffix).first((json) => {
if (json) {
let definition = `${json.word}: ${json.definition}
:arrow_up: ${json.thumbs_up} :arrow_down: ${json.thumbs_down}
Example: ${json.example}`;
bot.sendMessage(msg.channel, definition);
} else {
bot.sendMessage(msg.channel, `I couldn't find a definition for: ${suffix}`);
if (!message.channel.nsfw) {
return message.channel.send(new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("This command can only be used in NSFW channels.")
if (!args[0]) {
return message.channel.send(new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("You must provide a search query")
urban(args.slice(0).join(" ")).then((body) => {
message.channel.send(new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setTitle(`${body.word} by ${body.author}`)
.addField("Example(s)", body.example)
.addField("Reacts", `:thumbsup: ${body.thumbsUp} | :thumbsdown: ${body.thumbsDown}`, true)
.addField("URL", body.URL, true)
}).catch((rejection) => message.channel.send(new Discord.RichEmbed()
.setDescription("Could not find any definition matching " + args.slice(0).join(" "))