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Top 10 Examples of "unist-util-select in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'unist-util-select' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

_.each(files, file => {
        const page = {}
        page.src = fs.readFileSync(file, `utf-8`)
        const ast = remark.parse(page.src)
        page.ast = ast
        page.bodyHTML = thing.Compiler.prototype.compile(page.ast)
        page.headings = select(ast, `heading`).map(heading => ({
          value: _.first(select(heading, `text`).map(text => text.value)),
          depth: heading.depth,
        const parsedFrontmatter = _.first(
          select(ast, `yaml`).map(heading => yaml.load(heading.value))
        const relativeDirectory = parseFilepath(
          path.relative(`${directory}/pages/`, file)

        // Create path.
        let filePath
        if (_.includes(relativeDirectory, `---`)) {
          // This is for my blog This will be moved out soonish.
          filePath = `/${relativeDirectory.split(`---`)[1]}/`
        } else {
          filePath = createPath(path.join(directory, `pages`), file)
        // TODO put linkPrefix in gatsby.config.js and somehow get certain
        // context stuff into gatsby-helpers.js
        // TODO post issue for why manifest paths wrong
function processContentTree(tree: Node[], file: File, indexName: string): void {
    const modify = modifyChildren(modifier);
    // We first modify the tree to get slugified ids from headings to all text nodes
    // This is done to be able to link to a certain section in a doc after clicking a search suggestion
    // Get all text nodes. I.e. 'heading', 'paragraph', 'list' all can have (nested) child text nodes
    const textNodes = selectAll('text', tree);

    if (textNodes) {
        // Combines text nodes that exist on the same line. I.e. if a paragraph contains 7 text nodes it combines them into 1. This makes text snippets in algolia more descriptive.
        const formattedTextNodes = formatTextNodes(textNodes);
        // Adds meta and formats information on all formatted text nodes
        const content = getContent(file, formattedTextNodes);

        const algoliaIndex = adminClient.initIndex(searchIndices[indexName]);
        const algoliaSettings = settings[indexName];

        setIndexSettings(algoliaIndex, algoliaSettings);
        void pushObjectsToAlgoliaAsync(algoliaIndex, content);
return () => /* attacher */ (tree) => {
    /* transformer */
    if (excerpt) {
      return select(selector, tree)
    return tree
return () => /* attacher */ tree => {
    /* transformer */
    tree.children = select(tree, selector);
    return tree;
export const parse = ({ content, filePath }: ParserArgs): ParsedResults => {
    const markdownAST = attachParents(remark.parse(content));
    const codeBlocks = [].concat(
        select.selectAll(`code[lang="js"]`, markdownAST),
        select.selectAll(`code[lang="javascript"]`, markdownAST)
    return UnistNode) => {
        const codeValue: string = (codeBlock.value as string | undefined) || "";
        const comments = getComments(codeBlock.parent, codeBlock);
        const docTestController = new DocTestController(comments);
        const state = docTestController.state;
        const doctestOptions = docTestController.doctestOptions;
        const expectedError = docTestController.expectedErrorName;
        const metadata = docTestController.doctestMetadata;
        return {
            code: codeValue,
            location: codeBlock.position ? {
                start: {
                    line: codeBlock.position.start.line,
                    column: codeBlock.position.start.column
tester.has = (selector) => {
      assert.ok(, node), `Markdown AST does not include node matching selector "${selector}"
      return tester;
    tester.equals = (selector, value) => {
export const getProperties = headline => {
  const drawer = selectAll(`drawer`, headline).find(d => === `PROPERTIES`)
  if (!drawer) return {}
  const regex = /\s*:(.+):\s*(.+)\s*$/

  return drawer.value.split(`\n`).reduce((accu, current) => {
    const m = current.match(regex)
    return { ...accu, [m[1].toLowerCase()]: m[2] }
  }, {})
return (tree, file) => {
    const heading = select('heading', tree) = heading ? toString(heading) : ''

    visit(tree, ['yaml'], node => { = {,

    visit(tree, ['toml'], node => { = {,
return (ast) => {
    select(ast, "link").forEach((node) => {
      if (!isRelativeUrlRegex.test(node.url)) { = {
          hProperties: {
   !== null &&
              {target: || defaultTarget},
            ...options.rel !== null &&
              {rel: options.rel || defaultRel},
pathnames.forEach(function (pathname) {
        var fileBaseName = path.basename(pathname, '.md');
        var tree = mdCache[pathname].mdOutTree;
        var className = ngHelpers.ngNameToClassName(fileBaseName, aggData.config.typeNameExceptions);
        var classInfo = aggData.classInfo[className];
        if (!classInfo) {
            if (!filterFilepath(filters, pathname)) {
        else {
            var linkElems = unist_util_select_1.selectAll('link', tree);
            linkElems.forEach(function (linkElem) {
                var normUrl = normaliseLinkPath(pathname, linkElem.url);
                multiSetAdd(linkRefs, normUrl, pathname);
        var imageElems = unist_util_select_1.selectAll('image', tree);
        imageElems.forEach(function (imageElem) {
            var normUrl = normaliseLinkPath(pathname, imageElem.url);
            multiSetAdd(imageRefs, normUrl, pathname);
            if (!fs.existsSync(normUrl)) {
                brokenImageRefs[normUrl] = pathname;
    classlessDocs.forEach(function (docPath) {

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