Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'bmp-js' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function parse(path) {
const data = bmp.decode(jetpack.read(path, 'buffer'));
const wrapX = true;
const wrapY = false;
const indexMap = {};
const pixels = [];
const colorNrs = [];
let colorNr = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < data.width * data.height; i += 1) {
// Todo: color order can be RGB or BGR - need to fix so it always is RGB
const colorName = data.data[i * 4] + ',' + data.data[(i * 4) + 1] + ',' + data.data[(i * 4) + 2];
if (!indexMap[colorName]) {
indexMap[colorName] = {
nr: colorNr,
color_name: colorName,
that.bitmap = {
data: new Buffer(data.data),
width: data.width,
height: data.height
return cb.call(that, null, that);
case Jimp.MIME_JPEG:
this.bitmap = JPEG.decode(data);
exifRotate(this, data); // EXIF data
return cb.call(this, null, this);
case Jimp.MIME_BMP:
this.bitmap = BMP.decode(data);
return cb.call(this, null, this);
return throwError.call(this, "Unsupported MIME type: " + mime, cb);
const bytes = tex.bytes
const buf = new Buffer(bytes);
const abuf = new Uint8Array(buf).buffer;
const imageDataView = new DataView(abuf, 0, bytes.length);
const rgbaData = decodeDXT(imageDataView, tex.width, tex.height, 'dxt1');
const bmpData = [];
for (let i = 0; i < rgbaData.length; i += 4) {
bmpData.push(rgbaData[i + 2]);
bmpData.push(rgbaData[i + 1]);
bmpData.push(rgbaData[i + 0]);
const rawData = bmp.encode({
data: bmpData, width: tex.width, height: tex.height,
return { extension: 'bmp', buffer: rawData.data }
throw `unknown textureFormat ${tex.textureFormat}`
if (this._rgba) png.data = new Buffer(this.bitmap.data);
else png.data = compositeBitmapOverBackground(this).data; // when PNG doesn't support alpha
StreamToBuffer(png.pack(), function (err, buffer) {
return cb.call(that, null, buffer);
case Jimp.MIME_JPEG:
// composite onto a new image so that the background shows through alpha channels
var jpeg = JPEG.encode(compositeBitmapOverBackground(this), this._quality);
return cb.call(this, null, jpeg.data);
case Jimp.MIME_BMP:
// composite onto a new image so that the background shows through alpha channels
var bmp = BMP.encode(compositeBitmapOverBackground(this));
return cb.call(this, null, bmp.data);
return cb.call(this, "Unsupported MIME type: " + mime);
return this;
module.exports = (TessModule, api, image) => {
const buf = Buffer.from(Array.from({ ...image, length: Object.keys(image).length }));
const type = fileType(buf);
let bytesPerPixel = 0;
let data = null;
let pix = null;
let w = 0;
let h = 0;
* Although leptonica should support reading bmp, there is a bug of "compressed BMP files".
* As there is no solution, we need to use bmp-js for now.
* @see https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/tesseract-ocr/4mPD9zTxdxE
if (type && type.mime === 'image/bmp') {
const bmpBuf = bmp.decode(buf);
data = TessModule._malloc(bmpBuf.data.length * Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
TessModule.HEAPU8.set(bmpBuf.data, data);
w = bmpBuf.width;
h = bmpBuf.height;
bytesPerPixel = 4;
} else {
const ptr = TessModule._malloc(buf.length * Uint8Array.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT);
TessModule.HEAPU8.set(buf, ptr);
pix = TessModule._pixReadMem(ptr, buf.length);
if (TessModule.getValue(pix + (7 * 4), 'i32') === 0) {
* Set a yres default value to prevent warning from tesseract
* See kMinCredibleResolution in tesseract/src/ccstruct/publictypes.h
TessModule.setValue(pix + (7 * 4), 300, 'i32');
const decode = data => fromAGBR(BMP.decode(data));
const encode = image => BMP.encode(toAGBR(image)).data;
let ex = Math.round((x+1) * div + xoff);
let bidx = (y * th + x) * 4;
let pixval = png.averageBlock(dx,dy,ex,ey);
if (Math.abs(pixval[0] - pixval[1]) + Math.abs(pixval[2] - pixval[1]) < 5) {
pixval[0] = Math.round(pixval[0] * 0.8);
pixval[1] = Math.round(pixval[1] * 0.8);
pixval[2] = Math.round(pixval[2] * 0.8);
pixval[3] = Math.round(pixval[3] * 0.8);
buf[bidx+0] = pixval[0];
buf[bidx+1] = pixval[1];
buf[bidx+2] = pixval[2];
buf[bidx+3] = pixval[3];
resolve(BMP.encode({data:buf, width:th, height:tw}));
const encode = image => BMP.encode(toAGBR(image)).data;