Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tmpl' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
render: function(settings) {
var t = this, options = t._options;
// 创建数据模型
if (t._model) {
} else {
t._model = new CalendarModel(settings.year, settings.month);
var data = t._model.build(settings.selectedDates);
tmpl.render(options.template, {
weekDayNames: options.weekDayNames,
data: data
).find('td').click(function(e) {
var date = new Date( parseInt( this.getAttribute('data-timestamp') ) );
* 选择月历中的某一天时触发
* @event dayselect
* @for Calendar
* @param {Object} e 事件对象
* @param {Date} e.selectedDate 被选择那一天的日期对象
* @param {Element} e.dayGrid 被点击的日期格子
t.trigger('dayselect', {
selectedDate: date,
_init: function(options) {
var t = this, wrapper = options.wrapper;
if (!wrapper) { return; }
// 写入分页条HTML
wrapper.empty().html( tmpl.render(options.template, {
currentPage: options.currentPage,
totalPages: options.totalPages,
pageNumbers: t._build(),
nextText: options.nextText,
prevText: options.prevText,
ellipsisText: options.ellipsisText
}) );
* 点击分页条中的链接时触发
* @event click
* @param {Object} e 事件参数
* @param {Number} e.page 页码
* @for Paginator
wrapper.find('a').click(function(e) {
_init: function(options) {
var t = this;
// 写入分页条HTML
t._$paginator = $( Tmpl.render(options.template, {
currentPage: options.currentPage,
totalPages: options.totalPages,
pageItems: t._build(),
nextText: options.nextText,
prevText: options.prevText,
ellipsisText: options.ellipsisText
}) ).appendTo(options.$appendTo);
t._$paginator.on('click', function(e) {
* 点击分页条中的链接时触发
* @event click
* @param {Object} e 事件参数
* @param {Number} e.page 页码
* @for Paginator
_add: function(result) {
var t = this, col = t._cols.length - 1;
var html = tmpl.render(t._options.template, result);
if (!html) { return; }
var grids = $(html).css('position', 'absolute');
if (stylePrefix != null) {
top: t._cols[col],
left: (t._gridWidth + t._colSpacing) * col
html = null;
* 格子添加到页面上时触发(此时格子中的图片可能没加载完)
_add: function(result) {
var t = this, col = t._cols.length - 1;
var html = tmpl.render(t._options.template, result);
if (!html) { return; }
var grids = $(html).css('position', 'absolute');
if (stylePrefix != null) {
top: t._cols[col],
left: (t._gridWidth + t._colSpacing) * col
html = null;
* 格子添加到页面上时触发(此时格子中的图片可能没加载完)
catch (e) {
accConfig[acc][split[1]] = value;
AppProperties.set("LOGIN_ACCOUNTS_CONFIG", accConfig);
//cache configs
AppProperties.set("GLOBAL_CACHE_STORE", props["global.cache.store"]);
AppProperties.set("DEFAULT_CACHE_EXPIRE", eval(props["default.cache.expire"])); //evals the string to int
AppProperties.set("DB_CACHE_STORE", props["db.cache.store"]);
AppProperties.set("BOTTOM_SCRIPTS_CACHE_STORE", props["bottom.scripts.cache.store"]);
AppProperties.set("TMPL_CACHE_STORE", props["tmpl.cache.store"]);
AppProperties.set("CACHE_REDIS_HOST", props["cache.redis.host"]);
AppProperties.set("CACHE_REDIS_PORT", props["cache.redis.port"]);
props["show.plugin.view.permission.error"] &&
AppProperties.set("SHOW_PLUGIN_VIEW_PERMISSION_ERR", JSON.parse(props["show.plugin.view.permission.error"]));
//error templates
AppProperties.set("APP_404_ERROR_TMPL", props["app.404.error.tmpl"]);
AppProperties.set("APP_500_ERROR_TMPL", props["app.500.error.tmpl"]);
AppProperties.set("APP_401_ERROR_TMPL", props["app.401.error.tmpl"]);
AppProperties.set("PLUGIN_ERROR_TMPL", props["plugin.error.tmpl"]);
define(function(require, exports, module) { 'use strict';
* 月历组件
* @module calendar/1.1.x/
* @category Widget
var base = require('base/1.1.x/'),
$ = require('dom/1.1.x/'),
Tmpl = require('tmpl/2.1.x/'),
widget = require('widget/1.1.x/');
var tmpl = new Tmpl({
'>' +
'<% if (weekDayNames) { %>' +
'' +
'' +
'<% weekDayNames.forEach(function(name) { %>' +
'' +
'<% }); %>' +
'' +
'' +
'<% } %>' +
'' +
'<% weeks.forEach(function(week) { %>' +
'' +<table class="ui-calendar"><thead class="ui-calendar__head"><tr><th class="ui-calendar__head__grid">' +
'<span class="ui-calendar__head__grid__inner"><%=name%></span>' +
'</th></tr></thead><tbody class="ui-calendar__body"><tr></tr></tbody></table>
define(function(require, exports, module) { 'use strict';
* 模拟选择框组件
* @module selectmenu/1.1.x/
* @category Widget
var widget = require('widget/1.1.x/'),
Tmpl = require('tmpl/2.1.x/'),
$ = require('dom/1.1.x/'),
Scrollbar = require('scrollbar/1.1.x/');
var tmpl = new Tmpl({
'<div class="ui-selectmenu">' +
'<div class="ui-selectmenu__button">' +
'<span class="ui-selectmenu__button__text"><%=defaultText%></span>' +
'<span class="ui-selectmenu__button__icon"></span>' +
'</div>' +
' name="<%=name%>"<% } %> type="hidden" />' +
'<div style="display: none;" class="ui-selectmenu__layer">' +
'<div class="ui-selectmenu__layer__inner">' +
'<ul class="ui-selectmenu__menu"></ul>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<% data.forEach(function(d) { %>' +
export function processText (dialogNode, context, wrap = true) {
let text = utils.i18n(dialogNode, 'text')
text = tmpl(text || '', context)
if (!text) {
return undefined
if (wrap) {
return wrapText(`<div>${text}</div>`)
return text
define(function(require, exports, module) { 'use strict';
* 模拟选择框组件
* @module selectmenu/1.0.x/
* @category Widget
var widget = require('widget/1.0.x/'),
Tmpl = require('tmpl/2.0.x/'),
$ = require('dom/1.0.x/'),
Scrollbar = require('scrollbar/1.0.x/');
var tmpl = new Tmpl({
'<div class="selectmenu">' +
'<div class="selectmenu-button">' +
'<span class="selectmenu-currenttext"><%=defaultText%></span>' +
'<span class="selectmenu-triangle"></span>' +
'</div>' +
' name="<%=name%>"<% } %> type="hidden">' +
'<div class="selectmenu-menu">' +
'<div class="selectmenu-menu-inner">' +
'<ul class="selectmenu-options"></ul>' +
'</div>' +
'</div>' +
'<% data.forEach(function(d) { %>' +