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Top 10 Examples of "ansicolor in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ansicolor' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

error(message) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      process.stdout.write(`\u0007`) // make some noise: `beep`
      return null
"use strict";

const ccxt      = require ('../../ccxt.js')
const asTable   = require ('as-table')
const log       = require ('ololog').configure ({ locate: false })

require ('ansicolor').nice

let sleep = (ms) => new Promise (resolve => setTimeout (resolve, ms))

;(async () => {

    // instantiate the exchange
    let exchange = new ccxt.bittrex  ({
        "apiKey": "471b47a06c384e81b24072e9a8739064",
        "secret": "694025686e9445589787e8ca212b4cff",

    try {

        // fetch account balance from the exchange
        let balance = await exchange.fetchBalance ()
"use strict";

const ccxt       = require ('../../ccxt.js')
const asciichart = require ('asciichart')
const asTable    = require ('as-table')
const log        = require ('ololog').configure ({ locate: false })

require ('ansicolor').nice;


(async function main () {

    const index = 4 // [ timestamp, open, high, low, close, volume ]

    const ohlcv = await new ccxt.binance ().fetchOHLCV ('BTC/USDT', '1h')

    const lastPrice = ohlcv[ohlcv.length - 1][index] // closing price
    const series = ohlcv.slice (-80).map (x => x[index])         // closing price
    const bitcoinRate = ('₿ = $' + lastPrice).green
    const chart = asciichart.plot (series, { height: 15 })
    log.yellow ("\n" + chart, bitcoinRate, "\n")
"use strict";

/*  ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */

const ccxt        = require ('../../ccxt.js')
    , asTable     = require ('as-table') // .configure ({ print: require ('string.ify').noPretty })
    , log         = require ('ololog').noLocate
    , ansi        = require ('ansicolor').nice

;(async function test () {

    let total = 0
    let missing = 0
    let implemented = 0
    let emulated = 0

    log (asTable ( (id => new ccxt[id]()).map (exchange => {

        let result = {};

"use strict";

const asTable   = require ('as-table')
    , log       = require ('ololog').noLocate
    , ansi      = require ('ansicolor').nice
    , ccxt      = require ('../../ccxt.js')

let printSupportedExchanges = function () {
    log ('Supported exchanges:', ccxt.exchanges.join (', ').green)

let printUsage = function () {
    log ('Usage: node', process.argv[1], 'exchange'.green, 'symbol'.yellow, 'depth'.cyan)
    printSupportedExchanges ()

let printOrderBook = async (id, symbol, depth) => {

    // check if the exchange is supported by ccxt
    let exchangeFound = ccxt.exchanges.indexOf (id) > -1
    if (exchangeFound) {
"use strict";

const ccxt = require ('../../ccxt')
const asTable = require ('as-table')
const log = require ('ololog')

require ('ansicolor').nice

;(async function test () {

    const exchange = new ccxt.bitfinex ()
    const orders = await exchange.fetchOrderBook ('BTC/USD', {
        'limit_bids': 5, // max = 50
        'limit_asks': 5, // may be 0 in which case the array is empty
        'group': 1, // 1 = orders are grouped by price, 0 = orders are separate

    log (orders)
}) ();;
    terminal.showCentered(title, '-');
    terminal.showCentered(getYmdHisDate(timeStart)+' - '+ getYmdHisDate(timeEnd), '-');;


        precision = 0;

    let asciichart = require ('asciichart');
    let log        = require ('ololog').configure ({ locate: false });


    series = series.slice(-96);

    let firstPrice = series[0]; // closing price
    let lastPrice = series[series.length - 1]; // closing price
    let difference = (lastPrice/firstPrice -1)*100;

    if(difference < 0){
        difference = (terminal.number_format(difference,2)+'%').red;
        difference = ('+'+terminal.number_format(difference,2)+'%').green;
    let padding = '                ';

    let quoteRate = (symbol + ' = ' + quote + lastPrice).green;
    let chart = asciichart.plot(series, { height: 15, format: function (x) {
// Nuxt's `build` and `start` command. Nuxt strips out the command from
    // process.argv - so this will only work if a user does a `npm start`.

  let outFile, outContent
  const options = getOptions(this.options, moduleOptions)
  const bulmaPath = getBulmaPath(options.rootDir)
  const sassPaths = [join(bulmaPath, 'bulma.sass'), ...options.additionalPaths]
  const license = '/*! | MIT License | */'

  if (existsSync(options.variablesPath)) {
      'Overwriting Bulma variables with',

  const sassContent = sassPaths
    .map(v => v.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')) // replace backslash by double backslash (needed for windows)
    .map(v => `@import "${v}"`)

  if (options.disablePostCSSWarnings) {
    merge(, {
      postcss: {
        plugins: {
          'postcss-custom-properties': {
            warnings: false
tag: (
      level = "",
      maxVerbosity = 1,
      verbosity = 1,
      enable = true,
      levelColor = {
        info: cyan,
        warn: yellow,
        error: red.bright.inverse,
        debug: blue
  ) => {
    if (!enable) {
      return [];
    const levelStr =
      level && (levelColor[level] || (s => s))(level.toUpperCase());
    if (verbosity <= maxVerbosity) {
      if (level) {
        // Add level only to the first line
        let retVal =, i) => {
          if (i === 0) {
            return levelStr.padStart(6) + ":  " + l;
          } else {
ps.on ('exit', code => {
            return_ ({
                failed: code !== 0,
                hasOutput: output.trim ().length > 0,
                warnings: ansi.strip (stderr).match (/^\[[^\]]+\]/g) || []

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