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Top 10 Examples of "statuses in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'statuses' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

var req = fn.request(arg, function (response) {
			var statusCode = response.statusCode;
			var res = response;

			// redirect
			if (status.redirect[statusCode] && 'location' in res.headers) {
				res.resume(); // Discard response

				if (++redirectCount > 10) {
					cb(new Error('Redirected 10 times. Aborting.'), undefined, res);

				get(urlLib.resolve(url, res.headers.location), opts, cb);

			if (['gzip', 'deflate'].indexOf(res.headers['content-encoding']) !== -1) {
				var unzip = zlib.createUnzip();
				res = unzip;
set body(val) {
    const original = this._body;
    this._body = val;

    if (this.res.headersSent) return;

    // no content
    if (null == val) {
      if (!statuses.empty[this.status]) this.status = 204;

    // set the status
    if (!this._explicitStatus) this.status = 200;

    // set the content-type only if not yet set
    const setType = !this.header['content-type'];

    // string
    if ('string' == typeof val) {
      if (setType) this.type = /^\s*
function handleRedirect(res) {
        var err = null;
        if (args.followRedirect && statuses.redirect[res.statusCode]) {  // handle redirect
            args._followRedirectCount = (args._followRedirectCount || 0) + 1;
            var location = res.headers.location;
            if (!location) {
                err = new Error('Got statusCode ' + res.statusCode + ' but cannot resolve next location from headers');
       = 'FollowRedirectError';
            } else if (args._followRedirectCount > args.maxRedirects) {
                err = new Error('Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop ' + url);
       = 'MaxRedirectError';
            } else {
                var newUrl = args.formatRedirectUrl ? args.formatRedirectUrl(url, location) : urlutil.resolve(url, location);
                debug('Request#%d %s: `redirected` from %s to %s', reqId, options.path, url, newUrl);
                // make sure timer stop
                // should clean up headers.Host on `location: http://other-domain/url`
                if (options.headers.Host && PROTO_RE.test(location)) {
                    options.headers.Host = null;
function handleRedirect(res) {
    var err = null;
    if (args.followRedirect && statuses.redirect[res.statusCode]) {  // handle redirect
      args._followRedirectCount = (args._followRedirectCount || 0) + 1;
      var location = res.headers.location;
      if (!location) {
        err = new Error('Got statusCode ' + res.statusCode + ' but cannot resolve next location from headers'); = 'FollowRedirectError';
      } else if (args._followRedirectCount > args.maxRedirects) {
        err = new Error('Exceeded maxRedirects. Probably stuck in a redirect loop ' + url); = 'MaxRedirectError';
      } else {
        var newUrl = args.formatRedirectUrl ? args.formatRedirectUrl(url, location) : urlutil.resolve(url, location);
        debug('Request#%d %s: `redirected` from %s to %s', reqId, options.path, url, newUrl);
        // make sure timer stop
        // should clean up headers.Host on `location: http://other-domain/url`
        if (options.headers.Host && PROTO_RE.test(location)) {
          options.headers.Host = null;
return async (ctx, next) => {

    await next()

    let { body } = ctx
    if (!body) return
    if (ctx.res.headersSent || !ctx.writable) return
    if (ctx.compress === false) return
    if (ctx.request.method === 'HEAD') return
    if (status.empty[ctx.response.status]) return
    if (ctx.response.get('Content-Encoding')) return

    // forced compression or implied
    if (!(ctx.compress === true || filter(ctx.response.type))) return

    // identity
    const encoding = ctx.acceptsEncodings('gzip', 'deflate', 'identity')
    if (!encoding) ctx.throw(406, 'supported encodings: gzip, deflate, identity')
    if (encoding === 'identity') return

    // json
    if (isJSON(body)) body = ctx.body = JSON.stringify(body)

    // threshold
    if (threshold && ctx.response.length < threshold) return
function respond(ctx) {
  // allow bypassing koa
  if (false === ctx.respond) return;

  const res = ctx.res;
  if (!ctx.writable) return;

  let body = ctx.body;
  const code = ctx.status;

  // ignore body
  if (statuses.empty[code]) {
    // strip headers
    ctx.body = null;
    return res.end();

  if ('HEAD' == ctx.method) {
    if (!res.headersSent && isJSON(body)) {
      ctx.length = Buffer.byteLength(JSON.stringify(body));
    return res.end();

  // status body
  if (null == body) {
    body = ctx.message || String(code);
    if (!res.headersSent) {
const headers = response.headers || {}

  res.statusCode = response.status
  res.statusMessage = statuses[response.status] || res.statusMessage

  // Using here, since it's faster than Object.keys()
  for (const headerName in headers) {
    const headerValue = headers[headerName]
    if (typeof headerValue !== "undefined") {
      res.setHeader(headerName, headerValue)

  if (body && statuses.empty[response.status]) {
    debug(Error(`Warning: Response body defined on a ${response.status} response.`))
  } else if (!body && !statuses.empty[response.status]) {
    debug(Error(`Warning: No response body defined on a ${response.status} response.`))

  if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
    return res.end(body)
  } else if (isStream(body)) {
    return body.pipe(res)
  } else if (body) {
    throw Error(`Unexpected Response.body: ${body}`)
  } else {
    return res.end()
export function applyResponseTo(response: Response, res: http.ServerResponse) {
  const body = response.body
  const headers = response.headers || {}

  res.statusCode = response.status
  res.statusMessage = statuses[response.status] || res.statusMessage

  // Using here, since it's faster than Object.keys()
  for (const headerName in headers) {
    const headerValue = headers[headerName]
    if (typeof headerValue !== "undefined") {
      res.setHeader(headerName, headerValue)

  if (body && statuses.empty[response.status]) {
    debug(Error(`Warning: Response body defined on a ${response.status} response.`))
  } else if (!body && !statuses.empty[response.status]) {
    debug(Error(`Warning: No response body defined on a ${response.status} response.`))

  if (Buffer.isBuffer(body)) {
    return res.end(body)
  } else if (isStream(body)) {
    return body.pipe(res)
  } else if (body) {
    throw Error(`Unexpected Response.body: ${body}`)
  } else {
    return res.end()
// Skip request ended externally.
  if (original.headersSent) return

  // Apply default statuses.
  if (Number(res.status) === 404) {
    // Ensure redirect status.
    if (res.get('Location')) res.status = 302
    // Default the status to 200 if there is substance to the response.
    else if (body) res.status = 200

  // Default status message based on status code.
  res.message = res.message || statuses[res.status]

  // Ensure no content-type for empty responses.
  if (req.method === 'HEAD' || statuses.empty[res.status] || !body) {
    body = null
  } else {
    // Attempt to guess content type.
    if (!res.get('Content-Type')) res.set('Content-Type', checkType(body))
    // Stringify objects that are not buffers.
    if (typeof body === 'object' && !isStream && !isBuffer) body = JSON.stringify(body)
    // Attempt to guess content-length.
    if (!res.get('Content-Length') && !isStream) res.set('Content-Length', byteLength(body))

  // Send off headers.
  original.writeHead(res.status, res.message, removeEmptyHeaders(res.headers))
  // Allow for requests to stay open.
  if (res.end === false) return
return async function nosniff(ctx, next) {
    await next();

    // ignore redirect response
    if (statuses.redirect[ctx.status]) return;

    const opts = utils.merge(options, ctx.securityOptions.nosniff);
    if (utils.checkIfIgnore(opts, ctx)) return;

    ctx.set('x-content-type-options', 'nosniff');

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