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Top 10 Examples of "cbor in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'cbor' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

console.log("Looking for.. [" + fentry + "].... " + cmsg["actname"]);
	if (fentry === undefined) {
		// send an REXEC-NAK message: {REXEC-NAK, ASY, ACTIVITY, actid, device_id, error_code}
		var nmsg = {"cmd": "REXEC-NAK", "opt": "ASY", "actname": "ACTIVITY", "actid": cmsg["actid"], "actarg": cmsg["actarg"], "args": ["NOT-FOUND"]};
		var encodemsg = cbor.encode(nmsg);
		console.log("Sent the message..NOT-FOUND");
		// create actid, select lease-value, put entry in the activity table
		// send [REXEC-ACK ASY ACTIVITY actid device_id lease-value (arg0) ]
		activityTable[cmsg["actid"]] = undefined;

		var nmsg = {"cmd": "REXEC-ACK", "opt": "ASY", "actname": "ACTIVITY", "actid": cmsg["actid"], "actarg": cmsg["actarg"], "args": []};
		var encodemsg = cbor.encode(nmsg);

		// Run function
		var res = fentry.func.apply(this, cmsg["args"]);
		activityTable[cmsg["actid"]] = res;
		console.log("Execution complete.. results stored...");
var fentry = funcRegistry[cmsg["actname"]];
	console.log("Looking for.. [" + fentry + "].... " + cmsg["actname"]);
	if (fentry === undefined) {
		// send an REXEC-NAK message: {REXEC-NAK, SYN, ACTIVITY, actid, device_id, error_code}
		var nmsg = {"cmd": "REXEC-NAK", "opt": "SYN", "actname": "ACTIVITY", 
		"actid": cmsg["actid"], "actarg": cmsg["actarg"], "args": ["NOT-FOUND"]};
		var encodemsg = cbor.encode(nmsg);
		console.log("Sent the message..NOT-FOUND");
	if (checkArgsType(cmsg["args"], fentry.mask) !== true) {
		// send an REXEC-NAK message: {REXEC-NAK, SYN, ACTIVITY, actid, device_id, error_code}
		var nmsg = {"cmd": "REXEC-NAK", "opt": "SYN", "actname": "ACTIVITY", 
		"actid": cmsg["actid"], "actarg": cmsg["actarg"], "args": ["ILLEGAL-PARAMS"]};
		var encodemsg = cbor.encode(nmsg);
		console.log("Sent the message..ILLEGAL-PARAMS");
		// create actid, select lease-value, put entry in the activity table
		// send [REXEC-ACK SYN ACTIVITY actid device_id lease-value (arg0) ]
		activityTable[cmsg["actid"]] = undefined;

		var nmsg = {"cmd": "REXEC-ACK", "opt": "SYN", "actname": "ACTIVITY", 
		"actid": cmsg["actid"], "actarg": cmsg["actarg"], "args": []};
		var encodemsg = cbor.encode(nmsg);

		// Run function
		var res = fentry.func.apply(this, cmsg["args"]);
function process() {
  // If the queue is not empty
  if (queue.length > 0) {
    // Get the next message ID
    const id = queue[0]
    // Attempt to read the message from disk
    try {
      const message = decode((new Uint8Array(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("_asap_" + id)))).buffer)
      const timeout = message[2]
      // If the message has expired
      if (timeout < {
        // Dequeue the message
      // If the message has not expired
      else {
        // Attempt to send the message
        try {
        } catch (error) {
          debug && console.log(error)
if(bodytype === 'xml') {
                var xml2js = require('xml2js');
                var parser = new xml2js.Parser({explicitArray: false});
                parser.parseString(message.utf8Data.toString(), function (err, jsonObj) {
                    if (err) {
                        console.log('[nonblocking-async-ws] xml2js parser error');
                    else {
                        console.log('----> [nonblocking-async-ws] response for notification through mqtt ' + res.headers['x-m2m-rsc']);
            else if(bodytype === 'cbor') {
                var encoded = message.utf8Data.toString();
                cbor.decodeFirst(encoded, function(err, jsonObj) {
                    if (err) {
                        console.log('[nonblocking-async-ws] cbor parser error');
                    else {
                        if (jsonObj.rsc == 2001 || jsonObj.rsc == 2000) {
                            console.log('----> [nonblocking-async-ws] response for notification through ws ' + jsonObj.rsc);
            else { // 'json'
                var jsonObj = JSON.parse(message.utf8Data.toString());

                try {
                    if (jsonObj.rsc == 2001 || jsonObj.rsc == 2000) {
mserv.on('message', function(topic, buf) {

        cbor.decodeFirst(buf, function(error, msg) {

            switch (topic) {
                case '/admin/request/all':
                // Requests are published here by nodes under this broker
                    try {
                        adminService(msg, function(rmsg) {
                            var encode = cbor.encode(rmsg);
                            mserv.publish('/admin/announce/all', encode);
                    } catch (e) {
                        console.log("ERROR!: ", e);

                case '/level/func/request':
                // These are requests by the C nodes under this broker
rep.on('data', function(buf) {
	console.log("Buffer size " + Buffer.byteLength(buf));
	cbor.decodeFirst(buf, function(error, msg) {
		// if error != null .. it seems nanomsg is
		// receiving more bytes than what the C sent..
		// TODO: investigate this problem.
		processMsg(rep, msg)
var dest = datastream.datasource.getDestination();

        if (e) {
            datastream.isBusy = false;
            throw e;
        } else {
            if (response === undefined) {
                let hasData = datastream.hasData;
                datastream.isBusy = false;
                if( hasData )

            for (var i = 0; i < response.length; i++) {
                var dval = cbor.decodeFirstSync(response[i]);
                var log = dval.value;
                var timestamp = dval.timestamp;

                // try {
                //     log = cbor.decodeFirstSync(log);
                //     // if (debug) console.log(log);
                // } catch(e) {
                //     console.log("WARN! Error decoding data.. ", log)
                // }
                // }

                //console.log("Before log transform:", log);

                entry = {
                    log: datastream.transformer(log, datastream),
                    time_stamp: timestamp
obj.verifyAuthenticatorAttestationResponse = function (webauthnResponse) {
        const attestationBuffer = Buffer.from(webauthnResponse.attestationObject, 'base64');
        const ctapMakeCredResp = cbor.decodeAllSync(attestationBuffer)[0];
        const authrDataStruct = parseMakeCredAuthData(ctapMakeCredResp.authData);
        //console.log('***CTAP_RESPONSE', ctapMakeCredResp)
        //console.log('***AUTHR_DATA_STRUCT', authrDataStruct)

        const response = { 'verified': false };

        if (ctapMakeCredResp.fmt === 'none') {
            if (!(authrDataStruct.flags & 0x01)) { throw new Error('User was NOT presented during authentication!'); } // U2F_USER_PRESENTED

            const publicKey = COSEECDHAtoPKCS(authrDataStruct.COSEPublicKey);
            response.verified = true;

            if (response.verified) {
                response.authrInfo = {
                    fmt: 'none',
                    publicKey: ASN1toPEM(publicKey),
const derivationPath = [HARDENED_THRESHOLD, childIndex]

        addressPayload = encryptDerivationPath(derivationPath, hdPassphrase)
        addressAttributes = new Map([[1, cbor.encode(addressPayload)]])
        derivedHdNode = deriveHdNode(parentHdNode, childIndex)
    const addressRoot = getAddressRoot(derivedHdNode, addressPayload)

    const addressType = 0 // Public key address

    const addressData = [addressRoot, addressAttributes, addressType]

    const addressDataEncoded = cbor.encode(addressData)

    const address = base58.encode(
            new cbor.Tagged(24, addressDataEncoded),

    return {
        hdNode: derivedHdNode
rsp_message['m2m:rsp'].pc[prop][prop2]['@'] = {rn : rsp_message['m2m:rsp'].pc[prop][prop2][prop3]};
                                    delete rsp_message['m2m:rsp'].pc[prop][prop2][prop3];

        var bodyString = js2xmlparser.parse("m2m:rsp", rsp_message['m2m:rsp']);

    else if (bodytype === 'cbor') { // 'cbor'
        bodyString = cbor.encode(rsp_message['m2m:rsp']).toString('hex');
        var bytearray = Buffer.from(bodyString, 'hex');
    else { // 'json'

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