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Top 10 Examples of "tar in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'tar' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

name = name.replace(/\\/g, '/');
        if (name.indexOf('/') == -1) {
            name = getBackupDir() + name;
            var regEx = new RegExp('_backup' + tools.appName, 'i');
            if (!regEx.test(name)) name += '_backup' + tools.appName;
            if (!name.match(/\.tar\.gz$/i)) name += '.tar.gz';
        if (!fs.existsSync(name)) {
            console.log('Cannot find ' + name);
        var TARgz = require('tar.gz');
        if (fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../tmp/backup/backup.json')) fs.unlinkSync(__dirname + '/../tmp/backup/backup.json');

        new TARgz().extract(name, __dirname + '/../tmp', function (err) {
            if (err) {
                console.log('Cannot extract from file "' + name + '"');
            if (!fs.existsSync(__dirname + '/../tmp/backup/backup.json')) {
                console.log('Cannot find extracted file from file /../tmp/backup/backup.json"');
            // Stop controller
            var daemon = require('daemonize2').setup({
                main:       '../controller.js',
                name:       tools.appName + ' controller',
                pidfile:    __dirname + '/' + tools.appName + '.pid',
                cwd:        '../',
                stopTimeout: 1000
export function handler(argv: PublishCommand) {
	let manifest = resolveManifestSync()
	let stream = temp.createWriteStream()

	console.log('Writing an archive...')

		.Reader({ path: argv.docDir, type: 'Directory' }) /* Read the source directory */
		.pipe(tar.Pack()) /* Convert the directory to a .tar file */
		.pipe(zlib.Gzip()) /* Compress the .tar file */
		.on('finish', () => {
			console.log('Pushing the archive...')
			let readStream = fs.createReadStream(stream.path)
			let formData = {
				archive: {
					value: readStream,
					options: {
						filename: 'archive.tar.gz',
						contentType: 'application/json charset=utf-8'
				manifest: JSON.stringify(manifest)
// prepare the digital signature operation
        if (signer) {
            if (this._detail > 3)
                console.log("Calculating signature of plugin resources");
            const signatureFile = path.resolve(buildDir, SIGNATURE_FILENAME);
            const signResult = signer.createSignatureFile(buildDir, fileList, signatureFile);
            if (signResult instanceof Result)
                return Promise.resolve(signResult);
        if (this._detail > 3)
            console.log("Creating tar file for plugin", subModule.bundleName);
        const tarFile = path.resolve(tarDirectory, subModule.bundleName.concat(".plugin.tar"));
        try {
            await tar.create({ cwd: buildDir, gzip: false, file: tarFile, follow: true }, fileList);
        catch (error) {
            return Promise.resolve(new Result(`Build Plugin ${subModule.bundleName}`, 1, error, "Creating tar file"));
        /* ----------- This is relevant only for the BrowserLocalPluginLoader, which is not currently used.
        // for debugging, put the development version 'bundleName'.js and 'bundlename' into the same directory as the tar file, and we will preferentially load that.
        const devVersionSource = path.resolve(devCompileOutput, manifest.devPlugin);
        const devVersionDest = path.resolve(outputPath, manifest.devPlugin);
        Utils.symlinkOrCopyModuleFile(devVersionSource, devVersionDest, this._alwaysCopy, this._detail);
           ----------- */
        if (signer) {
            if (this._detail > 3)
                console.log("Verifying signature of plugin tar file");
            // create an output directory, into which we will untar the tar file we just created.
            const verifyResult = await signer.verifySignature(tarFile, subModule, this._detail);
            if (verifyResult)
// remove access token
  try {
    let settingsJsonFile = new JsonFile(path.join(tempDir, UserSettings.SETTINGS_FILE_NAME));
    let settingsJson = await settingsJsonFile.readAsync();
    for (let key of ['accessToken', 'auth', 'uuid', 'sendTo']) {
      if (settingsJson[key]) {
        settingsJson[key] = 'redacted';
    await settingsJsonFile.writeAsync(settingsJson);
  } catch (e) {

  // compress
  await tar.create({ file: archivePath, gzip: true, cwd: Env.home() }, [
    path.relative(Env.home(), tempDir),

  // upload
  let formData = new FormData();
  formData.append('archive', fs.createReadStream(archivePath));

  let response = await Api.callMethodAsync('uploadDiagnostics', [{}], 'put', null, { formData });
  return response.url;
console.log("Calculating signature of plugin resources");
      const signatureFile = path.resolve(buildDir, SIGNATURE_FILENAME);
      const signResult: Result | undefined = signer.createSignatureFile(buildDir, fileList, signatureFile);

      if (signResult instanceof Result)
        return Promise.resolve(signResult);


    if (this._detail > 3)
      console.log("Creating tar file for plugin", subModule.bundleName);
    const tarFile = path.resolve(tarDirectory, subModule.bundleName.concat(".plugin.tar"));
    try {
      await tar.create({ cwd: buildDir, gzip: false, file: tarFile, follow: true }, fileList);
    } catch (error) {
      return Promise.resolve(new Result(`Build Plugin ${subModule.bundleName}`, 1, error, "Creating tar file"));

    /* ----------- This is relevant only for the BrowserLocalPluginLoader, which is not currently used.
    // for debugging, put the development version 'bundleName'.js and 'bundlename' into the same directory as the tar file, and we will preferentially load that.
    const devVersionSource = path.resolve(devCompileOutput, manifest.devPlugin);
    const devVersionDest = path.resolve(outputPath, manifest.devPlugin);
    Utils.symlinkOrCopyModuleFile(devVersionSource, devVersionDest, this._alwaysCopy, this._detail);
       ----------- */

    if (signer) {
      if (this._detail > 3)
        console.log("Verifying signature of plugin tar file");

      // create an output directory, into which we will untar the tar file we just created.
targzAction() {
        // Streams
        if (this.isGet()) {
            let paths = think.RESOURCE_PATH;
            let path = "/backup/";
            let dir = paths + path + this.get("dir");
            let tar = paths + path + this.get("dir") + ".tar.gz"
            if (!think.isFile(tar)) {
                //var read = targz().createReadStream(dir);
                //var parse = fs.createWriteStream(tar);
                let self = this;
                targz().compress(dir, tar)
                    .then(function () {
                        self.success({'name': "tar", 'url': self.get("dir")})
                    .catch(function (err) {
                        console.log('Something is wrong ', err.stack);

            } else {
                this.success({'name': "download", 'url': this.get("dir")})
        } else if (this.isPost()) {
            let paths = think.RESOURCE_PATH;
            let path = "/backup/";
            let tar = paths + path +"name") + ".tar.gz"
      .on('progress', (state) => {
      .on('error', (error) => { = 'download-tarball-error'; = {
          url: tarballURL,
      .pipe(zlib.Unzip()) // eslint-disable-line
      .pipe(tar.Parse()) // eslint-disable-line
      .on('entry', (entry) => {
        if (!/src|mock\//.test(entry.path)) {

        const isMockFiles = entry.path.indexOf('mock/') !== -1;

        let destPath = ''; // 生成文件的路径
        if (isMockFiles) {
          destPath = path.join(
            entry.path.replace(/^package\//, '')
        } else {
          const realPath = entry.path
            .replace(/^package\//, '')
exec('npm pack ' + root, function (err, stdout, stderr) {
    if (err) return out.emit('error', 'Failed to pack archive: ' + err);

    // npm logs created filename on stdout
    var tarFile = path.join(process.cwd(), stdout.trim().split(/\n+/).pop());

      .on('error', out.emit.bind(out, 'error'))
      .on('error', out.emit.bind(out, 'error'))
      .on('error', out.emit.bind(out, 'error'))
      .on('entry', function (e) {
        out.write(e.path.replace(/^package\//, '') + '\n');
      .on('end', function () {
        fs.unlink(tarFile, function (err) {
          if (err) return out.emit(err);
TarGz.prototype.createParseStream = function() {
  var stream1 = zlib.createGunzip(this._options.zlib);
  var stream2 = tar.Parse();

  this._bubble(stream1, stream2);

  // Capture the entry event
  stream2.on('entry', function(entry) {
    stream1.emit('entry', entry);

  return stream1;
function bundle () {
  // FIXME. Temporary fix so Jenkins which is faster can upload
  // binaries. Travis uses deploy functionality in .travis.yml and
  // not using the ghreleases module (which seems to fail if there
  // are already binaries uploaded)
  if (process.env.TRAVIS === 'true') return

  const prebuilds = `${process.platform}-${process.arch}`
  const file = `v${pkg.version}-${process.platform}-${process.arch}.tar.gz`
  const cwd = path.join(process.cwd(), 'prebuilds')
  tar.c({ file, cwd, gzip: true }, [ prebuilds ], err => {
    if (err) exit(err)
    uploadToRelease(path.resolve(__dirname, '..', file))

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