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Top 10 Examples of "moo in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'moo' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

throw new SyntaxError(`${unterminatedEscape} (${oct})`);

  return {char: String.fromCodePoint(codePoint), newIndex: i + 3};

const unterminatedEscape = 'Unterminated escape sequence';

export type Token = {
  value: string,
  type: TokenType,

type TokenType = $Keys;

export const lexer = Moo.compile(lexerRules);
// Ignore whitespace and comment tokens = (next => () => {
  let tok;
  while ((tok = && ['WS', 'comment'].includes(tok.type)) {}
  return tok;

export function Tokenize(input: string): Array {

  const tokens = [];
  let token;
  while ((token = {
    tokens.push({value: token.value, type: token.type});
  return tokens;
(function () {
function id(x) { return x[0]; }

const moo = require("moo"); // this 'require' creates a node dependency

const lexer = moo.compile({
  oscMsg:       ['oscIn'],
  mlModel:       ['mlmodel'],
  osc:          ['osc',    '∞'],
  sinosc:       ['sin',    '~'],
  cososc:       ['cos',    '≈'],
  triosc:       ['tri',    '∆'],
  sawosc:       ['saw',    '◊'],
  phasosc:      ['phasor', 'Ø'],
  squareosc:    ['square', '∏'],
  pulseosc:     ['pulse',  '^'],
  gateosc:      ['gate',   '≠'],
  patternosc:   ['patt',   '¶'],
  bus:          ['bus',    '‡' ],
  wnoise:       ['wnoise', 'Ω'],
  pnoise:       ['pnoise'],
  bnoise:       ['bnoise'],
// @ts-ignore
function id(d: any[]): any { return d[0]; }
declare var parameter: any;
declare var semicolon: any;
declare var lparen: any;
declare var rparen: any;
declare var or: any;
declare var annot: any;
declare var pair: any;
declare var singleArgData: any;
declare var doubleArgData: any;
declare var data: any;

    const moo = require("moo");

    const lexer = moo.compile({
        wspace: /[ \t]+/,
        lparen: '(',
        rparen: ')',
        annot: /:[^ );]+|%[^ );]+/,
        parameter: 'parameter',
        or: 'or',
        pair: 'pair',
        data: ['bytes', 'int', 'nat', 'bool', 'string', 'timestamp', 'signature', 'key', 'key_hash', 'mutez', 'address', 'unit', 'operation'],
        singleArgData: ['option', 'list', 'contract'],
        doubleArgData: ['lambda', 'map', 'big_map'],
        semicolon: ';'

    import { Parameter, EntryPoint } from '../../../types/tezos/ContractIntrospectionTypes';
(function () {
function id(x) { return x[0]; }

const moo = require("moo"); // this 'require' creates a node dependency

const lexer = moo.compile({
  separator:    /,/,
  paramEnd:     /}/,
  paramBegin:   /{/,
  sample:       { match: /\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+/, lineBreaks: true, value: x => x.slice(0, x.length)},
  variable:     /:[a-zA-Z0-9]+:/,
  oscAddress:   /(?:\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+/,
  sample2:      /@[a-zA-Z0-9]+/,
  number:       /-?(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]+)(?:\.[0-9]+)?(?:[eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?\b/,
  add:          /\+/,
  mult:         /\*/,
  div:          /\//,
  dot:          /\./,
  hash:         /\#/,
  hyphen:       /\-/,
  ndash:        /\–/,
  mdash:        /\—/,
(function () {
function id(x) { return x[0]; }

const moo = require("moo"); // this 'require' creates a node dependency

const lexer = moo.compile({
  osc: ['osc'],
  sinosc: ['sin'],
  cososc: ['cos'],
  sawosc: ['saw'],
  triosc: ['tri'],
  squareosc: ['square'],
  pulseosc: ['pulse'],
  wnoise: ['wnoise'],
  pnoise: ['pnoise'],
  bnoise: ['bnoise'],
  phasosc: ['phasor'],
  tpb: ['tpb'],
  functionkeyword: ['gain', 'adsr', 'dyn', 'dist', 'filter', 'delay', 'flang', 'chorus', 'samp'],
  o: /o/,
  x: /x/,
  at: /@/,
(function () {
function id(x) { return x[0]; }

const moo = require("moo"); // this 'require' creates a node dependency

const lexer = moo.compile({
  separator:      /,/,
  paramEnd:       /}/,
  paramBegin:     /{/,
  oscAddress:     /(?:\/[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+/,
  sample:         /(?:\\[a-zA-Z0-9]+)+/,
  add:            /\+/,
  mult:           /\*/,
  div:            /\//,
  dot:            /\./,
  hash:           /\#/,
  hyphen:         /\-/,
  ndash:          /\–/,
  mdash:          /\—/,
  comma:          /\,/,
  colon:          /\:/,
  semicolon:      /\;/,

const moo = require("moo");

const escapeNearley = (x) => {
    return x.replace(/\t/g, '\\t') // Replace tab due to Nearley bug #nearley/issues/413
        .replace(/\f/g, '\\f')
        .replace(/\r/g, '\\r');

// we use lexer states to distinguish between the tokens
// in the text and the tokens inside the variables
const lexer = moo.states({
    main: {
        // a chunk is everything up until '[{', even across newlines. We then trim off the '[{'
        // we also push the lexer into the 'var' state
        Chunk: {
            match: /[^]*?\[{/,
            lineBreaks: true,
            push: 'var',
            value: x => escapeNearley(x.slice(0, -2))
        // we now need to consume everything up until the end of the buffer.
        // note that the order of these two rules is important!
        LastChunk : {
            match: /[^]+/,
            lineBreaks: true,
            value: x => escapeNearley(x)
value: x => JSON.parse(x),
        next: 'main',
    btstring: {
        match: /`[^`]*`/,
        value: x => x.slice(1, -1),
        next: 'main',
}, literals([
    ",", "|", "$", "%", "(", ")",
    ":?", ":*", ":+",
    "@include", "@builtin", "@",

var lexer = moo.states({
    main: Object.assign({}, rules, {
        charclass: {
            match: /\.|\[(?:\\.|[^\\\n])+?\]/,
            value: x => new RegExp(x),
    // Both macro arguments and charclasses are both enclosed in [ ].
    // We disambiguate based on whether the previous token was a `word`.
    afterWord: Object.assign({}, rules, {
        "[": {match: "[", next: 'main'},

function insensitive(sl) {
    var s = sl.literal;
    var result = [];
  // `!=` needs explicit token because it is ambiguous:
  // can mean either vector comparator or label matcher.
  // Must be declared above binComp and labelOp, because their definitions
  // include `!=`, too.
  neq: '!=',
  // Allows greedy-matching identifiers, e.g.
  // `by` will be emitted as %clauseOp, but
  // `byteCount` will be emitted as %identifier
  identifier: {
    match: /\w+/,
    type: Moo.keywords({
      aggClause: AGGR_CLAUSE_TYPES,
      groupClause: GROUP_CLAUSE_TYPES,
      matchClause: MATCH_CLAUSE_TYPES,
      setOp: BINARY_SET_OPS,
  string: [
      // double-quoted string with no escape sequences;
      // shortcut for performance
      match: /"[^"\\]*"/,
      value: s => s.slice(1, -1),
      // single-quoted string with no escape sequences;
import * as moo from 'moo';

let lexer = moo.compile({
    lparen: '(',
    word:  /[a-z]+/,
    rparen: ')',
    keyword: ['while', 'if', 'else', 'moo', 'cows']

lexer = moo.states({
    main: {
        strstart: {match: '`', push: 'lit'},
        ident:    /\w+/,
        lbrace:   {match: '{', push: 'main'},
        rbrace:   {match: '}', pop: 1},
        colon:    ':',
        space:    {match: /\s+/, lineBreaks: true},
    lit: {

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