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Top 6 Examples of "svg-sprite in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'svg-sprite' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

error.errno			= 1391852448;
		return error;
	// Keep the intermediate files
	options				= _.extend({}, defaultOptions, options || {});
	options.verbose		= Math.max(0, Math.min(3, parseInt(options.verbose, 10) || 0));
	// Temporarily alter the configuration options to keep intermediate files and suppress all output rendering
	options._keep		= options.keep;
	options.keep		= 1;
	options._render		= _.extend({css: true}, options.render);
	options.render		= {css: false};
	// Create the SVG sprite
	var sprite			= SVGSprite.createSprite(inputDir, outputDir, options, function(error, results) {
		// Restore configuration options
		results.options	= restoreOptions(results.options);
		// If an error occured while creating the SVG sprite: Abort
		if (error) {
			callback(error, results);
		// Else: Create icon kit
		} else {
			new Iconizr(results).createIconKit(callback);
	// In case of an error: Return it
	if (util.isError(sprite)) {
setDataAndSingle				= function(currentData, data, type) {
		currentData.svg				= [];
		for (var s = 0; s < data.svg.length; ++s) {
			currentData.svg[s]		= _.extend({}, data.svg[s], data.svg[s][type]);
			delete currentData.svg[s].svg;
			delete currentData.svg[s].png;
		return currentData;
	// If the sprite at least one SVG image
	if ( {
		// Run through all configured rendering types
		for (var type in this._options.render) {
			var render							= SVGSprite.renderConfig(this._options.outputDir, this._options.render[type], type, __dirname);

			// If both a template and a destination file are given: Create tasks for it
			if (render.dest !== null) {

				if (this._options.verbose > 0) {
					console.log('Creating the "%s" output type ...', type);
				// Non-stylesheet output types: Simple rendering
				if (['html', 'inline.svg'].indexOf(type) >= 0) {
					tasks[type]						= SVGSprite.renderTask(render.template, dest + '.' + type, _.extend({}, data), this.result);
				// Stylesheet output type: Render variants
				} else {
					var data						= setDataAndSingle(_.extend({},,, 'svg'),
if ( {
		// Run through all configured rendering types
		for (var type in this._options.render) {
			var render							= SVGSprite.renderConfig(this._options.outputDir, this._options.render[type], type, __dirname);

			// If both a template and a destination file are given: Create tasks for it
			if (render.dest !== null) {

				if (this._options.verbose > 0) {
					console.log('Creating the "%s" output type ...', type);
				// Non-stylesheet output types: Simple rendering
				if (['html', 'inline.svg'].indexOf(type) >= 0) {
					tasks[type]						= SVGSprite.renderTask(render.template, dest + '.' + type, _.extend({}, data), this.result);
				// Stylesheet output type: Render variants
				} else {
					var data						= setDataAndSingle(_.extend({},,, 'svg'),
					dest							= path.join(path.dirname(render.dest), path.basename(render.dest, '.' + type));
					// Render the SVG sprite version
					tasks[type + '-svg-sprite']		= SVGSprite.renderTask(render.template, dest + '-svg-sprite.' + type, _.extend({}, data, {encode: !}), this.result);
					// Render the SVG data version
					tasks[type + '-svg-data']		= SVGSprite.renderTask(render.template, dest + '-svg-data.' + type, _.extend({}, data, {sprite: null, common: null, encode: !}), this.result);
					// Render the single SVG icon version (if applicable)
					if (this._options.keep) {
						tasks[type + '-svg-single']	= SVGSprite.renderTask(render.template, dest + '-svg-single.' + type, _.extend({}, data, {sprite: null, common: null, encode: false}), this.result);
this.files.forEach(function(file) {
			var indir		= file.src.shift() || './',
			outdir			= util.isArray(file.dest) ? file.dest.shift() : ('' + file.dest),
			done			= that.async();
			console.log('Building SVG sprite from directory "%s" ...', indir);
			SVGSprite.createSprite(indir, outdir, options, function(error, results) {
				if (error) {
				} else {
					for (var file in results.files) {
						grunt.log.writeln('✔ ') + file + chalk.gray(' (' + results.files[file] + ' bytes)'));
compiler.plugin('emit', function (compilation, callback) {
    let content = null;
    const files = glob.sync('**/*.svg', {cwd: baseDir});
    const svgSpriter = new SVGSprite({
      mode: {
        defs: true
      shape: {
        id: {
          separator: '--'

    files.forEach(function (file) {
      svgSpriter.add(new vinyl({
        path: path.join(baseDir, file),
        base: baseDir,
        contents: fs.readFileSync(path.join(baseDir, file))
export default function run(opts, images) {
	const config  = _.defaultsDeep({}, opts.svgsprite);
	const spriter = new SVGSpriter(config);

	images.forEach(({ path }) => {
		spriter.add(path, null, fs.readFileSync(path, { encoding: 'utf-8' }));

	return Promise.promisify(spriter.compile, {
		context: spriter,
		multiArgs: true
	})().spread((result, data) => {
		const spritesheet = {};

		spritesheet.extension = 'svg';
		spritesheet.coordinates = {};
		spritesheet.image = result.css.sprite.contents; = {
			width: data.css.spriteWidth,

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