Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'es5-ext' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
"Hours": function (a) {
// 4 hours 7 minutes 12 seconds 123 milliseconds
d2 = copy.call(d1);
d2.setMilliseconds(d2.getMilliseconds() + 123);
d2.setSeconds(d2.getSeconds() + 12);
d2.setMinutes(d2.getMinutes() + 7);
d2.setHours(d2.getHours() + 4);
d = t(d1, d2);
a(d.milliseconds, 4 * 60 * 60 * 1000 + 7 * 60 * 1000 + 12 * 1000 + 123, "Milliseconds");
a(d.valueOf(), d.milliseconds, "Value");
a(d.seconds, 4 * 60 * 60 + 7 * 60 + 12, "Seconds");
a(d.minutes, 4 * 60 + 7, "Minutes");
a(d.hours, 4, "Hours");
a(d.days, 0, "Days");
a(d.months, 0, "Months");
a(d.years, 0, "Years");
a(d.millisecond, 123, "Trailing milliseconds");
"Seconds": function (a) {
// 7 seconds 123 milliseconds
d2 = copy.call(d1);
d2.setMilliseconds(d2.getMilliseconds() + 123);
d2.setSeconds(d2.getSeconds() + 7);
d = t(d1, d2);
a(d.milliseconds, 7 * 1000 + 123, "Milliseconds");
a(d.valueOf(), d.milliseconds, "Value");
a(d.seconds, 7, "Seconds");
a(d.minutes, 0, "Minutes");
a(d.hours, 0, "Hours");
a(d.days, 0, "Days");
a(d.months, 0, "Months");
a(d.years, 0, "Years");
a(d.millisecond, 123, "Trailing milliseconds");
a(d.second, 7, "Trailing seconds");
a(d.minute, 0, "Trailing minutes");
"Milliseconds": function (a) {
// 11 milliseconds
d2 = copy.call(d1);
d2.setMilliseconds(d2.getMilliseconds() + 11);
d = t(d1, d2);
a(d.milliseconds, 11, "Milliseconds");
a(d.valueOf(), d.milliseconds, "Value");
a(d.seconds, 0, "Seconds");
a(d.minutes, 0, "Minutes");
a(d.hours, 0, "Hours");
a(d.days, 0, "Days");
a(d.months, 0, "Months");
a(d.years, 0, "Years");
a(d.millisecond, 11, "Trailing milliseconds");
a(d.second, 0, "Trailing seconds");
a(d.minute, 0, "Trailing minutes");
a(d.hour, 0, "Trailing hours");
"Minutes": function (a) {
// 7 minutes 12 seconds 123 milliseconds
d2 = copy.call(d1);
d2.setMilliseconds(d2.getMilliseconds() + 123);
d2.setSeconds(d2.getSeconds() + 12);
d2.setMinutes(d2.getMinutes() + 7);
d = t(d1, d2);
a(d.milliseconds, 7 * 60 * 1000 + 12 * 1000 + 123, "Milliseconds");
a(d.valueOf(), d.milliseconds, "Value");
a(d.seconds, 7 * 60 + 12, "Seconds");
a(d.minutes, 7, "Minutes");
a(d.hours, 0, "Hours");
a(d.days, 0, "Days");
a(d.months, 0, "Months");
a(d.years, 0, "Years");
a(d.millisecond, 123, "Trailing milliseconds");
a(d.second, 12, "Trailing seconds");
, asyncResult, callId = ++routeCallIdIndex;
path = ensureStringifiable(path);
this.emit("route:before", { event: event, path: path, args: controllerArgs });
// Preprepare route data
this.lastRouteData = { event: event };
// Do not proceed for no path
if (!path) return this._resolveResult(false);
// Resolve path for route resolution
if (path[0] === '/') path = path.slice(1);
if (endsWith.call(path, '/')) path = path.slice(0, -1);
event.path = path || '/';
// Handle eventual static path
conf = this._staticRoutes[path || '/'];
if (conf) {
initConf = this.routes[path || '/'];
controller = conf.controller || conf;
this.lastRouteData.conf = initConf;
return this._resolveController(apply.bind(controller, event, controllerArgs));
// Handle eventual dynamic paths
pathTokens = path.split('/');
if (!this._dynamicRoutes[pathTokens.length]) return this._resolveResult(false);
this._dynamicRoutes[pathTokens.length].some(function (data) {
var args = [], matchResult;
this.__proto__ = proto;
if (proto._id_) {
proto = proto.ns;
if (proto) {
while (proto !== ObjectType) {
proto[id] = this;
proto = getPrototypeOf(proto);
if (proto === Base) break;
// Fix relations proto
getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(protoDeep.bind(this, nu));
if (old._id_) remove.call(old._children_, this);
if (nu._id_) {
if (!nu.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu, '_children_', d('', []));
if (old._id_) old.emit('delete', this);
if (nu._id_) nu.emit('add', this);
if (!nu.prototype) {
// Should never happen, but we better take it easy
// It's result of corrupted database (via e.g. malformed/not-proper import
// messages) or trial of fixing the corrupted database
Plain.prototype.$$proto.call(this, nu);
this.__proto__ = nu;
this.prototype.__proto__ = nu.prototype;
// Fix relations proto
getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(protoDeep.bind(this, nu));
.forEach(protoDeep.bind(this, nu.prototype));
if (old !== Plain) remove.call(old._children_, this);
if (nu !== Plain) {
if (!nu.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu, '_children_', d('', []));
if (old !== Plain) old.emit('delete', this, this._id_);
if (nu !== Plain) nu.emit('add', this, this._id_);
_forEachObject_: d('c', function (cb) {
getOwnPropertyNames(this).forEach(function (name) {
var value;
if (!startsWith.call(name, '__')) return;
if (name === '__value') return;
value = this[name];
if (!value._id_) return;
if (!value.hasOwnProperty('_value')) return;
cb(value, value._id_, this);
}, this);
rel: d('c', function (data) {
if (data == null) return this;
return new RelTransport(this, data);
required: d.gs('c', function () {
return new RelTransport(this, { required: true });
coerce: d('c', function (value) { return value; }),
_serialize_: d('c', serialize)
defineProperty(Plain, '$$proto', d('c', function (nu) {
var old = getPrototypeOf(this);
if (!nu) {
nu = Plain;
delete Base[this._id_];
if (old === nu) return;
if (!nu.prototype) {
// Should never happen, but we better take it easy
$$setValue: d('c', function (nu) {
var old = getPrototypeOf(this), objects;
if (!nu) nu = Base;
if (old === nu) return;
if (old._childType_ === 'object') objects = this.values;
this.__proto__ = nu;
this.prototype.__proto__ = nu.prototype;
remove.call(old._children_, this);
remove.call(old.prototype._children_, this.prototype);
if (!nu.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu, '_children_', d('', []));
if (!nu.prototype.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu.prototype, '_children_', d('', []));
if (old === Base) Base[this._id_] = this;
if (nu === Base) delete Base[this._id_];
// Fix relations proto
$$setValue: d('c', function (nu) {
var old = getPrototypeOf(this), objects;
if (!nu) nu = Base;
if (old === nu) return;
if (old._childType_ === 'object') objects = this.values;
this.__proto__ = nu;
this.prototype.__proto__ = nu.prototype;
remove.call(old._children_, this);
remove.call(old.prototype._children_, this.prototype);
if (!nu.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu, '_children_', d('', []));
if (!nu.prototype.hasOwnProperty('_children_')) {
defineProperty(nu.prototype, '_children_', d('', []));
if (old === Base) Base[this._id_] = this;
if (nu === Base) delete Base[this._id_];
// Fix relations proto