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Top 10 Examples of "vuex-pathify in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'vuex-pathify' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

       * The Icon class demonstrates:
       *  - new properties from existing values, i.e. title and hex color
       *  - a render() function to transform existing values (SVG) at run time
       * As the functionality is encapsulated on the Icon class, the methods can be called from anywhere.
       * Try running this in the console:
       *  - store.get('icons/data')[0].show()
      icons: get('icons/data'),

      // sync style in store
      style: sync('icons/style'),

    watch: {
      name: 'update',
      color : 'update',

    // to target non SET_* members, use these techniques:
    methods: {

      // call mutation using direct access (!) syntax
      addIcon () {
        // try removing the ! to see what happens (check the console)
        // try using the commit() vuex alias to achieve the same
        this.$store.set('icons/ADD_ICON!', {name:, color: this.color})
const mutations = {

  // creates SET_* functions

  // additional increment function
  INCREMENT_FOO (state) {

const actions = {

  // creates redundant actions, but for foo only

  // additional loadFoo action
  loadFoo ({commit}) {
    return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {
      setTimeout(function () {
        const value =
        commit('SET_FOO', value)
      }, 1000)

export default {
  namespaced: true,
var UNCATEGORIZED = {name:'Uncategorized', budget:0};

  export default {
    name: 'BudgetYear',
    mixins: [TableMixin],
    components: {PageWrap, BudgetYearPopover},
    data: () => ({
      cancelsearch: null,   // Cancel search token
      tablerows: null,      // Row items to display
      search: null,         // Current search string
      loading: false,       // True to show loading indicator
      count: 0,             // Total transactions in view
      start: null,          // Starting month
    computed: {
      categories: pathify.sync('budget/categories'),
      columns: function() { return this.initColumns(); },
      items: function() { return this.tablerows; },
      keymap: function() { return this.tableMixinKeymap(); },
      months: function() { return this.initMonths(); },
    watch: {
      search: function() {
    mounted: function() {
      document.title = `PushingKarma - Past Year Spending`;
      this.start = dayjs().startOf('month'); = trim( || this.$ || '');
/* webpackChunkName: "notfound" */
      PageSkeletonLoader: () => import('./SkeletonLoader'),

    provide () {
      return { id: }

    data: () => ({ isLoading: false }),

    computed: {
      ...sync('route@params', ['namespace', 'page']),
      children: get('documentation/structure'),
      structure: sync('documentation/structure'),
      id () {
        if (!this.structure) return ''

      text () {
        if (!this.structure) return ''

        return `${camelCase(this.namespace)}.${camelCase(}.headingText`

    watch: { '$route.path': 'onRouteChange' },

    asyncData: load,
export default {

    extends: base('repos1'),

    computed: {
      // get + path syntax
      repos: get('repos1/filteredItems'),

      // get + array syntax
      ...get('repos1', [

      // sync, sub-property + wildcard syntax

      // sync, sub-property + object syntax
      ...sync('repos1/sort@', {
        sortOrder: 'order',
        sortKey: 'key',

import BudgetTransactions from './BudgetTransactions';
  import SidePanel from '@/components/site/SidePanel';
  import Dropzone from '@/components/Dropzone';
  import Navigation from '@/components/site/Navigation';
  export default {
    name: 'Budget',
    components: {BudgetMenu, BudgetMonth, BudgetYear, BudgetSettings,
      BudgetTransactions, Dropzone, Navigation, SidePanel},
    computed: {
      account: pathify.sync('budget/account'),
      accounts: pathify.sync('budget/accounts'),
      categories: pathify.sync('budget/categories'),
      summary: pathify.sync('budget/summary'),
      demo: pathify.sync('budget/demo'),
      view: pathify.sync('budget/view'),
    watch: {
      view: function(view) {
        utils.updateHistory(this.$router, {view});
      account: function(account) {
        var accountid = account ? : null;
        utils.updateHistory(this.$router, {account:accountid});

    // Mounted
    // Setup navigation, demo, accounts
    created: async function() {
Link, ListItem, OrderedList, Bold, Code, Italic, Strike, TodoItem,
    TodoList, Underline, History} from 'tiptap-extensions';
  import bash from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/bash';
  import css from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/css';
  import javascript from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/javascript';
  import python from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/python';
  import sql from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/sql';
  import xml from 'highlight.js/lib/languages/xml';
  var LANGUAGES = {bash,css,javascript,python,sql,xml};

  export default {
    name: 'NotesEditMenu',
    components: {EditorMenuBar},
    computed: {
      editing: pathify.sync('notes/editing'),
      editor: pathify.sync('notes/editor'),
      note: pathify.sync('notes/note'),
      userid: pathify.get('global/user@id'),
    data: () => ({
      linkUrl: null,        // Current URL text when editing links
      showLinkMenu: false,  // True when displaying link input

    watch: {
      // Watch Editing
      // When edit mode changes, make sure TipTap is informed.
      editing: function() {
        let editable = this.editing && (this.userid !== null);
export default {

    computed: {

      // single property
      store: get('module'),

      // accessor priority
      string: get('module/string'),

      // nested property syntax
      sub: sync('module/object@value'),
      nested: sync('module/object@a.b.c'),

      // array syntax
      ...sync('module', [

      // object syntax
      ...get('module', {
        altValue: 'value',
        altString: 'string'
       * Pathify chooses same-named getters over same-named states, in this case returning an array of Icon
       * instances with transformed properties and additional methods, rather than just a plain Object
       * The Icon class demonstrates:
       *  - new properties from existing values, i.e. title and hex color
       *  - a render() function to transform existing values (SVG) at run time
       * As the functionality is encapsulated on the Icon class, the methods can be called from anywhere.
       * Try running this in the console:
       *  - store.get('icons/data')[0].show()
      icons: get('icons/data'),

      // sync style in store
      style: sync('icons/style'),

    watch: {
      name: 'update',
      color : 'update',

    // to target non SET_* members, use these techniques:
    methods: {

      // call mutation using direct access (!) syntax
      addIcon () {
        // try removing the ! to see what happens (check the console)

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