Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'orbit-db-identity-provider' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
let wallet1 = await open({
privateKey: '0x3141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592'
let wallet2 = await open({
privateKey: '0x2141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592'
const web3 = new Web3(new Web3.providers.WebsocketProvider('ws://'))
acOptions = Object.assign({}, { web3 }, { abi }, { contractAddress: address }, { primaryAccount })
// contractAPI = new ContractAPI(web3, abi, address, primaryAccount)
const signer1 = async (id, data) => { return await wallet1.signMessage({ message: data }) }
const signer2 = async (id, data) => { return await wallet2.signMessage({ message: data }) }
id1 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(keystore, wallet1.address, { type: 'ethers', identitySignerFn: signer1 })
id2 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(keystore, wallet2.address, { type: 'ethers', identitySignerFn: signer2 })
orbitdb1 = await OrbitDB.createInstance(ipfs, {
acType: 'eth-contract',
acOptions: acOptions,
directory: dbPath + '/1',
identity: id1
orbitdb2 = await OrbitDB.createInstance(ipfs, {
acType: 'contract',
acOptions: acOptions,
directory: dbPath + '/2',
identity: id2
export default async function startIpfs() {
// FIXME: Doesn't work on brave
console.log('Starting ipfs and orbitdb...');
window.ipfsNode = await IPFS.create(ipfsOptions);
const options = { id: 'local-id' };
const identity = await Identities.createIdentity(options);
const orbitdb = await OrbitDB.createInstance(window.ipfsNode, { identity });
// each user has their own metadata database
window.metadataDb = await orbitdb.docs('metadataDb', { indexBy: 'fileId' });
await window.metadataDb.load();
// TODO: Sharding of public database
// Create Public Metadata Registry
// const publicDb = {
// // Give write access to everyone
// accessController: {
// write: ['*'],
// },
// };
// const metadataRegistry = await orbitdb.eventlog('metadataRegistry', publicDb);
// Connect to Public Metadata Registry
// Create default `level` store
options.storage = Storage(null, storageOptions)
if (options.identity && options.identity.provider.keystore) {
options.keystore = options.identity.provider.keystore
if (!options.keystore) {
const keystorePath = path.join(options.directory, id, '/keystore')
const keyStorage = await options.storage.createStore(keystorePath)
options.keystore = new Keystore(keyStorage)
if (!options.identity) {
options.identity = await Identities.createIdentity({
id: options.id || id,
keystore: options.keystore
if (!options.cache) {
const cachePath = path.join(options.directory, id, '/cache')
const cacheStorage = await options.storage.createStore(cachePath)
options.cache = new Cache(cacheStorage)
const finalOptions = Object.assign({}, options, { peerId: id })
return new OrbitDB(ipfs, options.identity, finalOptions)
await fs.copy(identityKeyFixtures, identityKeysPath)
await fs.copy(signingKeyFixtures, signingKeysPath)
const defaultOptions = { identityKeysPath, signingKeysPath }
keystore = new Keystore(identityKeysPath)
signingKeystore = new Keystore(signingKeysPath)
const users = ['userA', 'userB', 'userC', 'userD']
options = users.map((user) => {
return Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, { id: user, keystore, signingKeystore })
testIdentity = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(options[0])
testIdentity2 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(options[1])
testIdentity3 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(options[2])
testIdentity4 = await IdentityProvider.createIdentity(options[3])
ipfs = await startIpfs(IPFS, ipfsConfig)
async getOdbId (space) {
return Identities.createIdentity({
type: '3ID',
threeId: this,
if (defaultIdentityProvider) {
logger.info(`Connecting to Orbit as ${JSON.stringify(credentials)}`)
credentials = { type: 'orbitdb', id: credentials }
const profile = {
name: defaultIdentityProvider ? credentials : credentials.username,
location: 'Earth',
image: null
const identityKeysPath = path.join('./orbitdb', this._options.directory || '', 'keystore') || credentials.keystorePath
const newCredentials = Object.assign({}, credentials, { identityKeysPath })
const identity = await Identities.createIdentity(newCredentials)
this._user = new OrbitUser(identity, profile)
this._orbitdb = await OrbitDB.createInstance(
directory: this._options.directory,
identity: this.user.identity
'use strict'
const path = require('path')
const EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter
const OrbitDB = require('orbit-db')
const Logger = require('logplease')
const Identities = require('orbit-db-identity-provider')
const MetamaskIdentityProvider = require('./IdentityProviders/purser-metamask-identity-provider')
const OrbitUser = require('./orbit-user')
const Channel = require('./Channel')
const logger = Logger.create('Orbit', { color: Logger.Colors.Green })
process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ? Logger.LogLevels.DEBUG : Logger.LogLevels.ERROR
const getAppPath = () =>
process.type && process.env.ENV !== 'dev' ? process.resourcesPath + '/app/' : process.cwd()
const defaultOptions = {
dbOptions: {
const didJWT = require('did-jwt')
const Identities = require('orbit-db-identity-provider')
const { OdbIdentityProvider } = require('3box-orbitdb-plugins')
const pubKey = '044f5c08e2150b618264c4794d99a22238bf60f1133a7f563e74fcf55ddb16748159872687a613545c65567d2b7a4d4e3ac03763e1d9a5fcfe512a371faa48a781'
const privKey = '95838ece1ac686bde68823b21ce9f564bc536eebb9c3500fa6da81f17086a6be'
const didResolverMock = async (did) => {
return {
'@context': 'https://w3id.org/did/v1',
'id': did,
'publicKey': [{
'id': `${did}#signingKey`,
'type': 'Secp256k1VerificationKey2018',
'publicKeyHex': pubKey
'authentication': [{
'type': 'Secp256k1SignatureAuthentication2018',
'publicKey': `${did}#signingKey`
const { mnemonicToSeed, entropyToMnemonic } = require('@ethersproject/hdnode')
const EventEmitter = require('events')
const didJWT = require('did-jwt')
const DidDocument = require('ipfs-did-document')
const IpfsMini = require('ipfs-mini')
const localstorage = require('store')
const Identities = require('orbit-db-identity-provider')
const { OdbIdentityProvider } = require('3box-orbitdb-plugins')
const utils = require('../utils/index')
const Keyring = require('./keyring')
const config = require('../config.js')
const DID_METHOD_NAME = '3'
const STORAGE_KEY = 'serialized3id_'
const MUPORT_IPFS = { host: config.muport_ipfs_host, port: config.muport_ipfs_port, protocol: config.muport_ipfs_protocol}
const POLL_INTERVAL = 500
class ThreeId {
constructor (provider, ipfs, opts = {}) {
this.events = new EventEmitter()
this._provider = provider
this._has3idProv = Boolean(opts.has3idProv)
this._ipfs = ipfs
this._muportIpfs = opts.muportIpfs || MUPORT_IPFS