Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ssri' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// This script calculates the integrity hashes of the files in dist/ , and
// **overwrites** the values in the documentation.
var ssri = require('ssri');
var fs = require('fs');
var version = require('../package.json').version;
const integritySrc = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet-src.js'));
const integrityUglified = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet.js'));
const integrityCss = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet.css'));
console.log('Integrity hashes for ', version, ':');
console.log('dist/leaflet-src.js: ', integritySrc.toString());
console.log('dist/leaflet.js: ', integrityUglified.toString());
console.log('dist/leaflet.css: ', integrityCss.toString());
var docConfig = fs.readFileSync('docs/_config.yml').toString();
docConfig = docConfig.
replace(/latest_leaflet_version:.*/, 'latest_leaflet_version: ' + version).
replace(/integrity_hash_source:.*/, 'integrity_hash_source: "' + integritySrc.toString() + '"').
replace(/integrity_hash_uglified:.*/, 'integrity_hash_uglified: "' + integrityUglified.toString() + '"').
replace(/integrity_hash_css:.*/, 'integrity_hash_css: "' + integrityCss.toString() + '"');
// This script calculates the integrity hashes of the files in dist/ , and
// **overwrites** the values in the documentation.
var ssri = require('ssri');
var fs = require('fs');
var version = require('../package.json').version;
const integritySrc = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet-src.js'));
const integrityUglified = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet.js'));
const integrityCss = ssri.fromData(fs.readFileSync('dist/leaflet.css'));
console.log('Integrity hashes for ', version, ':');
console.log('dist/leaflet-src.js: ', integritySrc.toString());
console.log('dist/leaflet.js: ', integrityUglified.toString());
console.log('dist/leaflet.css: ', integrityCss.toString());
var docConfig = fs.readFileSync('docs/_config.yml').toString();
docConfig = docConfig.
replace(/latest_leaflet_version:.*/, 'latest_leaflet_version: ' + version).
replace(/integrity_hash_source:.*/, 'integrity_hash_source: "' + integritySrc.toString() + '"').
replace(/integrity_hash_uglified:.*/, 'integrity_hash_uglified: "' + integrityUglified.toString() + '"').
replace(/integrity_hash_css:.*/, 'integrity_hash_css: "' + integrityCss.toString() + '"');
// console.log('New jekyll docs config: \n', docConfig);
(f) => {
const split = f.split(/[/\\]/)
const digest = split.slice(split.length - 3).join('')
const algo = split[split.length - 4]
const integrity = ssri.fromHex(digest, algo)
if (liveContent.has(integrity.toString())) {
return verifyContent(f, integrity).then((info) => {
if (!info.valid) {
stats.reclaimedSize += info.size
} else {
stats.keptSize += info.size
return stats
} else {
// No entries refer to this content. We can delete.
return stat(f).then((s) => {
[_istream] (stream) {
// everyone will need one of these, either for verifying or calculating
// We always set it, because we have might only have a weak legacy hex
// sha1 in the packument, and this MAY upgrade it to a stronger algo.
// If we had an integrity, and it doesn't match, then this does not
// override that error; the istream will raise the error before it
// gets to the point of re-setting the integrity.
const istream = ssri.integrityStream(this.opts)
istream.on('integrity', i => this.integrity = i)
return stream.on('error', er => istream.emit('error', er)).pipe(istream)
async getSha1Integrity (integrity, resolved, manifest) {
// for yarn.lock backwards compatibility
if (!/^sha1-/.test(integrity)) {
const url = normalizeUrl(resolved)
const file = await rp({
encoding: null
const integrity = ssri.create({algorithms: ['sha1']}).update(file)
return integrity.digest().toString()
} else {
return integrity
const tryFn = () => {
const sri = ssri.parse(integrity)
// If `integrity` has multiple entries, pick the first digest
// with available local data.
const algo = sri.pickAlgorithm()
const digests = sri[algo]
if (digests.length <= 1) {
const cpath = contentPath(cache, digests[0])
return fn(cpath, digests[0])
} else {
// Can't use race here because a generic error can happen before a ENOENT error, and can happen before a valid result
return Promise
.all(digests.map((meta) => {
return withContentSri(cache, meta, fn)
.catch((err) => {
if (err.code === 'ENOENT') {
return Object.assign(
function pkgIntegrity (pkg) {
try {
// dist is provided by the registry
var sri = (pkg.dist && pkg.dist.integrity) ||
// _integrity is provided by pacote
pkg._integrity ||
// _shasum is legacy
(pkg._shasum && ssri.fromHex(pkg._shasum, 'sha1').toString())
if (!sri) return
var integrity = ssri.parse(sri)
if (Object.keys(integrity).length === 0) return
return integrity
} catch (ex) {
function withContentSriSync (cache, integrity, fn) {
const sri = ssri.parse(integrity)
// If `integrity` has multiple entries, pick the first digest
// with available local data.
const algo = sri.pickAlgorithm()
const digests = sri[algo]
if (digests.length <= 1) {
const cpath = contentPath(cache, digests[0])
return fn(cpath, digests[0])
} else {
let lastErr = null
for (const meta of digests) {
try {
return withContentSriSync(cache, meta, fn)
} catch (err) {
lastErr = err
function pkgIntegrity (pkg) {
try {
// dist is provided by the registry
var sri = (pkg.dist && pkg.dist.integrity) ||
// _integrity is provided by pacote
pkg._integrity ||
// _shasum is legacy
(pkg._shasum && ssri.fromHex(pkg._shasum, 'sha1').toString())
if (!sri) return
var integrity = ssri.parse(sri)
if (Object.keys(integrity).length === 0) return
return integrity
} catch (ex) {
function annotateManifest (spec, manifest, opts) {
const shasum = manifest.dist && manifest.dist.shasum
manifest._integrity = manifest.dist && manifest.dist.integrity
manifest._shasum = shasum
if (!manifest._integrity && shasum) {
// Use legacy dist.shasum field if available.
manifest._integrity = ssri.fromHex(shasum, 'sha1').toString()
manifest._resolved = (
manifest.dist && manifest.dist.tarball
if (!manifest._resolved) {
const registry = fetch.pickRegistry(spec, opts)
const uri = registry.replace(/\/?$/, '/') + spec.escapedName
const err = new Error(
`Manifest for ${manifest.name}@${manifest.version} from ${uri} is missing a tarball url (pkg.dist.tarball). Guessing a default.`
err.code = 'ENOTARBALL'
err.manifest = manifest
if (!manifest._warnings) { manifest._warnings = [] }
manifest._resolved =