Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'speedometer' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
// build a path to an unused name in the downloads folder
let filePath = opts.saveAs ? opts.saveAs : unusedFilename.sync(path.join(app.getPath('downloads'), item.getFilename()))
// track as an active download
item.id = ('' + Date.now()) + ('' + Math.random()) // pretty sure this is collision proof but replace if not -prf
item.name = path.basename(filePath)
if (item.name.split('.').length < 2 && item.getMimeType()) {
const ext = `.${mime.extension(item.getMimeType())}`
if (ext !== '.bin') {
item.name += ext
filePath += ext
item.isHandled = true
item.downloadSpeed = speedometer()
if (!opts.trusted) {
var allowed = await requestPermission('download', wc, {url: item.getURL(), filename: item.name})
if (!allowed) {
downloadsEvents.emit('new-download', toJSON(item))
// update dock-icon progress bar
var lastBytes = 0
const [promise, done] = prom()
const updateState = newState => this.setState(state => (
{ files: updateAt(state.files, i, newState) }
updateState({ pending: true })
let { path, api, archive } = this.props
const key = archive
let { name, webkitRelativePath } = file
if (this.state.uploadDir) name = webkitRelativePath
path = (path === '/' ? '' : path) + '/' + name
const speedo = speedometer()
let speed = 0
let written = 0
// Set up a passthrough stream to track stats.
const passthrough = through(function (chunk, enc, next) {
written += chunk.length
speed = speedo(chunk.length)
// The actual streaming file reader.
const reader = fileReader(file)
// The write stream to the backend.
const ws = await api.hyperdrive.createWriteStream(key, path)
async uploadFile (file, i) {
this.setState({ files: updateAt(this.state.files, i, { pending: true }) })
const { dir, core } = this.props
const { name } = file
const path = (dir === '/' ? '' : dir) + '/' + name
const speedo = speedometer()
let speed = 0
let written = 0
const update = () => {
// todo: rerender only if state acually changed.
this.setState({ files: updateAt(this.state.files, i, { written, speed }) })
let debounce = setInterval(update, 200)
const passthrough = through((chunk, enc, next) => {
written += chunk.length
speed = speedo(chunk.length)
const reader = fileReader(file)
pump(reader, passthrough)
const key = this.props.archive
async uploadFile (file, i) {
this.setState({ files: updateAt(this.state.files, i, { pending: true }) })
const { dir, core } = this.props
let { name, webkitRelativePath } = file
if (this.state.uploadDir) name = webkitRelativePath
const path = (dir === '/' ? '' : dir) + '/' + name
const speedo = speedometer()
let speed = 0
let written = 0
const update = () => {
// todo: rerender only if state acually changed.
this.setState({ files: updateAt(this.state.files, i, { written, speed }) })
let debounce = setInterval(update, 200)
const passthrough = through((chunk, enc, next) => {
written += chunk.length
speed = speedo(chunk.length)
const reader = fileReader(file)
pump(reader, passthrough)
const key = this.props.archive
setupSpeedometer() {
this.speed = speedometer();
export default function Stats (emitter, { archiveInfo, onToggleServing }) {
if (!(this instanceof Stats)) return new Stats(emitter)
this.emitter = emitter
this.archiveInfo = archiveInfo
this.uploadSpeed = speedometer()
this.downloadSpeed = speedometer()
this.onToggleServing = onToggleServing
this.onUpdatePeers = ({ key, peers }) => {
if (key === archiveInfo.key) {
this.archiveInfo.peers = peers
this.onDownload = ({ key, index, bytes }) => {
if (key === archiveInfo.key) {
this.onUpload = ({ key, index, bytes }) => {