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Top 10 Examples of "get-port in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'get-port' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

public static async start(
    debugClient: ExtendedDebugClient,
    daConfig: IScenarioConfiguration,
    chromeArgs: string[] = [],
    callbacks: IDebugAdapterCallbacks,
  ): Promise {
    const daPort = await getPort();
    // logger.log(`About to ${daConfig.scenario} debug-adapter at port: ${daPort}`); // TODO@rob

    let browser: Browser;
    if (daConfig.scenario === 'launch') {
      await launchTestAdapter(
        Object.assign({}, daConfig, { runtimeArgs: [`--remote-debugging-port=${daPort}`] }),
      browser = await connectPuppeteer(daPort);
    } else {
      browser = await launchPuppeteer(daPort, chromeArgs);

      // We want to attach after the page is fully loaded, and things happened, to simulate a real attach scenario. So we wait for a little bit
      await utils.promiseTimeout(undefined, 1000);
async function getTcpOptions () {
    return {
      hostname: 'localhost',
      port: opts.port || await getPort({ port: 5813 }), // tslint:disable-line
meta.isDev &&
      (devCommand ||
        (pkg && devScript && pkg.scripts && pkg.scripts[devScript]))
    ) {
      let devPort: number | undefined = nowDevScriptPorts.get(entrypoint);

      if (typeof devPort === 'number') {
          '`%s` server already running for %j',
          devCommand || devScript,
      } else {
        // Run the `now-dev` or `dev` script out-of-bounds, since it is assumed that
        // it will launch a dev server that never "completes"
        devPort = await getPort();
        nowDevScriptPorts.set(entrypoint, devPort);

        const opts: SpawnOptions = {
          cwd: entrypointDir,
          stdio: 'inherit',
          env: { ...spawnOpts.env, PORT: String(devPort) },

        const cmd = devCommand || `yarn run ${devScript}`;
        const child: ChildProcess = spawnCommand(cmd, opts);

        child.on('exit', () => nowDevScriptPorts.delete(entrypoint));

        // Now wait for the server to have listened on `$PORT`, after which we
        // will ProxyPass any requests to that development server that come in
public async launch(builtinWorkspace: boolean, maxWorkspace: number, installationPath: string) {
    let port = 2090;

    if (!this.options.lsp.detach) {
      port = await getPort();
    const log = this.loggerFactory.getLogger(['code', `java@${this.targetHost}:${port}`]);
    const proxy = new LanguageServerProxy(port, this.targetHost, log, this.options.lsp);
    if (this.options.lsp.detach) {
      // detach mode
      proxy.onConnected(() => {
        this.isRunning = true;
      proxy.onDisconnected(() => {
        this.isRunning = false;
        if (!proxy.isClosed) {
    } else {
throw new Error(
          `Could not find any Prisma2 query-engine binary for Studio. Looked in ${pathCandidates.join(', ')}`,

      const StudioServer = (await import('@prisma/studio-server')).default

      let photonWorkerPath: string | undefined
      try {
        const studioTransport = require.resolve('@prisma/studio-transports')
        photonWorkerPath = path.join(path.dirname(studioTransport), 'photon-worker.js')
      } catch (e) {

      this.port = await getPort({ port: getPort.makeRange(5555, 5600) })
      this.instance = new StudioServer({
        port: this.port,
        debug: false,
        binaryPath: firstExistingPath.path,
        photonGenerator: {
          version: packageJson.prisma.version,
        schemaPath: getDatamodelPath(this.projectDir),
        // reactAppDir: path.join(path.dirname(require.resolve('@prisma/studio/package.json')), 'build'),

      await this.instance.start()

      return `Studio started at http://localhost:${this.port}`
dht: {
        // TODO: check if below is needed after js-ipfs is released with DHT disabled
        enabled: false
  const userOpts = JSON.parse(opts.ipfsNodeConfig)
  const ipfsNodeConfig ={ concatArrays: true }, defaultOpts, userOpts, { start: false })

  // Detect when API or Gateway port is not available (taken by something else)
  // We find the next free port and update configuration to use it instead
  const multiaddr2port = (ma) => parseInt(new URL(multiaddr2httpUrl(ma)).port, 10)
  const gatewayPort = multiaddr2port(ipfsNodeConfig.config.Addresses.Gateway)
  const apiPort = multiaddr2port(ipfsNodeConfig.config.Addresses.API)
  log(`checking if ports are available: api: ${apiPort}, gateway: ${gatewayPort}`)
  const freeGatewayPort = await getPort({ port: getPort.makeRange(gatewayPort, gatewayPort + 100) })
  const freeApiPort = await getPort({ port: getPort.makeRange(apiPort, apiPort + 100) })
  if (gatewayPort !== freeGatewayPort || apiPort !== freeApiPort) {
    log(`updating config to available ports: api: ${freeApiPort}, gateway: ${freeGatewayPort}`)
    const addrs = ipfsNodeConfig.config.Addresses
    addrs.Gateway = addrs.Gateway.replace(gatewayPort.toString(), freeGatewayPort.toString())
    addrs.API = addrs.API.replace(apiPort.toString(), freeApiPort.toString())

  return ipfsNodeConfig
const getPlugins = async ({
}) => {
  const inputFolder = path.dirname(input);
  const port = await getPort({
    port: getPort.makeRange(3000, 3100),
  return isDevelopmentMode
    //  Dev plugins
    ? [
        // Launch in browser
        open: true,
        contentBase: output,
        verbose: true,
        watch: [
protected async launchTests(launchConfiguration: DebugConfiguration): Promise {
        const commandParams: string[] = [];
        if (launchConfiguration.vmArgs) {

        const javaDebugPort: number = await getPort();
        if (!launchConfiguration.noDebug) {
            commandParams.push('-Xdebug', `-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=${javaDebugPort}`);

        if (launchConfiguration.encoding) {

        if (launchConfiguration.classPaths) {
            this.storagePathForCurrentSession = path.join(this.storagePath || os.tmpdir(), new Date().getTime().toString());
            commandParams.push('-cp', await classpathUtils.getClassPathString(launchConfiguration.classPaths, this.storagePathForCurrentSession));

        if (launchConfiguration.mainClass) {
const devUserDataFolderPath = path.join(__dirname, '..', 'userData');
  const prodUserDataFolderPath = app.getPath('userData');

  const userDataFolderPath = releaseChannel.isDev() ? devUserDataFolderPath : prodUserDataFolderPath;

  if (!releaseChannel.isDev()) {
    process.env.CONFIG_PATH = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', '..', 'config');

  const configForGetPort = {
    port: getPortListByVersion(releaseChannel.getVersion()),
    host: '',
  console.log('Trying to start internal ProcessEngine on ports:', configForGetPort);

  const port = await getPort(configForGetPort);

  console.log(`Internal ProcessEngine starting on port ${port}.`);

  process.env.http__http_extension__server__port = `${port}`;

  const processEngineDatabaseFolderName = getProcessEngineDatabaseFolderName();

  process.env.process_engine__process_model_repository__storage = path.join(
  process.env.process_engine__flow_node_instance_repository__storage = path.join(
const specFileExists = await fs.pathExists(specStorePath)

    if (specFileExists) {
      try {
        const specFileContents = await fs.readJson(specStorePath)
        if (!Array.isArray(specFileContents)) {
          throw new Error('not array')
      } catch (e) {
        return this.error(fromOptic('It looks like there is something wrong with your API spec file. Please make sure it is a valid JSON array.'))

    await emitGitState()

    const port = await getPort({port: getPort.makeRange(3201, 3299)})
    const sessionUtilities = new SessionUtilities(sessionsPath)
    const sessionValidatorAndLoader = new FileSystemSessionValidatorAndLoader(sessionUtilities)
    const paths = await getPaths()
    await startServer(paths, sessionValidatorAndLoader, port, config)

    const url = `http://localhost:${port}/`
    this.log(fromOptic('Displaying your API Spec at ' + url))
    await open(url)
    await cli.wait(1000)
    await cli.anykey('Press any key to exit')
    return process.exit()

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