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Top 10 Examples of "solidity-parser-antlr in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'solidity-parser-antlr' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

before('Deploy Sample.sol', async () => {
        contractName = 'Sample';
        network = 'rinkeby';
        path = __dirname + '/contracts/'+ contractName +'.sol';
        const contractSource = fs.readFileSync(path, 'UTF-8');
        const parsedData = parser.parse(contractSource).children;
        const compiler = await solReleases.getCompilerVersion(parsedData, mockMap);
        contractAddress = await deployContract(contractName, network, compiler);
        await sleep(30000); // To make sure that contractCode is stored
        throw err;
    it('Verifies Sample.sol contract successfully', async () => {
function importPathsFromFile(filePath, paths = new Set()) {
  let content
  try {
      content = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString('utf-8')
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.code === 'EISDIR') {
        console.error(`Skipping directory ${filePath}`)
        return paths // empty Set
      } else throw e;
  // const content = fs.readFileSync(filePath).toString('utf-8')
  const ast = parser.parse(content, {tolerant: true})
  parser.visit(ast, {
    ImportDirective(node) {
      let importPath = resolveImportPath(filePath, node.path)
      importPathsFromFile(importPath, paths)
  return paths
// for draggable
  const definition = { "contracts": new Array(), "inheritances": new Array() }

  for (let file of files) {

    let content
    try {
      content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString('utf-8')
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.code === 'EISDIR') {
        console.error(`Skipping directory ${file}`)
      } else throw e;

    const ast = parser.parse(content)

    let contractName = null
    let cluster = null
    let dependencies = {}

    parser.visit(ast, {
      ContractDefinition(node) {
        contractName =

        if (!digraph.getNode(contractName)) {
          let opts = {
            label: contractName,
            color: 'gray'

module.exports.verify = async (data, cli = false) => {
    const { key, path, contractAddress, network, contractName, cvalues, evmVersion } = data;
    let { runs, licenseType, optimizationFlag } = data;
    if(Object.keys(map.urls).indexOf(network) > -1){
      let name;
      let abiEncodedParams;
      let parsedData;
      const contractSource = await straightener.straighten(path);
      const ast = parser.parse(contractSource);
      const nodes = ast.children;
      const compiler = await solReleases.getCompilerVersion(nodes, map);
      const availableContracts = nodes.filter(e => (e.type == 'ContractDefinition' && e.kind == 'contract'));

      if( availableContracts.length == 1){
        name = availableContracts[0].name;
        parsedData = availableContracts[0];
      }else if(availableContracts.length > 1){
          name = contractName;
          parsedData = availableContracts.filter(e => ( == contractName))[0];
          throw new Error('More Than One Contracts in File!!! Please Provide --contractName Option');

      const constructorNode = parsedData.subNodes.filter(obj => (obj.type == 'FunctionDefinition' && obj.isConstructor == true)); // eslint-disable-line max-len
solidityVersion(fileContents: string): string | undefined {
    let ast
    try {
      ast = parser.parse(fileContents, {})
      // @ts-ignore
      for (let n of ast.children) {
        if (( === 'solidity') && (n.type === 'PragmaDirective')) {
          return n.value
    } catch (error) {
      for (let err of error.errors) {
contract.source = contractSource;
    contract.instrumented = contractSource;


    // First, we run over the original contract to get the source mapping.
    let ast = SolidityParser.parse(contract.source, {range: true});
    parse[ast.type](contract, ast);
    const retValue = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(contract)); // ?????

    // Now, we reset almost everything and use the preprocessor to increase our effectiveness.
    contract.instrumented = preprocess(contract.source);

    // Walk the AST, recording injection points
    ast = SolidityParser.parse(contract.instrumented, {range: true});
    contract.contractName = ast.children.filter(node => this._isRootNode(node))[0].name;
    parse[ast.type](contract, ast);

    // We have to iterate through these points in descending order
    const sortedPoints = Object.keys(contract.injectionPoints).sort((a, b) => b - a);

    sortedPoints.forEach(injectionPoint => {

      // Line instrumentation has to happen first
      contract.injectionPoints[injectionPoint].sort((a, b) => {
        const injections = ['injectBranch', 'injectEmptyBranch', 'injectLine'];
        return injections.indexOf(b.type) - injections.indexOf(a.type);

      contract.injectionPoints[injectionPoint].forEach(injection => {
it(' trying to get compiler version for Sample.sol  (should pass)', async () => {

      const contractSource = fs.readFileSync(path, 'UTF-8');
      const parsedData = parser.parse(contractSource).children;
      const compiler = await solReleases.getCompilerVersion(parsedData, mockMap);
function analyze(file) {
  let content
  let dependencies = {}
  try {
    content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString('utf-8')
  } catch (e) {
    if (e.code === 'EISDIR') {
      console.error(`Skipping directory ${file}`)
      return false
    } else throw e

  const ast = parser.parse(content)
  let imports = new Map()

  parser.visit(ast, {
    ImportDirective(node) {
      let contractName = path.parse(node.path).name
      let absPath
      if (node.path.startsWith(".")) {
        let currentDir = path.resolve(path.parse(file).dir)
        absPath = path.resolve(path.join(currentDir, node.path))
      } else {
        let modulesInstalledPath = getModulesInstalledPath(node.path)
        let absPathObj = path.parse(modulesInstalledPath + node.path)
        absPath = absPathObj.dir + path.sep + absPathObj.base

      imports.set(contractName, absPath)
parseSourceUnit(input) {
        var ast;
        try {
            ast = parser.parse(input, {loc:true, tolerant:true});
        } catch (e) {
            if (e instanceof parser.ParserError) {
        if(typeof ast==="undefined"){
            console.error("solidity-parser-antlr - failed to parse input");

        var sourceUnit = {
const generateMarkdown = ({ contractFile, templateFile, outputFile }) => {
  const contractFileString = fs.readFileSync(contractFile).toString();
  const templateFileString = fs.readFileSync(templateFile).toString();

  const ast = parser.parse(contractFileString);

  const contract = ast.children.find(child => {
    return child.type === "ContractDefinition";

  const contractFileArray = contractFileString.split("\n");

  function isValidAdditionalLine(index) {
    return (
      contractFileArray[index] &&
      contractFileArray[index].includes("///") &&
      !contractFileArray[index].includes(" @dev ") &&
      !contractFileArray[index].includes(" @param ") &&
      !contractFileArray[index].includes(" @return ")

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