Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'selfsigned' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
const certStat = fs.statSync(certPath);
const certTtl = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const now = new Date();
// cert is more than 30 days old, kill it with fire
if((now - certStat.ctime) / certTtl > 30) {
console.log("SSL Certificate is more than 30 days old. Removing.");
del.sync([certPath], { force: true });
certExists = false;
if(!certExists) {
console.log("Generating SSL Certificate");
const attrs = [{ name: "commonName", value: "localhost" }];
const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
algorithm: "sha256",
days: 30,
keySize: 2048
fs.writeFileSync(certPath, pems.private + pems.cert, { encoding: "utf-8" });
const fakeCert = fs.readFileSync(certPath);
options.https.key = options.https.key || fakeCert;
options.https.cert = options.https.cert || fakeCert;
if(!options.https.spdy) {
options.https.spdy = {
protocols: ["h2", "http/1.1"]
// If certificate exists, ensure it's not older than 30 days, otherwise
// delete it
if (certExists) {
const certStat = statSync(certPath);
const certTtl = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const now = new Date();
if ((now - certStat.ctime) / certTtl > 30) {
del.sync([certPath, keyPath], { force: true });
certExists = false;
// If certificate doesn't exist, generate it
if (!certExists) {
const attrs = [{ name: "commonName", value: "localhost" }];
const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
algorithm: "sha256",
days: 30,
keySize: 2048,
extensions: [
{ name: "basicConstraints", cA: true },
name: "keyUsage",
keyCertSign: true,
digitalSignature: true,
nonRepudiation: true,
keyEncipherment: true,
dataEncipherment: true
name: "subjectAltName",
altNames: [
function createHTTPSConfig() {
// Generate certs for the local webpack-dev-server.
if (fs.existsSync(path.join(__dirname, "certs"))) {
const key = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "certs", "key.pem"));
const cert = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, "certs", "cert.pem"));
return { key, cert };
} else {
const pems = selfsigned.generate(
name: "commonName",
value: "localhost"
days: 365,
algorithm: "sha256",
extensions: [
name: "subjectAltName",
altNames: [
type: 2,
value: "localhost"
const certStat = fs.statSync(certPath);
const certTtl = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
const now = new Date();
// cert is more than 30 days old, kill it with fire
if ((now - certStat.ctime) / certTtl > 30) {
log('SSL Certificate is more than 30 days old. Removing.');
del.sync([certPath], { force: true });
certExists = false;
if (!certExists) {
log('Generating SSL Certificate');
const attrs = [{ name: 'commonName', value: 'localhost' }];
const pems = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
algorithm: 'sha256',
days: 30,
keySize: 2048,
extensions: [{
name: 'basicConstraints',
cA: true
}, {
name: 'keyUsage',
keyCertSign: true,
digitalSignature: true,
nonRepudiation: true,
keyEncipherment: true,
dataEncipherment: true
}, {
name: 'subjectAltName',
altNames: [
fs.readFile(devPemCertPath, function (err, obj) {
//return cached certs if we have them and
if (err === null) {
rootPems = obj;
resolve({rootCAcert: rootPems.cert});
selfsigned.generate(attrs, config, function (err, pems) {
if (err) {
rootPems = pems;
// Delete cert directory if root certs are re-created,
// since all other cert need to be recreated too
if(fs.existsSync(certPath)) {
//Cash the certs in dev mode. These are new certs so display the update instructions and exit.
jsonfile.writeFileSync(devCertPath, rootPems);
const extensions = [{
name: 'basicConstraints',
cA: true,
critical: true
}, {
name: 'subjectKeyIdentifier'
}, {
name: 'keyUsage',
digitalSignature: true,
keyCertSign: true,
critical: true
const ss = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
pkcs7: true,
days: 5000,
algorithm: 'sha256',
extensions: extensions
module.exports.jwks = {
keys: [{
alg: 'RS256',
kty: 'RSA',
use: 'sig',
kid: ss.fingerprint,
x5t: ss.fingerprint,
var ocsp = require('../../');
var fs = require('fs');
var rfc2560 = require('asn1.js-rfc2560');
var rfc5280 = require('asn1.js-rfc5280');
var keyGen = require('selfsigned.js').create();
AuthorityInfoAccessSyntax ::=
SEQUENCE SIZE (1..MAX) OF AccessDescription
AccessDescription ::= SEQUENCE {
accessLocation GeneralName }
exports.google = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/google-cert.pem');
exports.googleIssuer = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/google-issuer.pem');
exports.noExts = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/no-exts-cert.pem');
exports.certs = {};
private GenerateCertificate(aPath: string) {
console.log("Creating secure selfsigned keys...");
if (fs.existsSync("cert.pem") || fs.existsSync("private.pem")) {
console.log("Please remove cert.pem and private.pem files before generating new keys.");
const pems = selfsigned.generate(undefined, { days: 365 });
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(aPath, "cert.pem"), pems.cert);
fs.writeFileSync(path.join(aPath, "private.pem"), pems.private);
console.log("cert.pem and private.pem generated");
const host = conf.host || HOST;
const port = conf.port || PORT;
const hostname = conf.hostname || HOSTNAME;
if (!devServers[conf.index]) {
const compiler = webpack( config );
var https = false;
if (conf.https) {
console.log('Generating SSL Certificate');
const attrs = [
{ name: 'commonName', value: HOSTNAME },
{ name: 'subjectAltName', value: HOSTNAME }
const pem = selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
algorithm: 'sha256',
days: 30,
keySize: 2048
https = {
key: pem.private,
cert: pem.cert
const devServerConfig = {
publicPath: '/',
contentBase: path.join(__dirname, '../../dist'),
historyApiFallback: true,
noInfo: true,
hot: conf.hot || true,
const generateCert = commonName => {
const attrs = [
{ name: 'commonName', value: commonName },
{ name: 'countryName', value: 'US' },
{ name: 'stateOrProvinceName', value: 'Texas' },
{ name: 'localityName', value: 'Austin' },
{ name: 'organizationName', value: 'Nano Wallet Company LLC' },
{ name: 'organizationalUnitName', value: 'Desktop' },
{ name: 'emailAddress', value: 'desktop@nanowalletcompany.com' },
log.info('Generating TLS certificate:', commonName);
return selfsigned.generate(attrs, {
keySize: 2048,
algorithm: 'sha256',
extensions: [],