Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'penpal' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
* Child Frame (flexible)
const flexibleChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: childMethods
flexibleChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
parent.add(3, 1); // $ExpectType any
* Child Frame (strict)
const strictChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: childMethods
strictChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
parent.add(3, 1).then(total => {
total; // $ExpectType number
strictParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
child.multiply(2, 6).then(total => {
total; // $ExpectType number
child.divide(12, 4).then(total => {
total; // $ExpectType number
child.foo(12, 4); // $ExpectError
* Child Frame (flexible)
const flexibleChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: childMethods
flexibleChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
parent.add(3, 1); // $ExpectType any
* Child Frame (strict)
const strictChildConnection = Penpal.connectToParent({
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: childMethods
strictChildConnection.promise.then(parent => {
// URL of page to load into iframe.
url: 'http://example.com/iframe.html',
// Container to which the iframe should be appended.
appendTo: parentContainer,
// iframe to use
iframe: iframeToUse,
// Methods parent is exposing to child
methods: parentMethods
permissiveParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
child.multiply(2, 6); // $ExpectType any
child.foo(12, 4); // $ExpectType any
const strictParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
// URL of page to load into iframe.
url: 'http://example.com/iframe.html',
// Container to which the iframe should be appended.
appendTo: parentContainer,
// iframe to use
iframe: iframeToUse,
// Methods parent is exposing to child
methods: parentMethods
strictParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
child.multiply(2, 6).then(total => {
total; // $ExpectType number
child.divide(12, 4).then(total => {
total; // $ExpectType number
}, 1000);
* Parent Window
const parentContainer = document.getElementById('iframeContainer');
if (!parentContainer) throw new Error('Parent container not found');
const iframeToUse = document.createElement('iframe');
if (!iframeToUse) throw new Error('Parent iframe element has not been created');
const permissiveParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
// URL of page to load into iframe.
url: 'http://example.com/iframe.html',
// Container to which the iframe should be appended.
appendTo: parentContainer,
// iframe to use
iframe: iframeToUse,
// Methods parent is exposing to child
methods: parentMethods
permissiveParentConnection.promise.then(child => {
child.multiply(2, 6); // $ExpectType any
child.foo(12, 4); // $ExpectType any
const strictParentConnection = Penpal.connectToChild({
function connectToParentWithPenpal() {
const connection = Penpal.connectToParent({
parentOrigin: allowedOrigin,
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: {
getValue() {
return getValueOfCodemirror();
setValue(newValue) {
setValueOnInit(newValue) {
connection.promise.then(parent => {
window.growi = parent;
function connectToParentWithPenpal() {
const connection = Penpal.connectToParent({
parentOrigin: allowedOrigin,
// Methods child is exposing to parent
methods: {
getValue() {
return getValueOfCodemirror();
setValue(newValue) {
setValueOnInit(newValue) {
connection.promise.then((parent) => {
window.growi = parent;
initHackmdWithPenpal() {
const _this = this; // for in methods scope
const iframe = document.createElement('iframe');
iframe.src = `${this.props.hackmdUri}/${this.props.pageIdOnHackmd}?both`;
const connection = connectToChild({
methods: { // expose methods to HackMD
notifyBodyChanges(document) {
saveWithShortcut(document) {
connection.promise.then((child) => {
this.hackmd = child;
if (this.props.initializationMarkdown != null) {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = styles;
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'por_portis-container';
const widgetFrame = document.createElement('div');
widgetFrame.id = `portis-container-${Date.now()}`;
widgetFrame.className = 'por_portis-widget-frame';
const connection = Penpal.connectToChild({
url: this._widgetUrl,
appendTo: document.getElementById(widgetFrame.id)!,
methods: {
setHeight: this._setHeight.bind(this),
getWindowSize: this._getWindowSize.bind(this),
onLogin: this._onLogin.bind(this),
onLogout: this._onLogout.bind(this),
onActiveWalletChanged: this._onActiveWalletChanged.bind(this),
onError: this._onError.bind(this),
connection.iframe.style.position = 'absolute';
connection.iframe.style.height = '100%';
connection.iframe.style.width = '100%';
connection.iframe.style.border = '0 transparent';
const onload = async () => {
const style = document.createElement('style');
style.innerHTML = styles;
const container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'por_portis-container';
const widgetFrame = document.createElement('div');
widgetFrame.id = `portis-container-${Date.now()}`;
widgetFrame.className = 'por_portis-widget-frame';
const connection = Penpal.connectToChild({
url: this._widgetUrl,
appendTo: document.getElementById(widgetFrame.id)!,
methods: {
setHeight: this._setHeight.bind(this),
getWindowSize: this._getWindowSize.bind(this),
onLogin: this._onLogin.bind(this),
connection.iframe.style.position = 'absolute';
connection.iframe.style.height = '100%';
connection.iframe.style.width = '100%';
connection.iframe.style.border = '0 transparent';
const communication = await connection.promise;
resolve({ communication, iframe: connection.iframe, widgetFrame });