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Top 10 Examples of "sass in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'sass' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

function scss(inFile, outFile) {
  const options = {
    file: inFile,
    includePaths: ["./website"],
  let result = renderSync(options).css.toString("utf8");
  // Due to how parcel works, we have to include relative URLs in the sass
  // file website/main.scss
  // Example:
  //  background-image: url(./img/deleteButtonOutline.svg);
  // When bundle.scss is built in ./build/website/ it then can't resolve these
  // relative path names. Like if it's in /docs.
  // So just hack it here... All this should be replaced with parcel soon.
  result = result.replace(/.\/img\//g, "/static/img/");
  result = result.replace(/\(img\//g, "(/static/img/");
  result = result.replace(/\("img\//g, `("/static/img/`);
  console.log("scss", inFile, outFile);
  fs.writeFileSync(outFile, result);
  runWorkerLoop(args => sass.cli_pkg_main_0_(args));
  // Note: intentionally don't process.exit() here, because runWorkerLoop
runWorkerLoop(args => sass.cli_pkg_main_0_(args));
  // Note: intentionally don't process.exit() here, because runWorkerLoop
  // is waiting for async callbacks from node.
} else {
  debug('Running a single build...');
  if (args.length === 0) throw new Error('Not enough arguments');
  if (args.length !== 1) {
    throw new Error('Expected one argument: path to flagfile');

  // Bazel worker protocol expects the only arg to be @.
  // When we are running a single build, we remove the @ prefix and read the list 
  // of actual arguments line by line.
  const configFile = args[0].replace(/^@+/, '');
  const configContent = fs.readFileSync(configFile, 'utf8').trim();

process.exitCode = 0;
const fs = require("fs-extra");
const sass = require("sass");

// This builds a customized version of materialize that doesn't override the parent
// site's styling.  To use, comment out
// @import "components/toast" 
// @import "components/navbar";
// in the source file (src/libs/...) and run this script.
var result = sass.renderSync({
  file: `src/libs/materialize-css/sass/materialize.scss`,
  outputStyle: 'compressed'

fs.writeFile(`src/assets/css/materialize.min.css`, result.css);
          syncImport: true,
          filename: fileName,
          ...(rendererOptions.less || {}),
        } as Less.Options,
        (error, output) => {
          if (error || output === undefined) throw error;
          transformedCss = output.css.toString();
    } else if (fileType === FileTypes.scss || fileType === FileTypes.sass) {
      const filePath = getFilePath(fileName);
      const { includePaths, ...sassOptions } = rendererOptions.sass || {};

      transformedCss = sass
          // NOTE: Solves an issue where tilde imports fail.
          // Will strip `~` from imports, unless followed by a slash.
          data: css.replace(/(@import ['"])~(?!\/)/gm, '$1'),
          indentedSyntax: fileType === FileTypes.sass,
          includePaths: [filePath, 'node_modules', ...(includePaths || [])],
    } else {
      transformedCss = css;

    const processedCss = processor.process(transformedCss, {
      from: fileName,
const fs = require('fs');
const util = require('util');
const sass = require('sass');
const autoprefixer = require('autoprefixer');
const cssnano = require('cssnano');
const postcss = require('postcss');

const writeFile = util.promisify(fs.writeFile);

// build css
const filePath = './src/ImageViewer.scss';
const css = sass.renderSync({ file: filePath }).css.toString();

async function compileCss () {
  const unminifiedCssPromise = postcss([autoprefixer]).process(css, { from: undefined });
  const minifiedCssPromise = postcss([cssnano, autoprefixer]).process(css, { from: undefined });
  const [unminifiedCss, minifiedCss] = await Promise.all([unminifiedCssPromise, minifiedCssPromise]);
  const distUnminified = writeFile('./dist/iv-viewer.css', unminifiedCss);
  const distMinified = writeFile('./dist/iv-viewer.min.css', minifiedCss);

  return Promise.all([distUnminified, distMinified]);

let { status, text, formatted } = await new Promise(resolve => {  // eslint-disable-line
      sass.compile(load.source, options, resolve);
    if (status !== 0) {
// do we have include paths -- if so start probing them
          if (request.options && request.options.includePaths &&
            Array.isArray(request.options.includePaths)) {
            return this.tryReadFile(request.current + '.scss', request.options.includePaths, (err, data) => {
              if (err) return done({ error: err })
              done({ content: data })
        // return error
          error: "Unable to resolve requested SASS import; try setting the 'includePaths'" +
            'compiler option if your import is not in the root directory.'
      sass.compile(source, options, (result) => {
        if (result.status !== 0) {
          var error = new Error('SASS compilation failed, see error message for details: ' + result.formatted)
          cb(error, null)
        } else {
          cb(null, result.text)
    default: {
      cb(new Error('Unknown language: ' + lang), null)
if (err) {
      } else {

function fromFileURL(url) {
  const address = decodeURIComponent(url.replace(/^file:(\/+)?/i, ''));
  return path.sep === '/' ? `/${address}` : address.replace(/\//g, '\\');

// intercept file loading requests (@import directive) from libsass
sass.importer(async (request, done) => {
  // Currently only supporting scss imports due to
  let content;
  let resolved;
  let readImportPath;
  let readPartialPath;
  try {
    resolved = await resolvePath(request);
    const partialUrl = resolved.replace(/\/([^/]*)$/, '/_$1');
    readImportPath = fromFileURL(resolved);
    readPartialPath = fromFileURL(partialUrl);
    content = await loadFile(readPartialPath);
  } catch (e) {
    try {
      content = await loadFile(readImportPath);
    } catch (er) {
DataPacksBuilder.prototype.compile = function (lang, source, options, cb) {
  // This function contains the core code to execute compilation of source data
  // add addtional languages here to support more compilation types
  switch (lang) {
    case 'scss':
      // intercept file loading requests from libsass
      sass.importer((request, done) => {
        // (object) request
        // (string) request.current path libsass wants to load (content of »@import "

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