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Top 9 Examples of "sade in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'sade' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

import * as fs from 'fs';
import * as path from 'path';
import sade from 'sade';
import colors from 'kleur';
import * as pkg from '../package.json';
import { elapsed, repeat, left_pad, format_milliseconds } from './utils';
import { InvalidEvent, ErrorEvent, FatalEvent, BuildEvent, ReadyEvent } from './interfaces';

const prog = sade('sapper').version(pkg.version);

if (process.argv[2] === 'start') {
	// remove this in a future version
	console.error(colors.bold().red(`'sapper start' has been removed`));
	console.error(`Use 'node [build_dir]' instead`);

const start =;

	.describe('Start a development server')
	.option('-p, --port', 'Specify a port')
	.option('-o, --open', 'Open a browser window')
	.option('--dev-port', 'Specify a port for development server')
	.option('--hot', 'Use hot module replacement (requires webpack)', true)
import * as Messages from './messages';
import { createRollupConfig } from './createRollupConfig';
import { createJestConfig } from './createJestConfig';
import { createEslintConfig } from './createEslintConfig';
import { resolveApp, safePackageName, clearConsole } from './utils';
import { concatAllArray } from 'jpjs';
import getInstallCmd from './getInstallCmd';
import getInstallArgs from './getInstallArgs';
import { Input, Select } from 'enquirer';
import { PackageJson, TsdxOptions } from './types';
import { createProgressEstimator } from './createProgressEstimator';
import { templates } from './templates';
import { composePackageJson } from './templates/utils';
const pkg = require('../package.json');

const prog = sade('tsdx');

let appPackageJson: PackageJson;

try {
  appPackageJson = fs.readJSONSync(resolveApp('package.json'));
} catch (e) {}

// check for custom tsdx.config.js
let tsdxConfig = {
  rollup(config: RollupOptions, _options: TsdxOptions): RollupOptions {
    return config;

if (fs.existsSync(paths.appConfig)) {
  tsdxConfig = require(paths.appConfig);
#!/usr/bin/env node

import sade from "sade";
import notifier from "update-notifier";
import create from "./commands/create";
import list from "./commands/list";
import run from "./commands/run";
import { projectName } from "./utils/generator";

// tslint:disable-next-line: no-var-requires
const pkg = require("../package.json");
notifier({ pkg }).notify();

const prog = sade("cwa").version(pkg.version);

  .describe("List All The templates Available")
  .command("run [projectname]")
  .describe("[WIP] Gives the command to run the Project")
  .option("--src", "Please Mention the source if the default is changed","")
  .describe("create a project passing the template and your project name")

#!/usr/bin/env node

import sade from 'sade';

import { version, bin } from '../package.json';
import subscribeCommand from './subscribeCommand';

const binName = Object.keys(bin)[0];
const program = sade(binName);

  .option('--json', 'output logs in JSON format', false)
    '--verbose, -x',
    'level of log can be either SILLY, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, or FATAL',

  .command('subscribe', '', {
    default: true,
    'start to subscribe to an heq server and persist data to a datastore'
#!/usr/bin/env node

import sade from 'sade';
import chalk from 'chalk';
import './lib/patch';
import karmatic from '.';
import { cleanStack } from './lib/util';

const { version } = require('../package.json');

let toArray = val => Array.isArray(val) ? val : val == null ? [] : [val];

let prog = sade('karmatic');

	.option('--files', 'Minimatch pattern for test files')
	.option('--headless', 'Run using Chrome Headless', true)
	.option('--coverage', 'Report code coverage of tests', true);

	.command('run [...files]', '', { default: true })
	.describe('Run tests once and exit')

	.command('watch [...files]')
	.describe('Run tests on any change')
	.action( (str, opts) => run(str, opts, true) );
export default handler => {
	const ENABLE_MODERN = process.env.MICROBUNDLE_MODERN !== 'false';

	const DEFAULT_FORMATS = ENABLE_MODERN ? 'modern,es,cjs,umd' : 'es,cjs,umd';

	const cmd = type => (str, opts) => { = || type === 'watch';
		opts.compress =
			opts.compress != null ? opts.compress : !== 'node';
		opts.entries = toArray(str || opts.entry).concat(opts._);

	let prog = sade('microbundle');

		.option('--entry, -i', 'Entry module(s)')
		.option('--output, -o', 'Directory to place build files into')
		.option('--format, -f', 'Only build specified formats', DEFAULT_FORMATS)
		.option('--watch, -w', 'Rebuilds on any change', false)
		.option('--target', 'Specify your target environment (node or web)', 'web')
		.option('--external', `Specify external dependencies, or 'none'`)
		.option('--globals', `Specify globals dependencies, or 'none'`)
		.example('microbundle --globals react=React,jquery=$')
		.option('--define', 'Replace constants with hard-coded values')
		.example('microbundle --define API_KEY=1234')
		.option('--alias', `Map imports to different modules`)
		.example('microbundle --alias react=preact')
		.option('--compress', 'Compress output using Terser', null)
import sade from 'sade';
import * as pkg from '../package.json';

const prog = sade('svelte-cli').version(pkg.version);

	.command('compile <input>')

	.option('-o, --output', 'Output (if absent, prints to stdout)')
	.option('-f, --format', 'Type of output (amd, cjs, es, iife, umd)')
	.option('-g, --globals', 'Comma-separate list of `module ID:Global` pairs')
	.option('-n, --name', 'Name for IIFE/UMD export (inferred from filename by default)')
	.option('-m, --sourcemap', 'Generate sourcemap (`-m inline` for inline map)')
	.option('-d, --dev', 'Add dev mode warnings and errors')
	.option('--amdId', 'ID for AMD module (default is anonymous)')
	.option('--generate', 'Change generate format between `dom` and `ssr`')
	.option('--no-css', `Don't include CSS (useful with SSR)`)
	.option('--immutable', 'Support immutable data structures')

	.example('compile App.html &gt; App.js')
#!/usr/bin/env node

import sade from 'sade'
import { build } from './build'
import { watch } from './watch'

sade('create-figma-plugin-build', true)
  .option('-d, --dev', 'Build in development mode', false)
  .option('-w, --watch', 'Rebuild the plugin on changes', false)
  .action(async function ({ dev: isDevelopment, watch: isWatch }) {
    if (isWatch === true) {
    await build(isDevelopment, true)
const { version } = require("../package.json");
import sade from "sade";
import { bootstrap } from "./service/store";
import build from "./command/build";
import dev from "./command/dev";

const cli = sade("typepack");

  .option("--debug, -d", "Run CLI in debug mode")

  .describe("Start production build")
  .option("--env, -e", "Build mode", "production")

  .describe("Start development server")
  .option("--open, -o", "Should the app be opened in the browser or not", false)
  .option("--port, -p", "A port number to start the application", 3000)
  .option("--env, -e", "Build mode", "development")

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