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Top 10 Examples of "leven in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'leven' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

compare(expectedDom, sourceDom) {
        // Currently, this is just a surrounding-whitespace-
        // insensitive comparison of the text content.
        const expectedText = collapseNewlines(trimLines(textContent(expectedDom)));
        const gotText = collapseNewlines(trimLines(this.contentFnodes(sourceDom).map(fnode => fnode.element.textContent).join('\n')));
        this.lengthOfExpectedTexts += expectedText.length;
        this.lengthOfDiffs += leven(expectedText, gotText);

        // Uncomment for debugging:
        // console.log('Got:\n' + gotText);
        // console.log('\nExpected:\n' + expectedText);

    const symbolLower = symbolName.toLocaleLowerCase();
    const typedLower = typedValue.toLocaleLowerCase();

    if (symbolLower.startsWith(typedLower)) {
        return 0.75;

    // How far apart are the two strings? Find the smallest edit
    // distance for each of the substrings taken from the start of
    // symbolName.
    let symbolSubstrLength = symbolLower.length;
    let smallestEditDistance = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    while (symbolSubstrLength > 0) {
        const editDistance = leven(symbolLower.substr(0, symbolSubstrLength), typedLower);
        if (editDistance < smallestEditDistance) {
            smallestEditDistance = editDistance;

    // We'll take into account the length of the typed value. If the user
    // has typed more characters, and they largely match the symbol name,
    // it is considered more similar. If the the edit distance is similar
    // to the number of characters the user has typed, then there's almost
    // no similarity.
    if (smallestEditDistance >= typedValue.length) {
        return 0;

    const similarity = (typedValue.length - smallestEditDistance) / typedValue.length;
if (binding && binding.kind === "type" && !this.parentPath.isFlow()) {
      throw this.errorWithNode(messages.get("undeclaredVariableType",, ReferenceError);

    if (scope.hasBinding( return;

    // get the closest declaration to offer as a suggestion
    // the variable name may have just been mistyped

    var bindings = scope.getAllBindings();

    var closest;
    var shortest = -1;

    for (var name in bindings) {
      var distance = levenshtein(, name);
      if (distance <= 0 || distance > 3) continue;
      if (distance <= shortest) continue;

      closest = name;
      shortest = distance;

    var msg;
    if (closest) {
      msg = messages.get("undeclaredVariableSuggestion",, closest);
    } else {
      msg = messages.get("undeclaredVariable",;

const suggestion = allowedOptions.find(option => {
    const steps: number = leven(option, unrecognized);
    return steps < 3;
getWeight(programNameWithExtension, userInput) {
        let results = []
        let stringToSearchWords = this.splitStringToArray(programNameWithExtension)
        let valueWords = this.splitStringToArray(userInput)

        for (let word of stringToSearchWords)
            for (let value of valueWords) {
                if (value.length === 0 || word.length === 0)

                word = word.toLowerCase()
                value = value.toLowerCase()
                let levenshteinDistance = leven(word, value)
                let result = word.startsWith(value)
                    ? (levenshteinDistance / 4)
                    : levenshteinDistance


        return this.getAvg(results)
scoreProcessor = (matchItem: T) =>
          matchItemProcessor(matchItem, optionsWithDefaults),
.map(value => ({
        weight: leven(value, currentValue.toString()),
      .sort((x, y) =>
    const moves = sortBy([], move => leven(input, move))
      .slice(0, 5)
(acc, current) => {
          const distance = leven(current, key)
          return distance < 3 && distance < acc.distance ? {closest: current, distance} : acc
        {closest: null, distance: +Infinity}

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