Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'remark' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
export function compile(source: string, options: Options = {}) {
// Find all code blocks in markdown
let node = Remark.parse(source);
let testCaseList = [];
mdastVisitNode(node, 'code', (node, index, parent) => {
let prev = parent.children[index - 1];
let title = null;
if (prev && prev.type === 'paragraph') {
title = mdastToString(prev);
if (title && title[title.length - 1] === ':') {
title = title.slice(0, title.length - 1);
if (SUPPORTED_LANG[node.lang]) {
title: title,
lang: node.lang,
value: node.value
function description(text, opts = {}) {
opts = { ...defaultOpts, ...opts }
if (opts.pruneLength === 0) {
"You defined 'description.pruneLength' of phenomic loader " +
"with an zero value. This does not make sense, " +
`so the default value ${ defaultOpts.pruneLength } has been used.`
opts.pruneLength = defaultOpts.pruneLength
return prune(
.replace(/\n+/g, " ") // Avoid useless new lines
title: () => {
// attempt to generate a title by finding the first h1 in markdown content
// if none title should be fileName
const ast = remark.parse(data.content);
// make title file name by default
let title = file.metadata.fileName;
// visit heading
visit(ast, 'heading', node => {
// is node on first line and a h1 or h2?
if (title === file.metadata.fileName && (node.depth === 1 || node.depth === 2)) {
// accept headers up to 3rd line of markdown file
if (node.position.start.line < 3) {
title = node.children[0].value;
return title;
ignore: () => false, // should this markdown siphon node be ignored
name: 'resourceType',
name: 'standAlonePath',
value: node.link,
if (isMarkdownRemark(node)) {
const parentNode = getNode(node.parent);
let title = node.frontmatter.title;
const ast = remark.parse(node.internal.content);
//if our title is blank, visit will search through the content for a usable and reasonable title
visit(ast, 'heading', node => {
// is title blank and is node on first line and a h1 or h2?
if (title === '' && (node.depth === 1 || node.depth === 2)) {
// accept headers up to 3rd line of markdown file
if (node.position.start.line < 3) {
title = node.children[0].value;
let labels = {};
// assert the shape of labels in frontmatter
if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(node.frontmatter, 'labels')) {
if (isPlainObject(node.frontmatter.labels)) {
labels = node.frontmatter.labels;
// @flow
import fs from 'fs'
import remark from 'remark'
import html from 'remark-html'
import hljs from 'remark-highlight.js'
import slug from 'remark-slug'
import headding from 'remark-autolink-headings'
const app = remark()
app.use([slug, headding, html])
export default (file: string): string => {
let markdown: string = fs.readFileSync(file).toString('utf8')
const { contents } = app.processSync(markdown)
return contents
render() {
return remark()
.use(remarkReactRenderer, {
sanitize: sanitization,
remarkReactComponents: {
a: ({href, children}) => {
if (href.match(/^https?:\/\//i) || href.startsWith('mailto:')) {
// External Link
return <a href="{href}">{children}</a>;
return {children};
code: ({className, children}) => {
let language;
if (className && className.startsWith('language-')) {
language = className.slice('language-'.length);
return <code>{children[0]}</code>;
const sendToAgolia = (opts) => {
const when = opts.when
if (typeof when === "function" && !when()) {
const mdProcess = remark.use(strip)
// Flatten head
let data = cache.map((item) => {
return {
head: undefined,
if (opts.collectionOptions) {
data = enhanceCollection(data, opts.collectionOptions)
data = data.map((item) => {
item.objectID = item.__filename
item.body = mdProcess.process(item.rawBody)
test('main', function (t) {
var comments = [
path: [],
context: {},
description: remark.parse('test'),
members: {
static: [],
instance: []
returns: [{
type: {
type: 'NameExpression',
name: 'Foo'
theme(comments, {}, function (err) {
test('main', function (t) {
t.deepEqual(formatMarkdown(remark.parse('Converts from `Result` to `?Error`')),
'<p>Converts from <code>Result<T></code> to <code>?Error</code></p>\n');
'use strict';
const engine = require('unified-engine');
const options = require('unified-args/lib/options');
const extensions = require('markdown-extensions');
const processor = require('remark');
const proc = require('remark/package.json');
const cli = require('../package.json');
const { plugins } = require('remark-preset-lint-node');
const args = {
processor: processor,
name: proc.name,
description: cli.description,
version: [
proc.name + ': ' + proc.version,
cli.name + ': ' + cli.version,
].join(', '),
ignoreName: '.' + proc.name + 'ignore',
extensions: extensions
const config = options(process.argv.slice(2), args);
config.detectConfig = false;
config.plugins = plugins;
engine(config, (err, code) => {
if (err) console.error(err);