Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'escope' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
referencer.prototype.visitProperty = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitProperty.call(this, node);
function visitDecorators(node) {
if (!node.decorators) {
node.decorators.forEach(d => this.visit(d));
// register class properties by visiting them as regular properties
referencer.prototype.ClassProperty = function(node) {
module.exports = require("escope");
const referencer = require("escope/lib/referencer").default;
const { visitClass, visitProperty } = referencer.prototype;
// visit decorators on classes/properties to resolve their identifiers
referencer.prototype.visitClass = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitClass.call(this, node);
referencer.prototype.visitProperty = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitProperty.call(this, node);
function visitDecorators(node) {
if (!node.decorators) {
node.decorators.forEach(d => this.visit(d));
// register class properties by visiting them as regular properties
referencer.prototype.ClassProperty = function(node) {
const referencer = require("escope/lib/referencer").default;
const { visitClass, visitProperty } = referencer.prototype;
// visit decorators on classes/properties to resolve their identifiers
referencer.prototype.visitClass = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitClass.call(this, node);
referencer.prototype.visitProperty = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitProperty.call(this, node);
function visitDecorators(node) {
if (!node.decorators) {
node.decorators.forEach(d => this.visit(d));
function globalIndentifiers (code) {
let ast = ensureParsed(code);
let scopeManager = analyze(ast, {ecmaVersion: 6});
let globalScope = scopeManager.acquire(ast);
// This is very interesting.
// If you do `let globals = {};`, globals actually has some properties inherited
// like __defineSetter__, which makes globals['__defineSetter__'] not empty!
// Check last test in spec/parser.uses-common-js.spec.js
let globals = Object.create(null);
globalScope.through.forEach(function (ref) {
let name = ref.identifier.name;
// user defined the variable in global scope
let variable = globalScope.set.get(name);
// amdefine will be ignored in browser,
// don't remove 'define' from the list.
if (variable && !(name === 'define' && extract(amdefinePattern, variable.defs[0].node))) {
throw ex;
// save config so rules can access as necessary
currentConfig = config;
controller = new estraverse.Controller();
ecmaFeatures = currentConfig.ecmaFeatures;
ecmaVersion = (ecmaFeatures.blockBindings || ecmaFeatures.classes ||
ecmaFeatures.modules || ecmaFeatures.defaultParams ||
ecmaFeatures.destructuring) ? 6 : 5;
// gather data that may be needed by the rules
scopeManager = escope.analyze(ast, {
ignoreEval: true,
nodejsScope: ecmaFeatures.globalReturn,
ecmaVersion: ecmaVersion,
sourceType: ecmaFeatures.modules ? "module" : "script"
currentScopes = scopeManager.scopes;
* Index the scopes by the start range of their block for efficient
* lookup in getScope.
scopeMap = [];
currentScopes.forEach(function(scope, index) {
var range = scope.block.range[0];
// Sometimes two scopes are returned for a given node. This is
function parse(source) {
var ast;
try {
ast = esprima.parse(source);
} catch (err) {
throw new UserError('Source file is not valid.', err);
var scopeManager = escope.analyze(ast);
// global scope
var currentScope = scopeManager.acquire(ast);
var calls = [];
estraverse.traverse(ast, {
enter: function (node) {
// find all call expressions, because all angular unit types are
// defined as function calls: .controller(), .service(), etc
if (node.type === 'CallExpression') {
var calleeProp = _.get(node, 'callee.property', {});
if (_.contains(config.units.process, calleeProp.name)) {
// save matching node with an appropriate scope
module.exports = input => {
// create syntax tree and scope analysis
let ast = esprima.parse(input);
var scopes = escope.analyze(ast).scopes;
// Determine global identifiers.
let globalNames = scopes.filter(scope => scope.implicit && scope.implicit.left).reduce((result, scope) => {
let found = scope.implicit.left.map(global => global.identifier.name);
return result.concat(found);
}, []);
globalNames.forEach(global => {
if (global.length === 1 && target.indexOf(global) > -1) {
// This is too dangerous
throw new Error(`Cannot replace global variable "${global}"`);
// get local variables (AST nodes)
let locals = scopes.reduce((result, scope) => {
scope.variables.filter(v => v.name !== 'arguments').forEach(variable => {
ex.message = "Error while loading rule '" + key + "': " + ex.message;
throw ex;
} else {
throw new Error("Definition for rule '" + key + "' was not found.");
// save config so rules can access as necessary
currentConfig = config;
currentText = text;
controller = new estraverse.Controller();
// gather data that may be needed by the rules
currentScopes = escope.analyze(ast, { ignoreEval: true }).scopes;
* Index the scopes by the start range of their block for efficient
* lookup in getScope.
scopeMap = [];
currentScopes.forEach(function (scope, index) {
var range = scope.block.range[0];
// Sometimes two scopes are returned for a given node. This is
// handled later in a known way, so just don't overwrite here.
if (!scopeMap[range]) {
scopeMap[range] = index;
const referencer = require("escope/lib/referencer").default;
const { visitClass, visitProperty } = referencer.prototype;
// visit decorators on classes/properties to resolve their identifiers
referencer.prototype.visitClass = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitClass.call(this, node);
referencer.prototype.visitProperty = function(node) {
visitDecorators.call(this, node);
visitProperty.call(this, node);
function visitDecorators(node) {
if (!node.decorators) {
// Don't do this for Program nodes - they have no parents
if (parents.length) {
// if current node is function declaration, add it to the list
var current = controller.current();
if (current.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || current.type === "FunctionExpression") {
// Ascend the current node's parents
for (var i = parents.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
// The first node that requires a scope is the node that will be
// our current node's innermost scope.
if (escope.Scope.isScopeRequired(parents[i])) {
innerBlock = parents[i];
// Find and return the innermost scope
selectedScopeIndex = scopeMap[innerBlock.range[0]];
// Named function expressions create two nested scope objects. The
// outer scope contains only the function expression name. We return
// the inner scope.
if (innerBlock.type === "FunctionExpression" && innerBlock.id && innerBlock.id.name) {
return currentScopes[selectedScopeIndex];