Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'keytar' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
async init() {
const password = await keytar.getPassword('edu.stanford.Almond', 'database-key');
if (password) {
this._sqliteKey = password;
const sqlcipherCompat = this._prefs.get('sqlcipher-compatibility') || 3;
if (sqlcipherCompat !== 4) {
// if the database was created with an older version of sqlcipher, we need
// to tell sqlcipher what parameters to use to hash the key and encrypt/decrypt
// we do so with a temporary database to issue a pragma
const tmpdb = new sqlite3.Database(':memory:');
tmpdb.run('PRAGMA cipher_default_compatibility = ' + sqlcipherCompat);
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
tmpdb.close((err) => {
if (err)
_migrateKeychain() {
console.log("---> Migrating keychain from Nylas Mail Basic")
try {
const raw = keytar.getPassword("Nylas Mail", "Nylas Mail Keys") || "{}";
const passwords = JSON.parse(raw);
const token = passwords["Nylas Account"]
if (token) {
keytar.replacePassword("Nylas", "Nylas Account", token)
} catch (err) {
// dont' throw
loadAuthTokens: function(successCallback) {
keytar.findCredentials("Tomatoad_Slack").then(creds => {
_authTokens = {}
let remaining = creds.length
if(creds.length === 0) {
creds.forEach(cred => {
// Note that I'm re-looking up the password using getPassword rather than just
// using the cred.password field because of this bug ...
// https://github.com/atom/node-keytar/issues/96
// Once released, I can remove the getPassword call and just use cred.password.
keytar.getPassword("Tomatoad_Slack", cred.account).then(pw => {
_authTokens[cred.account] = pw;
_writeKeyHash(keys) {
// returns true if successful
return keytar.replacePassword(this.SERVICE_NAME, this.KEY_NAME, JSON.stringify(keys));
const notification = {
title: 'Keys Done Generating',
body: 'Copy your public key by clicking the icon to the right of your name.',
this.setState({ submitted: true })
await this.props.addKey({ id: 999, name, privateKeyArmored: 'generating' })
const key = await generateKey({ name, email }, passphrase)
key.avatar = 9
key.id = 999
new Notification(notification.title, notification) // eslint-disable-line no-new
keytar.addPassword('felony', `${ name } <${ email }>`, passphrase)
await this.props.addKey(key)
// Previously the master key was binary encoded, which caused compatibility
// issues with various keyrings. In 0.8.3, switch to hex encoding for storage.
const oldAccountName = 'login master key'
const accountName = 'login master key v2'
let oldMasterKey = keytar.getPassword(appName, oldAccountName)
let masterKey = keytar.getPassword(appName, accountName)
let success = false
if (masterKey === null) {
if (typeof oldMasterKey === 'string') {
// The user made a v1 (binary) key. Try converting it to hex if it
// appears to be 32 bytes.
let oldBuffer = new Buffer(oldMasterKey, 'binary')
if (oldBuffer.length === 32) {
success = keytar.addPassword(appName, accountName, oldBuffer.toString('hex'))
// Either the user denied access or no master key has ever been created.
// We can't tell the difference so try making a new master key.
success = success || keytar.addPassword(appName, accountName, CryptoUtil.getRandomBytes(32).toString('hex'))
if (success) {
// A key should have been created
masterKey = keytar.getPassword(appName, accountName)
if (typeof masterKey === 'string') {
// Convert from hex to binary
return (new Buffer(masterKey, 'hex')).toString('binary')
let success = false
if (masterKey === null) {
if (typeof oldMasterKey === 'string') {
// The user made a v1 (binary) key. Try converting it to hex if it
// appears to be 32 bytes.
let oldBuffer = new Buffer(oldMasterKey, 'binary')
if (oldBuffer.length === 32) {
success = keytar.addPassword(appName, accountName, oldBuffer.toString('hex'))
// Either the user denied access or no master key has ever been created.
// We can't tell the difference so try making a new master key.
success = success || keytar.addPassword(appName, accountName, CryptoUtil.getRandomBytes(32).toString('hex'))
if (success) {
// A key should have been created
masterKey = keytar.getPassword(appName, accountName)
if (typeof masterKey === 'string') {
// Convert from hex to binary
return (new Buffer(masterKey, 'hex')).toString('binary')
} else {
throttleKeytar = true
setTimeout(() => {
throttleKeytar = false
}, 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)
return null
'use strict';
const speakeasy = require('speakeasy');
const notifier = require('node-notifier');
const keytar = require('keytar');
const ncp = require('copy-paste');
if (!process.argv[2]) {
console.error('Usage: quick-2fa --save KEY-NAME YOUR-KEY');
console.error('Usage: quick-2fa KEY-NAME');
if (process.argv[2] === '--save') {
const [, , , account, password] = process.argv;
const done = keytar.replacePassword('quick-2fa', account, password);
if (done) {
console.log('Key stored!', 'Now you can retrieve your two-factor authentication token by running:');
console.log(`$ quick-2fa ${account}`);
} else {
console.error('Failed to store your key!');
const key = process.argv[2] === '--key' ? process.argv[3] : keytar.getPassword('quick-2fa', process.argv[2]);
if (!key) {
console.error('Sorry, could not find your key...');
getToken(answers.registry, answers.username, answers.email, answers.password || password, function (err, token) {
if (err) {
if (keytar && !password && answers.password) keytar.addPassword('npm-get-token', answers.username, answers.password)
conf.set('username', answers.username, 'user')
conf.set('email', answers.email, 'user')
storage.set('is_authenticated', {}, error => {
keytar.deletePassword('cern-phone-app', 'access_token');
keytar.deletePassword('cern-phone-app', 'refresh_token');
keytar.deletePassword('cern-phone-app', 'tone_token');
if (error) {
console.log(`Error is_authenticated: ${error}`);
if (!authWindow) {
if (mainWindow) {