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Top 10 Examples of "ramda in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'ramda' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

// Ramda doesn't strictly break if you pass it an object, but it always
  // returns undefined.
  // $ExpectError
  const findObj = find(o => o == "bar", { foo: "bar" });

  const findxs2: ?{ [k: string]: number | string } = _.findLast(
    _.propEq("a", 2),
  const findxs3: ?{ [k: string]: number | string } = _.findLast(
    _.propEq("a", 4)
  const findxs4: number = _.findIndex(_.propEq("a", 2), os);
  const findxs5: number = _.findIndex(_.propEq("a", 4))(os);
  const findxs6: number = _.findLastIndex(_.propEq("a", 2), os);
  const findxs7: number = _.findLastIndex(_.propEq("a", 4))(os);

  const s: Array = filter(x => x > 1, [1, 2]);
  const s1: Array = _.filter(x => x === "2", ["2", "3"]);
  const s3: { [key: string]: string } = _.filter(x => x === "2", {
    a: "2",
    b: "3"
  const s4 = _.find(x => x === "2", ["1", "2"]);
  const s5: ?{ [key: string]: string } = _.find(x => x === "2", { a: 1, b: 2 });
  const s6: number = _.findIndex(x => x === "2", ["1", "2"]);
  const s7: number = _.findIndex(x => x === "2", { a: "1", b: "2" });
  const forEachxs = _.forEach(x => console.log(x), ns);

  const forEachObj = _.forEachObjIndexed((value, key) => {}, { x: 1, y: 2 });
deleteProperty: function (target, property) {
        expect(R.keys(target).length).toBe(3) // deletion hasn't performed
        // console.log('Deleted %s', property)
        delete target[property]
        return true
      set: function (target, property, value, receiver) {
it('does not allow a mismatched element type to the $ReadOnlyArray', () => {
        const xs: $ReadOnlyArray = ['bar']
        // It is not understood why this fails to be flagged as an error when
        // the 0.26.x libdef passes with the same declaration. The curried form
        // works reliably though.
        // $ShouldExpectErrorButInsteadWorksPleaseFix
        const result: boolean = contains(1, xs)
// Ramda works with $ReadOnlyArray as it is immutable.
  const readOnlyArray: $ReadOnlyArray = [1, 2, 3, 4];
  // $ReadOnlyArray with curried permutations:
  const redxsReadOnly3: number = reduce(subtract, 0, readOnlyArray);
  const redxsReadOnly2_1: number = reduce(subtract, 0)(readOnlyArray);
  const redxsReadOnly1_2: number = reduce(subtract)(0, readOnlyArray);
  const redxsReadOnly1_1_1: number = reduce(subtract)(0)(readOnlyArray);

  // $ExpectError reduce will not work with an object.
  reduce(subtract, 0, { foo: 1, bar: 2 });

  // reduceRight
  const redrxs1: number = _.reduceRight(_.add, 10, ns);
  const redrxs2: string = _.reduceRight(_.concat, "", ss);
  const redrxs3: Array = _.reduceRight(_.concat, [])( => [x], ss)
  const redrxs3a: string = _.reduceRight(
    (acc: string, value: number): string => acc,
  const redrxs3b: string = _.reduceRight(
    (value: number, acc: string): string => acc,

  // $ExpectError reduceRight does not support reduced.
  const redrxs4: number = _.reduceRight(
    // $ExpectError reduceRight does not support reduced.
const someObj: { a: string, b: number } = { a: 'a', b: 2 }
  const someMap: { [string]: { a: string, b: number } } = { so: someObj }
  const mapObj: { [string]: string } = { a: string, b: number }): string => x.a)(someMap)

  const functor = {
    x: 1,
    map(f) {
      return f(this.x)

  // Doesn't typecheck (yet) but at least doesn't break
  const mapFxs =, functor)

  const double = x => x * 2
  const dxs: Array =, [ 1, 2, 3 ])
  const dos: $Shape =, obj)

  const appender = (a, b) => [ a + b, a + b ]
  const mapacc:[number, Array] = _.mapAccum(appender, 0, ns)
  const mapacc1:[number, Array] = _.mapAccumRight(appender, 0, ns)

  const nxs: boolean = _.none(x => x > 1, ns)

  const nthxs: ?string = _.nth(2, [ 'curry' ])
  const nthxs1: ?string = _.nth(2)([ 'curry' ])
  const nthxs2: string = _.nth(2, [ 1, 2, 3 ])

  const xxs: Array = _.append(1, [ 1, 2, 3 ])
  const xxxs: Array = _.intersperse(1, [ 1, 2, 3 ])
export default function getLatestVersionNumber(bitIds: BitIds, bitId: BitId): BitId {
  if (!bitId.getVersion().latest) return bitId;

  // If the bitId provided doesn't contain version we want to ignore scope during search always
  // otherwise we will have problems finding the version from the bitmap after we export the component
  // because we tag with a name without scope but the bitmap contain it with the scope name since it was exported
  // without this, we will always just return the first component in the bitmap which is really bad
  const ignoreScope = !bitId.hasScope();

  const similarIds = ignoreScope ? bitIds.filterWithoutScopeAndVersion(bitId) : bitIds.filterWithoutVersion(bitId);
  const allVersionsForId = similarIds.filter(id => id.hasVersion() && !id.isVersionSnap()).map(id => id.version);

  // A case when the provided bitId doesn't exists in the array
  if (R.isEmpty(allVersionsForId)) {
    if (similarIds.length === 1) return similarIds[0];
    if (similarIds.length > 1)
      throw new Error(`found multiple snaps for ${bitId.toString()}, unable to figure which one is the latest`);
    return bitId;

  const maxVersion = semver.maxSatisfying(allVersionsForId, '*');
  if (!maxVersion) {
    throw new Error(
      `semver was not able to find the highest version among the following: ${allVersionsForId.join(', ')}`
  const bitIdWithMaxVersion = bitId.changeVersion(maxVersion);
  const result = ignoreScope ? bitIds.searchWithoutScope(bitIdWithMaxVersion) :;
  if (!result) {
    throw new Error(`getLatestVersionNumber failed to find the id ${bitIdWithMaxVersion.toString()} within bitIds`);
const pl1: Array = _.pluck(0)([[1, 2], [3, 4]]);

  const rxs: Array = _.range(1, 10);

  const remxs: Array = _.remove(0, 2, ss);
  const remxs1: Array = _.remove(0, 2)(ss);
  const remxs2: Array = _.remove(0)(2)(ss);
  const remxs3: Array = _.remove(0)(2, ss);

  const ys4: Array = _.repeat("1", 10);
  const ys5: Array = _.repeat(1, 10);

  // reduce
  const redxs: number = reduce(_.add, 10, ns);
  const redxs1: string = reduce(_.concat, "", ss);
  const redxs2: Array = reduce(_.concat, [])( => [x], ss));
  // Example used in docs:
  const redxs4: number = reduce(subtract, 0, [1, 2, 3, 4]);
  // Using accumulator type that differs from the element type (A and B).
  const redxs5: number = reduce((acc, s) => acc + parseInt(s), 0, [

  const redux6a: number = reduce((acc, s) => _.reduced(acc), 0, ns)
  const redux6b: number = reduce((acc: number, s: number) => _.reduced(acc), 0, ns)
  const redxs7: number = reduce(
    (acc, s) => acc < 4 ? acc + parseInt(s) : _.reduced(acc),
    ["1", "2", "3"]
function printTokens(lines) { => {

    // FIXME: This will break when we move to lazy style parsing
    let lineNo = lines.indexOf(line) + 1

    console.log(" {
    }, line)

  }, lines)
fs.readFile(fileName, "utf-8", (err, data) => {
      // die quietly for we have failed
      if (err) {
      if (data && is(String, data)) {
        try {
          let lines
          let lineCounter = 0
          const lineBreak = /\n/g
          const contents = split(lineBreak, data)

          // create a new structure of lines
          const sourceLines = map(line => {
            lineCounter = lineCounter + 1
            // i am sorry my tab-based brethern.
            const source = replace(/\t/, "  ", line)
            return {
              isSelected: lineCounter === lineNumber,
              lineNumber: lineCounter,
          }, contents)

          // should just load it all?
          const showWholeFile = contents.length < SOURCE_LINES_UP + SOURCE_LINES_DOWN

          if (showWholeFile) {
            lines = sourceLines
          } else {
[either(isNil, isEmpty), always([])],
      // sort by position in tx, then remove it
          data: compose(
      map(reduce(appendRowToTx, { data: [] })),

module.exports = dataEntriesToTxs;

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