Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'globule' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.
function createLinks(args) {
const glob = (args.recursive ? '**/' : '') + args.input;
const configFiles = globule.find(glob);
var generated = [];
if (configFiles.length == 0) {
console.log("No config files found!");
if (args.verbose)
console.log("Using config files: " + configFiles.join("\n"));
configFiles.forEach(function(configFile) {
// Get config file's directory
const configDir = configFile.substring(0, configFile.lastIndexOf("/"));
_loadServices() {
const oxServicesDirPath = path.resolve(this.oxBaseDir, './ox_services');
const serviceFiles = globule.find('service-*.js', { srcBase: oxServicesDirPath });
// initialize all services
log.debug('Loading services...');
for (var i = 0; i < serviceFiles.length; i++) {
const serviceFileName = serviceFiles[i];
const serviceFilePath = path.join(oxServicesDirPath, serviceFileName);
const result = serviceFileName.match(SERVICE_NAME_MATCH_REGEX);
const serviceName = result[1];
try {
const service = this._loadService(serviceName, serviceFilePath);
this.services[serviceName] = service;
} catch (e) {
log.error('Error initializing service "' + serviceName + '": ' + e.message + EOL + (e.stacktrace ? e.stacktrace : ''));
gulp.task('templates', ['clean-rev'], function (cb) {
verbose(chalk.grey('Running task "templates"'));
// If assebly is off, export all folders and files
if (!config.assemble_templates) {
gulp.src(['templates/**/*', '!templates/*.*', '!_*'])
// Find number of "root" templates to parse and keep count
var numTemplates = globule.find(['templates/*.*', '!_*']).length,
count = 0,
unvalidatedFiles = [];
// Go over all root template files
gulp.src(['templates/*.*', '!_*'])
.pipe(plugins.tap(function (htmlFile) {
// Extract bits from filename
baseName = path.basename(htmlFile.path),
nameParts = baseName.split('.'),
ext = _.without(nameParts, _.first(nameParts)).join('.'),
viewBaseName = _.last(nameParts[0].split('view-')),
// Make sure Windows paths work down below
cwdParts = cwd.replace(/\\/g, '/').split('/'),
.filter(function(file) {
// All files are cool if CSS is enabled
if(options.css) {
return true;
// Otherwise filter out CSS modules
return globule.isMatch(options.extensions.js, file);
.map(function(file) {
editorHandlers.add(editor.getBuffer().onWillSave(() => {
const scope = editor.getGrammar().scopeName;
if (
atom.workspace.getActiveTextEditor().id === editor.id
&& (grammarScopes.indexOf(scope) !== -1 && scope !== 'text.html.basic')
|| this.testFixOnSave
) {
// Exclude `excludeFiles` for fix on save
const config = getConfig(filePath);
const exclude = globule.isMatch(
config && config.excludeFiles,
if ((fixOnSave && !exclude) || this.testFixOnSave) {
// Remove all disposables associated with this editor
helper.forEachSeries(current, function(file, next) {
var filepath = path.join(dir, file);
if (!fs.existsSync(filepath)) return next();
var stat = fs.lstatSync(filepath);
if ((dirstat.mtime - stat.mtime) <= 0) {
var relpath = path.relative(self.options.cwd, filepath);
if (stat.isDirectory()) {
// If it was a dir, watch the dir and emit that it was added
platform(filepath, self._trigger.bind(self));
if (globule.isMatch(self._patterns, relpath, self.options)) {
self._emitAll('added', filepath);
} else if (globule.isMatch(self._patterns, relpath, self.options)) {
// Otherwise if the file matches, emit added
platform(filepath, self._trigger.bind(self));
if (globule.isMatch(self._patterns, relpath, self.options)) {
self._emitAll('added', filepath);
throw new Error(`Unable to find package.json`);
try {
config = loader.__require(path.resolve(pathToConfig));
} catch (err) {
throw new Error(`Unable to load config file: ${pathToConfig}`);
let names = scope.reduce(function (result, prop) {
return result.concat(Object.keys(config[prop] || {}));
}, []);
options.plugins.names = _.uniq(globule.match(pattern, names));
debug(`Plugins to load: ${options.plugins.names.join(', ')}`);
// what paths will we search?
let sourcePaths = loader[$SOURCE_PATHS] = {
app: appFolder
_.each(options.plugins.names, function(name) {
let fullPath;
try {
fullPath = path.dirname(require.resolve(name));
} catch (err) {
module.exports = function(patterns, dest, options) {
// Options defaults
var opts = _.defaults({cwd: 'docs', ext: '.md'}, options);
// Globule defaults
var globOpts = {
flatten: true,
matchBase: true,
prefixBase: false,
srcBase: opts.cwd,
destBase: dest,
ext: opts.ext
return glob.findMapping(patterns, globOpts);
import * as globule from 'globule';
let filepaths: string[];
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js');
filepaths = globule.find(['**/*.js']);
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less');
filepaths = globule.find('*.js', { matchBase: true });
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less', { filter: 'isFile' });
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less', { filter: /jQuery/i.test });
filepaths = globule.find({ src: '**/*.js' });
filepaths = globule.match('*.js', '/home/code');
filepaths = globule.match('*.js', '/home/code', { matchBase: true });
let bResult: boolean;
bResult = globule.isMatch('*.js', '/home/code');
bResult = globule.isMatch('*.js', '/home/code', { matchBase: true });
let mappings = globule.mapping(['*.js']);
const len = mappings.length;
import * as globule from 'globule';
let filepaths: string[];
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js');
filepaths = globule.find(['**/*.js']);
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less');
filepaths = globule.find('*.js', { matchBase: true });
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less', { filter: 'isFile' });
filepaths = globule.find('**/*.js', '**/*.less', { filter: /jQuery/i.test });
filepaths = globule.find({ src: '**/*.js' });
filepaths = globule.match('*.js', '/home/code');
filepaths = globule.match('*.js', '/home/code', { matchBase: true });
let bResult: boolean;
bResult = globule.isMatch('*.js', '/home/code');
bResult = globule.isMatch('*.js', '/home/code', { matchBase: true });
let mappings = globule.mapping(['*.js']);
const len = mappings.length;
const src = mappings[0].src;
const dest = mappings[0].dest;
mappings = globule.mapping(['*.js'], { srcBase: '/home/code' });
mappings = globule.mapping(['*.js', '*.less']);
mappings = globule.mapping(['*.js'], ['*.less']);