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Top 10 Examples of "got in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'got' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

pit('should reject if `got` has rejected', () => {

      return searchClient.findCompatiblePackages('fakeBackend', []).then(
        (ret) => {
          throw new Error('Promise should not be resolved');
        (err) => {
          // done
async updateReleasesList() {

    var shouldUpdate = false;
    var ElectronReleaseData;
    var remoteEtag;
    var localEtag;

    if (!shouldUpdate) {
      var releaseFile = fs.readdirSync(this.releasesFilePath).filter(fn => fn.startsWith('releases.'));
      if (releaseFile.length > 0) { // file exists, we should check the etag
        try {
          ElectronReleaseData = await got.head('');
        } catch (e) {
          console.log(chalk.yellow(`Something went wrong while fetching Electron's releases. No connectivity?`));
          return false;
        var rawRemoteEtag = ElectronReleaseData.headers.etag;
        remoteEtag = rawRemoteEtag.match(this.githubEtagRegex);
        if (remoteEtag == null) {
          console.log(chalk.yellow(`Something went wrong while fetching Electron's releases. Etag returned from Github was not recognized.`));
          return false;
        } else remoteEtag = remoteEtag[0];
        localEtag = releaseFile[0].split('.')[1];

        //check if it corresponds to our local version
        if (localEtag === remoteEtag)
          shouldUpdate = false;
        else {
public openTranscript(protocol: Protocol): void {
    const { url } = protocol.parsedArgs;
    const options = { url };

    return got(options)
      .then(res => {
        if (/^2\d\d$/.test(res.statusCode)) {
          if (res.body) {
            try {
              // parse the activities from the downloaded transcript
              const transcriptString = res.body;
              const conversationActivities = JSON.parse(transcriptString);
              if (!Array.isArray(conversationActivities)) {
                throw new Error('Invalid transcript file contents; should be an array of conversation activities.');
              const { name, ext } = Path.parse(url);
              const fileName = `${name}${ext}`;
              // open a transcript on the client side and pass in some
              // extra info to differentiate it from a transcript on disk
              this.commandService.remoteCall(SharedConstants.Commands.Emulator.OpenTranscript, 'deepLinkedTranscript', {
                activities: conversationActivities,
function token(event, context) {

  const EARTHDATA_BASE_URL = process.env.EARTHDATA_BASE_URL || '';

  const code = get(event, 'queryStringParameters.code');
  const state = get(event, 'queryStringParameters.state');

  // Code contains the value from the Earthdata Login redirect. We use it to get a token.
  if (code) {
    const params = `?grant_type=authorization_code&code=${code}&redirect_uri=${redirectUriParam()}`;

    // Verify token
    return + params, {
      json: true,
    }).then((r) => {
      const tokenInfo = r.body;
      const accessToken = tokenInfo.access_token;

      // if no access token is given, then the code is wrong
      if (typeof accessToken === 'undefined') {
        return resp(context, new Error('Failed to get Earthdata token'));

      const refresh = tokenInfo.refresh_token;
      const userName = tokenInfo.endpoint.split('/').pop();
      const expires = (+new Date()) + (tokenInfo.expires_in * 1000);

      const u = new User();
'use strict'

const { expect } = require('chai')
const got = require('got').extend({ retry: 0 })
const isSvg = require('is-svg')

let server
before(function() {
  // remove args comming from mocha
  process.argv = []
  server = require('./server')

after('shut down the server', async function() {
  await server.stop()

it('should render a badge', async function() {
try {
    let response = await'http://localhost:3000/beams', { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars
      body: wavFmt.toJSON(),
      json: true,
      headers : { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }
    }).catch(err => {
      if (err.statusCode === 409) {
        console.log('Got conflict: assuming OK.');
      } else {
        throw err;

    let pkt = await;
    for ( ; pkt != null ; pkt = await {
      await got.put(`http://localhost:3000/beams/${locPathPart}/stream_0/packet_${pkt.pts}`, {
        body: pkt.toJSON(),
        json: true
      await got.put(
        `http://localhost:3000/beams/${locPathPart}/stream_0/packet_${pkt.pts}/data`, {
          headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/octet-stream' }
  } catch (err) {

const create = () => got.create({
	options: got.mergeOptions(got.defaults.options, {
		json: true,
		token: process.env.GITHUB_TOKEN,
		baseUrl: process.env.GITHUB_ENDPOINT || '',
		headers: {
			accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
			'user-agent': ''

	methods: got.defaults.methods,

	handler: (options, next) => {
		if (options.token) {
			options.headers.authorization = options.headers.authorization || `token ${options.token}`;

		if ( {
			return next(options);

		// TODO: Use async/await here when Got supports the `handler` being an async function
		return next(options)
			.then(response => { // eslint-disable-line promise/prefer-await-to-then
				response.rateLimit = getRateLimit(response);
				return response;
instrument(metrics.gitserverDurationHistogram, metrics.gitserverErrorsCounter, async () => {
            // Perform request - this may fail with a 404 or 500
            const resp = await got(new URL(`http://${gitserverUrl}/exec`).href, {
                body: JSON.stringify({ repo: repository, args }),

            // Read trailers on a 200-level response
            const status = resp.trailers['x-exec-exit-status']
            const stderr = resp.trailers['x-exec-stderr']

            // Determine if underlying git command failed and throw an error
            // in that case. Status will be undefined in some of our tests and
            // will be the process exit code (given as a string) otherwise.
            if (status !== undefined && status !== '0') {
                throw new Error(`Failed to run git command ${['git', ...args].join(' ')}: ${stderr}`)

            return resp.body
if (playlistName === undefined){
	    	playlistName =;
	    // holds playlist tracks
		let tracks = => responseTrack.track.uri)
		var createPlaylistOptions = {
		  json: true, 
		  headers: {
		    'Content-type': 'application/json',
		    'Authorization' : `Bearer ${config.get('bearer')}`,
		    'Accept' : 'application/json'
		  body: JSON.stringify({ description: `spotiforked from ${playlistUser}/${forkedFrom}`, name: `${playlistName}`, public : true})
		// create playlist`${config.get('username')}/playlists`, createPlaylistOptions)
		  .then(response => {
		  	// get playlist ID
		    const newPlaylistID =;

				// function to add tracks to playlist
				function populatePlaylist (id, uris, name) {
					var url = `${config.get('username')}/playlists/${id}/tracks?uris=${uris}`
					var options = {
					  json: true, 
					  headers: {
					    'Content-type': 'application/json',
					    'Authorization' : `Bearer ${config.get('bearer')}`,
					};, options)
					  .then(response => {
paths('.tmp', 'pdf', filename).then(filepath => {
		if (filepath.endsWith('.pdf')) {

		if (filepath.endsWith('.zip')) {
				.pipe(unzip.Extract({path: path.dirname(filepath)})); // eslint-disable-line new-cap

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