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Top 10 Examples of "phantom in functional component" in JavaScript

Dive into secure and efficient coding practices with our curated list of the top 10 examples showcasing 'phantom' in functional components in JavaScript. Our advanced machine learning engine meticulously scans each line of code, cross-referencing millions of open source libraries to ensure your implementation is not just functional, but also robust and secure. Elevate your React applications to new heights by mastering the art of handling side effects, API calls, and asynchronous operations with confidence and precision.

async function run(port) {
	// Return value: first error on the client
	let clientError = null;

	// Page will alert when done or failure
	let resolveDonePromise;
	let donePromise = new Promise((resolve) => {
		resolveDonePromise = resolve;

	const instance = await phantom.create();
	const page = await instance.createPage();
	await page.on("onResourceRequested", (requestData) => {"requesting:", requestData.url);
	await page.on("onConsoleMessage", (message) => {
		console.log("browser:", message);
	await page.on("onError", (message, trace) => {
		if (!clientError) {
			let traceString = "";
			for (let i=0; i
// get size and quality
['size', 'quality'].forEach(function (key) {
	program[key] = parseInt(program[key], 10);
	if (!program[key]) {
		console.error('The palette ' + key + ' must be a positive integer.');

var toHexColor = function (rgbArray) {
	var parsedColor = onecolor('rgb(' + (rgbArray || []).join(',') + ')');
	return parsedColor && parsedColor.isColor ? parsedColor.hex() : '';

phantom.create('--web-security=false', '--ignore-ssl-errors=true', '--ssl-protocol=TLSv1', {
	path: path.dirname(phantomjs.path) + path.sep,
	onStdout: function () {},
	onStderr: function () {},
	onExit: function () {}
}, function (ph) {
	ph.createPage(function (page) {
		page.set('viewportSize', {width: 1024, height: 1024}, function () {, function (success) {
				output.success = success === 'success';
				page.renderBase64('png', function (imageBase64) {
					var html;
					// setup image data uri
					imageBase64 = 'data:image/png;base64,' + imageBase64;
					// cheap hack
					html = [
(async function main() {
  const instance = await phantom.create();
  const page = await instance.createPage();
  await page.on('onResourceRequested', (requestData) => {'Requesting', requestData.url); // eslint-disable-line

  const content = await'content');
  console.log(content); // eslint-disable-line

  await instance.exit();
const debug = log.debugger('worker:' +;

let _ready = false;
let _ph;

/* Phantom Process Creation
 * spins up a child phantom process and stores a reference
function phantomExitHandler(err) {
  if (err) log.error(err);
  debug('Phantom process exit.');

phantom.create().then(ph => {
  _ph = ph;
  _ready = true;

  _ph.process.on('exit', phantomExitHandler);
  _ph.process.on('SIGINT', phantomExitHandler);
  _ph.process.on('uncaughtException', err => {

/* Worker Process Exit Handlers
 * cleanup the associated phantom process if the worker dies
function workerExitHandler(err) {
phantom: function( markup, fOut ) {
      require('phantom').create( function( ph ) {
        ph.createPage( function( page ) {
          page.setContent( markup );
          page.set('paperSize', {
            format: 'A4',
            orientation: 'portrait',
            margin: '1cm'
          page.set("viewportSize", {
            width: 1024, // TODO: option-ify
            height: 768 // TODO: Use "A" sizes
          page.set('onLoadFinished', function(success) {
            page.render( fOut );
return new this.promise(function (resolve, reject) {
    phantom.create(function (ph) { = ph;
      ph.createPage(function (page) { = page;
        // map phantom callback to signals
        page.set('onAlert', function (msg) {
          self.emit('onAlert', msg);
        page.set('onConsoleMessage', function (msg, lineNum, sourceId) {
          self.emit('onConsoleMessage', msg, lineNum, sourceId);
        page.set('onError', function (msg, trace) {
          self.emit('onError', msg, trace);
        page.set('onLoadFinished', function (status) {
          self.emit('onLoadFinished', status);
async function onCommand(ct){
	const urlMatch = ct.args.match(/\bhttps?:\/\/\S+/);
	if (!urlMatch) throw new Error("This command needs an URL as argument");
	const url = urlMatch[0];
	console.log('!!webshot url:', url);
	let width = WIDTH;
	let height = HEIGHT;
	const sizeMatch = ct.args.match(/\b(\d+)\s*(?:x|\*)\s*(\d+)\b/);
	if (sizeMatch) {
		width = sizeMatch[1];
		height = sizeMatch[2];
		if (width<10) throw new Error("invalid width");
		if (height<10) throw new Error("invalid height");
		if (height*width>3000*2000) throw new Error("requested size too big");
	const instance = await phantom.create();
	try {
		const page = await instance.createPage();
		await'viewportSize', {width, height});
		const status = await;
		console.log('status:', status);
		if (status=="fail") {
			throw new Error("URL fetching failed");
		let image = {
			bytes: await page.renderBase64("png"),
			ext: 'png'
		let data = await storeImage(image);
		if (!data.url) { // should not happen, I think (because handled in "upload" lib)
			if (data.error) {
exports._renderImages = function(input, output, images, callback) {
    /* Create a PhantomJS browser instance called `page`. */
    require('phantom').create(function(phantom) {
        phantom.createPage(function(page) {
             * Open a new page to the input HTML document. A new page should
             * be opened for each splash screen, otherwise temporal data
             * (e.g. CSS animations) may be carried between each splash screen.
                 * For each image:
                 *     - resize the page viewport to the splash screen size
                 *     - open the page to the HTML template
                 *     - render the page to an image file
                 *     - iterate to the `next()` image
                function(image, next) {
PhantomEngine.prototype.init = function(appUrl, initCallback, errorCallback, beforeInitCallback) {
  var _this = this;

  this.initializationCallback = initCallback;
  this.hasInitializationCallback = true;
  this.contentReadyTimer = null;

  this.engineSettings.onExit = function(code, signal) {
    if (code !== 0) {
      errorCallback("Erroneous exit code: " + code, signal);

  this.phantom = phantom.create("--load-images=false", "--ignore-ssl-errors=true", "--ssl-protocol=any", this.engineSettings, function(ph) { = ph; { = phantomPage;'onConsoleMessage', function(msg) {
        _this.logger.log('debug', '>>>', msg);
      });'onCallback', _.bind(_this.onPageReady, _this));'onError', function(msg) {
        errorCallback("Phantom encountered an error: " + msg);

      // FIXME: Uncomment after resolving issue in phantomjs-node (
      //'onResourceRequested', function(requestData, networkRequest) {
// Include the libraries.
var phantomjs = require('phantomjs')
var phantom =   require('phantom');
var async = require('async');
var _ = require('underscore');
var go = require('asyncgo');

// The current page.
var page = null;
var pageQueue = [];
var instance = null;
var loading = true;

// Create the phantom connection.
phantom.create("--web-security=false", "--ignore-ssl-errors=true", "--ssl-protocol=any", function(ph) {

  // Save the instance.
  instance = ph;

  // Create the page.
  return ph.createPage(function(pg) {

    // Set the page.
    page = pg;

    // Num resources outstanding.
    var resources = 0;

    // Whether page has loaded.
    var ready = false;

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